List of publication

Publication in journals/bulletin

Chapters in book



Technical Reports

Papers accepted/communicated


Publication bulletin/journals:

1.        Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. 2000. Lichenology in India (1996-2000). British Lichen Society Bulletin. No. 87: 66-67.

2.        Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S. and Divakar, P.K. 2001. Rimelia reticulata in bird nesting. British Lichen Society Bulletin 89: 29-30.

3.        Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. and Divakar, P.K. 2001. Distribution and diversity of lichen in Meghamalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Kambam district, Tamil Nadu, India. Biological Memoirs 27(1): 51-58.

4.        Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S. and Yadava, V. 2002. An enumeration and new records of lichens from Sirmaur District, Himachal Pradesh, India. Phytotaxonomy 2: 49-63.

5.        Nayaka, S., Yadav, V., Srivastava, R. and Upreti, D.K. 2002. An enumeration and new records of lichen from Solan district, Himachal Pradesh, India. Biological memoirs 28(1): 25-33.

6.        Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. 2002. Lichen flora of Sharavati river basin, Shimoga district, Karnataka, India, with six new records. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 26(3): 627-648.

7.        Upreti, D.K., Divakar, P.K. and Nayaka, S. 2003. Notes on species of the lichen genus Phyllopsora in India. Bibliotheca Lichenologica 86: 185-191.

8.        Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S. and Yadava, V. 2003. Notes on some leprose and sterile crustose lichens of Inda. Phytotaxonomy 3: 75-78.

9.        Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K., Gadgil, M. and Pandey, V. 2003. Distribution pattern and heavy metal accumulation in lichens of Bangalore City with special reference to Lalbagh Garden. Current Science 84(5): 64-680.

10.     Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. 2003. Review of Lichenology in India during 2001-03. British Lichen Society Bulletin 93: 37-39.

11.     Srivastava, R., Yadav, V., Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. 2003. An enumeration of lichens from Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh. Geophytology 33 (1-2): 29-34.

12.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. 2004. Scope for cryptogamic studies in Sacred Groves – A case study of lichens from Maharashtra. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 28(1): 209-212.

13.     Phatak, S., Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K., Singh, S.M. and Samuel, C. 2004. Preliminary observation on lichen flora of Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary, Goa, India. Phytotaxonomy 4: 104-106.

14.     Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K., Phatak, S. and Samuel, C. 2004. Lichens of Bondla and Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuaries, Goa. Biological Memoirs 30(2): 115-119.

15.     Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S. and Bajpai, A. 2005. Do lichens still grow in Kolkata City? Current Science 88(3): 338-339.

16.     Nayaka, S., Singh, P.K. and Upreti, D.K. 2005. Fungicidal elements accumulated in Cryptothecia punctulata (Ascomyecetes lichens) of an arecanut orchard in South India. J. Environ. Biol. 26(2): 299-300.

17.     Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S. and Satya. 2005. Enumeration of lichens from Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh, India. Journal of Applied Biosciences 31(1): 55-63.

18.     Upreti, D.K., Divakar, P.K. and Nayaka, S. 2005. Notes on some Indian Pannaraceous lichens. Nova Hedwigia 81(1-2): 97-114.

19.     Satya, Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. 2005. Shorea robusta – an excellent host tree for lichen growth in India. Current Science 89(4): 594-595.

20.     Upreti, D.K., Divakar, P.K. and Nayaka, S. 2005. Commercial and ethnic use of lichens in India. Economic Botany 59(3): 269-273.

21.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. 2005. Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica, a lichenologically interesting region. Current Science 89(7): 1069-1071.

22.     Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K., Pandey, V. and Pant, V. 2005. Manganese (Mn) in lichens growing on magnasite rocks in India. British Lichen Society Bulletin 97: 66-68.

23.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. 2005. Status of Lichen Diversity in Western Ghats, India. Sahyadri E-News, Western Ghats Biodiverstity Information System - Issue XVI:

24.     Nayaka, S. 2005. Studying Lichens. Sahyadri E-News, Western Ghats Biodiverstity Information System - Issue XVI:


Chapter in book:

25.     Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. 2000. An enumeration of lichens from Himachal Pradesh (H.P), India. In D.K. Chauhan (ed), Prof. D.D. Nautiyal Commemoration volume, Recent trends in Botanical Research. Dept. of Botany, Allahabad University, Allahabad, India.



26.     Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. 2004. A field Guide to the common Lichens of Corbett Tiger Reserve. pp. 1-41. Bishen Singh Mabedra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.


Paper presented/abstracts published in symposium/seminar:

27.     Nayaka, S. and Yadav, V. A preliminary survey of lichens from Sirmaur district, Himachal Pradesh, India. In Challenges in Plant Taxonomy in 21st Century for Utilisation and Conservation of Plant Diversity, Association of Plant Taxonomist, BSI, Dehradun, February 20. 2001.

