There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.

-Oscar Wilde

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I am of the opinion that you can tell a lot about a person from the books they read.  I will include several books here that I have read or am currently reading.

EVOLUTION- I certainly have a bias here.  A large portion of my books fit into this category.   This is an abbreviated list, but these are some of the best.

newlogo.gif (10649 bytes) Check out this great site for books with an evolution theme.

CLASSICS- Certainly this is a category that is potentially endless.  However, I am simply going to list here some of my personal favorites.   The omission of any "classic" book from this list is not necessarily representative of my opinion in their regard, but rather a reflection of the fact that this is a list and must necessarily have a limit.

logo-animated.gif (1982 bytes) You can, of course, go here for any of these books.

NON-FICTION- The books listed here will reflect my general interests and will probably be somewhat biased towards science and biology.

FICTION-  I do read books of themes beyond biology.   Really.  Here are a few of them.