Pipe Pictures
Big Air

Here are some pictures, in a real quick-n-dirty way from this year's US Open in Stratton VT. Oh, the stories I have to tell about that weekend! What a ball.

I guess it was one of those really rare times when nothing was planned and everything just fell into place. We had no reservations, the weather looked crappy a few days earlier, and we had no money.  But we managed to crash the VIP press party without realizing it, made friends with Greg the security guy, and even scored a pair of SPY goggles thrown into the crowd by Ben Hinkley. And all of that was just Friday Night!

Saturday we got the best spot on the mountain for the Halfpipe competition, met a bunch of magazine guys, and even scored legit guest passes to the event from a local radio DJ we met! (Thanks Caysey!) What a weekend...

Anyway, click on the pics link to the left to see just a few of the awesome pictures I got.

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