28.     Upreti, D.K., Yadav, V and Nayaka, S. A note on lichens from environs of Lucknow district, U.P. India. In Proc. 89th Indian Science Congress. Lucknow 9: 100. 2002.

29.     Upreti, D.K, Nayaka, S. and Divakar, P. Distribution of epiphytic lichens from Jim Corbet National Park. In Proc. 89th Indian Science Congress. Lucknow 9: 92. 2002.

30.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. Diversity and distribution of lichen in semi-evergreen and deciduous forests of Sharavathi river basin, Shimoga district, Karnataka, India. In Proc. 89th Indian Science Congress. Lucknow. 9: 90. 2002.

31.     Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K. and Saxena, S. Muscicolous lichen of Indian subcontinent. In World conference of Bryology. p 79. Jan 23-30, 2002. Lucknow, India.

32.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. The status of lichen genus Lecanora Ach. in India. In 26th Conference of Indian Botanical Society, Jamia Hamdard University. 29-31st Dec. 2003. New Delhi. India.

33.     Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. Lichen: A potential medicinal plant of India. In The state level workshop on Cultivation and Marketing of Medicinal Herbs-Problems and their solutions. Aushdhi Van Vikas Samiti of U.P. Forest Corporation, 24th Nov, 2003. Lucknow.

34.     Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. Lichenological activities in Queen Maud Land Area, East Antarctica. In Research Programmes of Indian Antarctic Expeditions: Retrospect & prospects. 18-19th July 2003. National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR), Goa.

35.     Srivastava, R., Yadav, V., Nayaka, S. & Upreti, D.K. Distribution of macrolichens in some forest areas of Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh, India. In Proc. 90th Indian Science Congress. Bangalore 14: 24. 2003.

36.     Satya, Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka. S.  Diversity of lichen in and around Amarkantak Hills, Shadol District, Madhya Pradesh. In National Seminar on Recent Emerging Trends in Plant Science” held at Department of Botany, D.A-V college, Kanpur, during 11-12th December 2004.

37.     Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S. and Joshi, Y. Activity over rock shelters of Bhimbetka world heritage zone. In 10th Congress of The International Federation of Rock Art Organization (IFRAO), held at Agra, During 28th Nov. 2nd Dec. 2004.

38.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. Lichen diversity in Schirmacher Oasis and neighbouring nunataks of East Antarctica. In National Seminar on Recent Advances in Mycology. Department of Biosciences, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Mangalore, during 2nd & 3rd December 2004. 

39.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. Lichenological investigation in Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica. In Indian Antarctic Research : Status Review. National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, Vasco da Gama, Goa and presented a, during 27th – 29th Oct. 2004.

40.     Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. Scope for lichenological studies in India. In National Symposium on Plant Science Research in India : Challenges and Prospects. Botanical Survey of India, Dehradun, during 24th – 26th Oct. 2005.

41.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. Lichen flora of Pune City (India) with reference to air pollution. In Third International Conference on Plants and Environmental Pollution. International Society of Environmental Botanists and National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow, India, during 28th Nov – 2nd Dec. 2005.

42.       Satya, Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. Lichen communities of Amarkantak Hills, Madhya Pradesh and their use in biomonitoring studies in the area. International Society of Environmental Botanists and National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow, India, during 28th Nov – 2nd Dec. 2005.

43.       Shukla, V., Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. Physiological response in lichen species Phaeophyscia hispidula (Ach.) Essl., in relation to bioaccumulation of heavy metals. International Society of Environmental Botanists and National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow, India, during 28th Nov – 2nd Dec. 2005.


Technical Reports:

44.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. 2001. Lichen flora of Sharvati River Basin, Shimoga district, Karnataka, India. Centre for Ecological Sciences. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

45.     Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. (In press). Distribution and diversity of lichens in Schirmacher Oasis, and neighbouring Nunataks, East Antarctica. Technical Report of 22nd Indian Antarctic Expedition, Department of Ocean Development. New Delhi


Papers accepted/communicated:

46.     Upreti, D.K. and Nayaka, S. Anisomeridium calcicolum sp. nov. and further new records of pyrenocarpous lichens from India. Lichenologist.

47.     Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S., and Andreev, M.P. Notes on some species of lichen genus Lecidea  from India. Mycotaxon

48.     Upreti, D.K., Nayaka, S., Tandon, J. and Bajpai, A. Lichens of Kolkata City and Indian Botanical Garden, West Bengal. Journal of Applied Biosciences.

49.     Nayaka, S., Upreti, D.K. and Lumbsch, T.H. Two new species of Lecanora from India. Lichenologist.

50.     Nayaka, S., Satya and Upreti, D.K. Lichen diversity in Achanakmar Wildlife Sanctuary, core zone area of proposed Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve, Chhattisgarh. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot.

51.     Shukla, V., Nayaka, S. and Upreti, D.K. Enumeration of Lichens in Khirsu Forest Park, Pauri Garhwal. Phytotaxonomy.