Pneumatic Cannons

Disclaimer: The activities described in these pages is potentially very dangerous to your life, health, and property. It also can endanger the lives and property of others, especially if done in a reckless, careless, or simply negligent manner. Sometimes bad things can happen even if you do everything carefully.

Any device which stores kinetic, mechanical, electrical, chemical, or thermal energy in significant amounts with the ability to release it suddenly is potentially deadly.

Compressed air holds an enormous amount of potentially lethal energy. Only a few pounds per square inch can lift an automobile. A sudden uncontrolled release of compressed air can throw a 200 pound man more than 100 feet like a rag doll. Unlike water, compressed air expands tremendously if the vessel containing it fails.

Anything that is able to confine compressed air and fail catastrophically must be treated with utmost respect. To see what happens when a homemade tank with 100 PSI of air pressure suddenly bursts, download this link and view the MPG file. Now, would you want to be leaning over that thing when it let go?

Compressed air contained in any significant volume can also do a lot of damage to anyone or anything nearby should the container fail.

Unfortunately we live in a world where people have been known to do incredibly stupid stunts and then try to blame everyone but themselves for the results that occur. Thus, I and no one else associated with this document can accept any responsibility for what you manage to do to yourself , to others, or to their property .

If you build something like this and end up crippled, blind, otherwise harmed, or dead - or if you get someone else hurt or killed - or cause property damage from it, it is your fault. You have been warned.

And if it is illegal where you live and you get busted, too bad. If you REALLY want to play with this kind of stuff, then start looking for jobs and housing in a jurisdiction that it IS legal. Heck, people risked their lives to get out of the Communist Bloc countries where they could live free. Sometimes your best friend is the moving company.


We do not want to read about you in next years' Darwin Awards.


Most activities that give you an adrenaline rush are inherently dangerous, whether you are scuba diving , skydiving, bull riding, technical climbing , or just trying out different ways to amuse oneself.

Thus there is a certain degree of inherent risk of life and limb should you try to build a pneumatic cannon. There are some safety procedures that must be followed to even remotely think about building one.

Like aviation, any high energy hobby is totally unforgiving of negligence, indifference, or complacency. Proceed only at your own risk. Be very cautious as to where anything you launch can potentially end up.


Thus everything in this site is considered to be for information purposes only. And it is never to be used to harm any person or property.

If you commit a crime using this information, then you deserve to get caught and face whatever consequences result.


Keep this hobby safe for the more responsible of us who like to advance the various sciences and engineering required to make one of these things work well.


You guys are too crazy for me. Let me outta here. I want to keep all of my fingers and toes, and have no desire to sing soprano from a wheelchair.


I think I am immune to the laws of physics. Bad things only happen to other people. Why, my cousin Billy-Bob just last week jumped 87 buses on his motorcycle. And he did that on the way back from the lake after finishing off 3 six-packs.


I understand these warnings and agree I will abide by safety procedures and obey the local laws in my jurisdiction. I like to experiment with physics and aerodynamics, instrumentation, materials handling, fabrication. I also know that safety rules are important, because this kind of stuff is very unforgiving when you fail to be careful. I also acknowledge that sometimes even doing everything right, that things can go wrong.