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This is a piece of aluminum which hovers or levitates over a coil with a laminated iron core. The coil is wound with 400 turns of #12 copper wire energized with 120 Volts AC. The aluminum block measures 12 x 10 x 2 centimeters (5 x 4 x 1 inches) and weighs a kilogram (2 pounds).

So by using heavy wire it is possible to solve the overheating problems which plagued the levitating coils in the experiments of the September 1999 page. The position of the coil and the aluminum are reversed here but the cause is the magnetic forces of repulsion between the aluminum and the coil. You could also explain this action as a result of Lorenz forces between a moving magnetic field and a stationary electric conductor. (A moving magnetic field is seen in a stationary conductor as an electric force which causes large currents to flow in the aluminum and oppose the magnetic field.)

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