January 30,2002: Important message for the grader on MGTS 4710.B Class :

Disclaimers: This page is best viewed by Internet Explorer 5 or higher, with screen resolution 1024 x 600 pixels

Project: Digital Nervous System ; Section: B ==> M - W 1.00pm - 2.30 pm

Name: Andrea Dharmawan

Student Number : 203 942 240

January 29,2002: Hehe..weekend just passed, and I didn't have much time to work on this website. Oh yeah, good news for the graders in my MGTS 4710.03 B class. The link to assignment #1 (website assignment) is already up. Click here to go to the assignment page, or go to the left frame and click under "assignment". That's the only addition I've made to the web for the last 3 days.hehe.. still working on the photo albums.

January 26,2002: Just added few stuff on the page, such as a nice tiny clock-calendar --> can give you idea how long have u spent surfing this page. Also, resume section is up, and still working on the photo album. I changed the background to a simpler color, and added few links below to some cool publications. Oh, try to clik on Felix-the-cat above and observe something new !! :)

January 25,2002: I feel like modifying my site, that's why I've been sitting in front of my screen since I woke up this morning. Tried to simplify the whole page,coz critiques said that the site is too flashy and having very unprofessional looks (hey, the site was initially created when I just learned creating a web --> too excited to have those moving and flashy things on the main page). Neway, I'm still looking for better background, coz I don't think the current one is friendly for normal human eyes. If you have a nice background, let me know. FYI: every link that you open on this site will appear in a new pop-up window.

January 24,2002: Folks, here is my new and updated web (pheww...after 2 years never been updated). To be honest, I am indirectly 'forced' by my course assignment to update my website. The assignment is about how to create website (for the very very beginner), thus I thought I might as well learn other advanced web-builder softwares (i.e. Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Flash).

Yet I still have to read the bible-thick manuals for those softwares, pardon the untidiness on my website. Anyhow, please do enjoy surfing on my web. If you are looking forward for better version, here's my advice: COME BACK SOON !!!



Information and other links that you could visit:

Toronto Star Headlines --> has great coverage about Toronto and surrounding areas.

Globe and Mail Newspaper --> Canada's most prominent newspaper. I would name it as Canadian Wall Street Journal

Schulich School of Business, YORK University --> One of leading business school in Canada (VIVA BBA !!!).

National Post --> good business news coverage.

WallStreet Journal Research Network --> the name tells everything, doesn't it?

Financial Times, London --> Very good coverage in business news

Kompas, Detik, Suara Pembaruan --> collection of Indonesian daily newspapers (Indonesian Language version).

Big Charts --> Used this for stock simulation in my investment class, and it helped our group to be on the 3rd rank. So... :)

Cable News Network (CNN) --> hm...does anyone not know what it is?

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Created January 1999, Last Updated 20 August 2001

(update on Current News, thanks to the Globe and Mail :̃ )

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