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Italy & Malta Division
EuroDirect Network, Europe's Premier Airline

Welcome to the NOTAMs page.  This page will be updated regularly with all news concerning the Italy & Malta division.


  • 04/07/00 - Directors swap positions: The newly appointed co-director of the Italy & Malta Division, Robert Millington, has swapped roles with Daniel Misfud who was the Regional Director at Italy. This was due to increasing pressures on Daniel's side to develop the Mid-med Alliance between Eurodirect Italy and EMA.

  • 29/05/00 - New Co-Director for Italy & Malta Division: Robert Millington has been appointed as co-director of the Italy & Malta Division today.  Robert will team up with current Director Daniel Mifsud at the division.  Robert is 18 years old and lives in Warrington, Northern England.  He has a Private Pilot's Licence and hopes to go to University next year to obtain his ATPL.  Robert may be contacted at rob@warp17.com .   Welcome to Italy Rob!

  • 26/05/00 - Boeing 747 Released in new livery: The EuroDirect Fleet Operations Department has today released the Boeing 747-200 in the new EuroDirect livery. The aircraft is now available for download from the department at http://www.geocities.com/ed_fleet/ .
    b742c.jpg (22251 bytes)

    Chris Williams, Director of Fleet Operations and Plannning announced some VERY interesting news for the future of the EuroDirect fleet when speaking during the rollout of the 747-200 at Shannon: "Following lengthy discussions with Boeing, EuroDirect CEO Paolo Patat has signed a deal which will see the arrival of the 747-400 to the EuroDirect fleet.   Mr. Patat has confirmed that 15 747-400s wil be initially required and has placed option on another 25.  These aircraft will gradually replace the ageing 22-strong 747-200 fleet with first deliveries expected in August."

    "Mr Patat has also confirmed that an order has also been placed for 15 767-300ER with a further undisclosed number of convertible options to be confirmed at a later date. Discussions have also included the 757-300 in which EuroDirect are 'highly interested' at the present. These aircrafts are not direct replacements for any aircrafts on the existing fleet."

    "I am also able to confirm that EuroDirect are expecting deliveries to commence in June of aircrafts with which we will significantly expand our Regional operations. Both the Dash 8 Q-400 and CRJ 200 are expected, with the CRJ 700 following when this aircraft becomes available."

  • 14/05/00 - Recruitment Dept. Now Open: The new EuroDirect recruitment department has now been re-opened, bringing with it an end to the hiring freeze which was in place up to now.   New pilots wishing to join the Italian hub should proceed by visiting the Recruitment Department by clicking on the Recruitment link of the navigation bar at the top of the page.

  • 02/05/00 - New webpages uploaded: The new EuroDirect Italia webpages have now been uploaded, together with a re-branding of the division to Italy & Malta division.   The website was designed by webmaster Ray Steinle and is sure to be greatly preferred over the previous look.  Furthermore, the look of the website will be common to all divisions within the network, thus enhancing commonality and ease of navigation for all.  Currently only the bare essentials have been uploaded, but these pages will be updated and enhanced with more information and pictures as soon as we are done with the nitty gritty stuff!  It takes time to convert all pages!!  If you experience any problems with the new pages, please email the new Italy & Malta Division director - Robert Millington.