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Daniel J. Vasicek
4415 East 38th Street
Tulsa, OK 74135-2528
918-749-4855 (h)
918-636-4915 (mobile)
Short resume in MS Word 6 format
Long resume in MS Word 97 format

General Fields of Research: Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Science, Geoscience, Mechanics of Rigid Bodies, Statistical Analysis, Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Kinetic Theory, Sorting and Searching, Astronautical Guidance and Control.

Computer Languages: Fortran 90, Fortran 77, C, C++, Unix, AWK, Html, JavaScript, Lexx, Anagram, QMF, Perl, Rexx, Xedit, Miranda, Mathematica, Mathcad, SAS, APL, Reduce, LISP, Scheme.

Other Computer Tools: gOcad, Landmark, MS Excel, MS Word, MS Powerpoint, TeX/LaTeX, MS Access.

Degrees: 1973, PhD. Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
1965, M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Purdue University
1964, B.S. Engineering Science, Purdue University

Number of Years of Experience: 33


2001 - present, Consultant, PCM Technical, 509 South Main, Tulsa, OK 74103, 918-592-7724

1986-present ,Consultant, Harbert Engineering, 809 S. Lewis, Tulsa, OK, 74104

2000, Engineer and Unix Network Administration, Thompson Training And Simulation, 5233-A S. 122nd East Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74146-6001, 918-461-1999

1995 - 1999, Research Associate, Exploration and Production Technology Group, Geoscience Division, Amoco Tulsa Technology Center, Box 3385, Tulsa, OK 74102.

1/1/93 - 1995, Research Associate, Geoscience Research, Amoco Research Center, Box 3385, Tulsa, OK 74102.

6/7/92 - 12/31/92, Research Associate, High Performance Computing Research, Amoco Research Center, Box 3385, Tulsa, OK 74102.

4/27/85 - 6/7/92, Research Associate, Software Engineering Methods, Amoco Research Center, Box 3385, Tulsa, OK 74102.

General Functions: Applied Mathematician, Physicist, Engineer, Computer Scientist, Statistician.

Current Projects: Extrapolation, Interpolation, and Smoothing of Data on Regular and Irregular Grids, Geophysical Ray Tracing, Anisotropic Elastic Wave Propagation, and Smoothing, Interpolation, and Extrapolation of Geophysical data.

Recent Presentations: 98/01/29 - Taught Introduction to Gocad at Amoco, Houston, Westlake Facility. 1997 - A Singularity Free Representation of Rotation Matrices, An Introduction to JavaScript, Extrapolation, Interpolation, and Smoothing on Regular Grids Using Tichinov Regularization.

Recent Coursework: 98/03/31 - SEG Symposium on Seismic Multiples, 98/03/20 - Introduction to "I-DEAS" 3d Visualization and Manipulation program

Projects: 3D Visualization including gocad, Surface Manipulation, sorting, 3D Ray Tracing, Eikonal Equation Travel Time Estimation, Geological Basin Modeling, Optimizing a computer model for the geological and chemical evolution of a petroleum reservoir. Testing a compositional reservoir model written in the functional language, Miranda. This is the the largest functional program ever written (16,000 lines of code and documentation). Designed a nonlocal smoothing algorithm for improving the quantitative estimates of composition resulting from least square analysis of gamma ray spectra of rocks based on the idea of Tichinov Regularization. Leading the Computing Science seminar. Ported gocad++ to the Amoco SGI system. Proposing projects. Working on committees and making suggestions. Until 1995, I was editor of ANSI committee X3H5 - Standards for Parallel Extension of Programming Languages. Proposed using the Perron-Frobenius Theorem as a basis for management decisions such as ranking people, projects, and functions. Created a JavaScript web page for orchestrating the collection and verification of surveys.

4/27/85 - 6/7/92, Research Associate, Software Engineering Methods, Amoco Research Center, Box 3385, Tulsa, OK 74102.

