Welcome to the Catskills Astronomy Club




Membership Application

Observing Schedule

Observing Directions

Members Photos

Telescope Buyer's Guide

Important Links

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A lot of people want to know how dim a subject can they see. This is based on a variety of factors. Here's a program that will help you determine this. Dark-Skies

The Catskill Astronomy club has a selection of astronomy books to borrow. If you want to borrow a book, it can be brought to the next observation session or indoor meeting.

To receive our newsletter with important scheduling announcements and current club events please send a blank email to... catskillsastronomyclub@smartreply.net

Catskills Astronomy Club Logo

Weather Conditions at Walnut Mountain

The Catskills Astronomy Club offers amateur astronomers dark skies in Sullivan County, NY.

While only 100 miles away from NYC, we offer fairly dark Mag 6 skies and an elevation of 2,157'.

This unique combination of convenience to the New York metropolitan area, dark skies, and high elevation make for excellent conditions for astronomy.

If you have a telescope, why not come and visit us soon? If you don't have a telescope, you can use one of ours!

The Catskills Astronomy Club will be holding observing sessions inWalnut Mountain Park in Liberty, NY Click here for directions
Catskills Astronomy Club's Membership Application and brief Guide to Telescopes are available as Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) files.

If you need Adobe Acrobat, please click here for a free download.

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