Photos of my Satellite station

Ok, I finally got a digital camera that I am happy with. So here are the long awaited images of what my station looks like. Yeah, it is kind of a mess, but isn't there something that says a messy desk is an indication of a busy mind? :-)

Antenna in the attic of the condo. Antenna is about 22 inches tall, so you can get an idea of how tight of a space I have to work with. It's slightly embarassing, but I never trimmed off he string that used to tie the loops to the wooden frame! Oh well, who is going to see the antenna up in the attic anyway?

This is what is attached to the other side of the feedline. A Pentium 233 made with spare parts I had around and a bunch of other surrounding junk (and one animal!). The computer is networked to my main computer (an Athlon 550) in my bedroom which I do most of my image processing on since it is much faster. The HF gear in the image isn't quite operational yet. I'm still trying to figure out some options for a stealthy HF antenna that could work in the cond without the neighbors seeing it. Anyone have an Isoloop for sale??