Computer Scientist, Applied Mathematician, Physicist, Statistician. Lead a seminar in studying A.K. Dewdney's book, ``The Turing Omnibus;'' Created a Miranda version of Amoco's compositional model for multiphase flow in a petroleum reservoir; And studied fractal models for the distribution of undiscovered petroleum. Editor of ANSI committee X3H5 (formerly called the Parallel Computing Forum -PCF) designing standard parallel extensions to computer languages. Assisted in the design of the Amoco Performance Management system (APM). Lead a seminar in ``Functional Programming'' using the functional language Miranda. Designed an algorithm using least square methods to estimate Thorium, Uranium, and Potassium concentrations in rocks from gamma ray spectra obtained from a downhole tool. Ported and evaluated CBTREE from the IBM PC to Sun Workstation. Built UNIX scripts to assist in disk maintenance on Cray and Sun systems. Ported the Kuck Array Preprocessor to the IBM CMS system. Designed and wrote a remote computer access system that allows one key access to the computational power of various computers connected to the Amoco network including Cray-2, Cray-xmp, IBM 3090/vf, and Sun workstations. (8,000 lines of Rexx for IBM 3090). Studied matrix multiplication including Strassen type matrix multiplication algorithms. Developed Fortran 90 code implementing Straasen's algorithm. Demonstrated that the code does speed up matrix computations. Studied methods for speeding up the solution of linear systems for reservoir models. Translated the parallel programming system ``SCHEDULE'' into the IBM CMS environment. Studied vectorization of Amoco programs including seismic stacking algorithms, reservoir models, a neutron log Monte Carlo model, a geological chemical reaction model, FFT, and matrix multiplication. Benchmarked various supercomputers including the Amdahl 500-1800, Cray-2, Cray-XMP, and IBM 3090/vf. Studied parallel computation on the NCUBE hypercube, and IBM 3090/vf. Completed an empirical, statistical study of the time required to send and receive messages between nodes of the NCUBE hypercube. Presented lectures on parallel computation. Directed Amoco's study of the IBM Early release of the Fortvs2.2.0 compiler. Participated in Amoco's study of the early release of the vector facility and vectorizing compiler. Studied the translation of Amoco programs from Fortran 66 into Fortran 8x. Performed quality control functions for the Amoco Fortran 8x compiler. Discovered that the singularity free representation of rotation matrices is related to the group of antisymmetric matrices which is the Lie algebra of the rotation group. Applied this representation to geometrical algorithms used in downhole well survey data. Taught the Amoco Computer Science Seminar and Amoco Mathematics Seminar. Studied a model for flow near a rock cutting bit involving the solution of a system of quadratic (Bernoulli) equations. Developed an algorithm for improved estimation of reservoir volume using irregular prisms. Studied network queueing theory.

9/2/79 - 4/26/85, Staff Research Scientist, Mathematical and Statistical Research, Amoco Research Center, Box 3385, Tulsa, OK 74102.

Applied Mathematician, Computer Scientist, Physicist, Statistician. Created an automated X-ray diffraction system for quantitative analyses of rock samples. This involved grinding mixtures of minerals; Performing X-ray diffraction experiments; Performing statistical and physical analysis of the data to discover quantitative relationships; Designing and coding computer algorithms to produce quantitative analysis reports from ground rock samples; And specifying computer equipment needed to do the job fast enough. Studied quantitative X-ray absorption including, absorption of rocks and minerals, and isotope standard X-ray emitters. Studied the use of Infrared-absorption spectra to classify and recognize petroleum types. Applied statistical methods to seismic and well log data. Applied factor analysis to well log data. Designed and wrote a program for automating the process of horizon identification and tracing from seismic data. Performed statistical analysis of seismic data including principle component analysis, cluster analysis, and pattern classification. Studied the automatic classification and detection of seismic bright spots. Studied practical aspects of the Hilbert transform. Applied my singularity free representation of rotations to the calculation of intermediate points in a well bore from survey data. Studied interpolation, smoothing, and extrapolation of spatially varying data, (Kriging). Applied and extended maximum likelihood estimation methods. Taught Boltzmann's Kinetic Theory. Studied Halstead's measures of computer program complexity. Promoted Tichinov regularization methods for smoothing and estimation. Studied wind and solar power. Took the course, ``Introductory Geology for Petroleum Exploration'' at Tulsa University.

11/5/73 - 9/1/79, Senior Research Scientist, Mathematical and Statistical Research, Amoco Research Center, Box 3385, Tulsa, OK 74102.

