

Instructor:  Mrs. Sumter



Course Description:

This course will focus on the study of living things and their interaction with their environment.  Through the microscopic and macroscopic study of the natural world you will leave this class with a better understanding of the relationship between that which is living and what is necessary for its survival. 


Grading Policy:

Grades will be given based upon work completed by each student and will reflect the student’s participation in class and effort devoted to assignments and tests.  The students will earn their grade by earning points in each of the below mentioned categories.  The determination of grades will be based upon the scale below:

ü       90-100  A

ü       80-89    B

ü       70-79    C

ü       60-69    D

ü         0-59    F


Points You Can Earn:

ü       Homework assignments                              

ü       Laboratory Assignments/Write-ups      

ü       Laboratory Book                                         

ü       Benchmark Quiz's                            

ü       Unit Exams                            

ü       Participation including timeliness and respect for others              

No homework will be accepted late.  Any missed tests must be made up the Wednesday following during the lunch period.  Any arrangements to make up tests otherwise must be done in advance to the Wednesday make up period. 


Working Policy:

ü       Participation in class discussions is a vital part of the learning process.  For this reason each student will be expected to participate in class discussions as well as lend their valuable opinions on current scientific topics

ü       Another important aspect of science is that of laboratory experimentation.  Each and every student will be responsible for the entire scope of each lab experiment regardless of his or her role in the experiment itself. 

ü       Because of the nature of experimentation, special care should be given to safety in the class and respect of equipment that the students will use in the class.  Anything you break you buy.  Mind you the microscopes are not inexpensive, so please be careful with them. 


Brain Teasers & Tardy Policy:

      At the start of each period it is important that students are prepared to begin working.  Please come into the class prepared to accomplish this task.  You are expected to be in your seats working once the tardy bell rings. 

Tardy Policy:  (posted on front wall)

First- warning.

Second- Lunchtime class cleanup in C03.

Third- Class clean up & Loss of participation points.

Fourth- Class clean up, Loss of points & Call home.

Fifth- Class clean up, Loss of points & Referral to college office.

Personal Standards:


ü       No food or drink.  (Water is acceptable, except on lab day)

ü       Come to class prepared to work and learn.

ü       Be respectful of others.


Progression through material based upon California State Standards.

Week        Topic                   Assessment

1-7         Cell Biology

-Structure/Function Cells     Benchmark 1

-Cellular Processes           Benchmark 2

Unit Exam 1

8-13        Genetics

-Meiosis                      Benchmark 3

-Mendelian Genetics           Benchmark 4

Unit Exam 2

-DNA/RNA                      Benchmark 5

Unit Exam 3

-Genetic Engineering          Benchmark 6

Unit Exam 4

14-18       Ecology

-Biomes/Systems               Benchmark 7

-Cycles/Energy Flow           Benchmark 8

Unit Exam 5

20-25       Evolution

-Environmental Evolution      Benchmark 9

-Genetic Evolution            Benchmark 10

Unit Exam 6

25-32       Physiology

-Nervous/Endocrine            Benchmark 11

Unit Exam 7

-Physiology of Major Systems  Benchmark 12

Unit Exam 8

-Pathogens & Vectors          Benchmark 13

-Immune response              Benchmark 14

Unit Exam 9

33-34       Taxonomy

-Classification               Benchmark 15

-Invertebrates                Benchmark 16

-Vertebrates                  Benchmark 17


35-36       Plants                        Benchmark 18


Date  _______________                         Date  _______________


Student Signature ________________________    Parent Signature___________________________