Home Links Gordon Lightfoot
Much of the learning you will do, as well as much of the fun you will have, comes from seeing what others are doing - and how they are doing it. There is a wealth of information out there -- more people are enjoying Amateur Astronomy than ever before. And all of these people, from the modest beginner to the seasoned veteran with years of observing experience, are a pretty friendly and helpful bunch. Here are some links to Web sites that I have found helpful, instructional, and enjoyable:

Kevin's Astro-Nuts -- Monthly picks of the best in the sky, pictures. Good Stuff!
AAVSO -- American Association of Variable Star Observers
Astronomical League -- The Astronomical League Home Page
-- American Association of Amateur Astronomers -- Join the Club!
IDA -- International Dark-Sky Association -- Learn about this important topic!
Under the Western Sky -- Wonderful, printable monthly calendar & lot's of interesting things.
A.P.O.D. -- Astronomy Picture of the Day
Celestrak -- Celestrak Artificial Satellite Two-Line Element Sets 
IMO -- International Meteor Organization
Hubble -- Hubble Heritage Project, Great Pics from the Hubble Space Telescope!
SkyMap Pro -- SkyMap Software - Excellent!   >>Demo version available for download<<
-- Search for Extraterrestrial Life ... At Home 
What's Up? (in the Sky) -- Updated Weekly, from Sky & Telescope (lots of other good stuff at S&T, too)
Willmann-Bell -- Publishers of great books, Uranometria 2000, etc. 

E-Mail me, StarJunkie, with comments or if you would like me to add a link to your page.

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