Recapture of Same Amount

Calculation of energy lost to resistance indicates delivery of more than input

This lends credence to reports of "Free Energy" devices by other researchers. The rule of Thermodynamics against Perpetual Motion Machines may have exceptions!

December 2002: A Tesla Technology Volunteer reseacher reports capturing 165 Volts across a one micro-Farad capacitor from the secondary coils; the input energy was put on the primary coil from a one micro-Farad capacitor charged to 165 Volts. The transformer used was compound with one primary coil and two secondary coils in series: one secondary coil used crosstalk to interact with the primary; the other secondary coil had a conventional iron core to interact with the primary and with the first secondary. The primary coil was a parallel tank circuit since it was connected to a one micro-Farad capacitor. The energy placed on the primary was of the form of kilo-Hertz Radio-Frequency energy which dampens with time due to resistance losses and interaction with fields from the secondary coils. (This action is similar to the action of a Tesla Coil.)

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