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Gordon Lightfoot

 This page is under construction.  Soon there will be all kinds of Gordon Lightfoot 'stuff' -- tour information,
links, pictures, album listings, and just some of my own comments, observations, ramblings, what-have-you,
about this Consummate Entertainer, Singer/Songwriter Par Excellence, and All-Around Great Guy!

Watch music stores for the newest release: Songbook
A 4 CD Boxed Set

Here is a picture of Gord and your's truly after the 1995 concert in Yakima, WA.
What a marvelous person to talk with -- Gord, not me, I slipped into
a coma right about the time the photo was taken ;-)

Come back and visit soon - I'll be adding stuff daily!

E-mail me with comments, suggestions, questions, etc.


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