Mathematician, Physicist, Computer Scientist. Created a system of programs for analyzing pressure transient data from well tests. Modified a floatation and launch program to include the motion of the floatation barge as well as the production platform jacket. Discovered a representation for rotation matrices that has no singular directions. Wrote a program for computing flow rates in an oil well including the effects of multiple phase flow in the tubing string, pressure drop in the producing formation, and production orifice at the wellhead. Wrote programs for computing the values of hypergeometric functions. Studied applied mathematics in the Amoco Mathematics Seminar.

2/1/73 - 11/4/73, Instrument Maker, University of Colorado, Aerospace Department, 80302. Built a low speed water tunnel. Made instruments for the 5 foot square cross-section low speed, low turbulence wind tunnel.

2/2/66 - 2/1/73, Research Assistant, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80303. Wrote thesis on Monte Carlo Models of the Fokker-Planck Equation. Also:

.of 0.25i 1.@Assisted in writing a computer program to solve two coupled isotropic Fokker-Planck equations using finite difference methods to model solar atmospheres. .of 0.25i 2.@Built a two dimensional model of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction using the dense plasma focus from a coaxial plasma accelerator created by discharging two banks of capacitors into a low pressure gas and electromagnet. .of 0.25i 3.@Assisted in the construction of a coaxial plasma accelerator. .of 0.25i 4.@Assisted in the interpretation of spectral data taken from the shock wave generated by the coaxial plasma generator.

9/65 - 1/66, Research Assistant Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. Assisted in the construction of a full scale model of a fission reactor and an associated segmented MHD generator. Teaching assistant for one course, ``Astronautical Guidance'', taught by Richard H. Battin.

Summer - 1964, Engineer, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. Assisted in the design of instrumentation for the ultra-high velocity test facility testing materials for ablation reentry shields.

Summer - 1963, Assistant Engineer, Special Metals Incorporated, New Hartford, New York. Assisted in the study of non-uniformities in ingots of high strength, high temperature alloys. I designed and built a calibration furnace for optical Pyrometers I also performed mechanical tests on special alloys.

Summer - 1962, Assistant Engineer, Special Metals Incorporated, New Hartford, New York. Designed and constructed a high temperature, impact tensile testing machine. Performed various mechanical tests on special alloys (Tensile and yield, stress-rupture, and impact tests).

Summer - 1961, Technician, Special Metals Incorporated, New Hartford, New York. Performed various mechanical tests on alloys made by the company.

Honors: Sigma Pi Sigma

Professional Societies: Colorado Professional Engineer number 12168, Oklahoma Professional Engineer number 9651, SIAM, ACM, Sigma Xi.

Organizational Qualifications: Organized Amoco's Corporate Challenge Team for 1986-89. Amoco won the track meet 5 out of 7 times against 25 other Corporate Teams from the Tulsa area. Led Amoco's Early Product Test Program for IBM VS Fortran version 2.2.0.

Recent Clases Taken: 1997 Dec 10 Participated in the GST Short Course "Anisotropy" taught by Ilya Tsvankin of Colorado School of Mines

Teaching Experience:

1987-1993, Seminar leader for Computing Science covering the following books: .of 0.25i 1.``Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs'' by Abelson and Sussman .of 0.25i 2.``Programming Pearls'' by Jon Bentley .of 0.25i 3.``Writing Efficient Programs'' by Jon Bentley .of 0.25i 4.``Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation``, by Hopcroft and Ullman .of 0.25i 5.Sun Lexx User Manual .of 0.25i 6.Sun Yacc User Manual .of 0.25i 7.``More Programming Pearls'' by Jon Bentley .of 0.25i 8.``Turning Omnibus - 61 Excursions in Computing Science'' by A.K. Dewdney

1993 Fall, Taught Introductory computer programming at Tulsa University. Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Mathematica.

1991-1993, Presented Ansi-X3H5 proposals to Computing Science classes at Tulsa University.

1982, Taught Boltzmann Kinetic Theory and prepared course notes.

1980-81, Taught Introductory Calculus at Tulsa Junior College

1973-75 Summers, Organized and taught Pre-Engineering Program at the University of Colorado.

School         		 Major Department 		 Hours 		 GPA     		 Degree 		 Date

U. of Colorado Aerospace 68 3.6/4.0 Ph.D. May 26, 1973



M.I.T. Aeronautics 12 3./4.0 Transferred


Purdue U. Aeronautics 33 4.9/6.0 M.S. Aug. 13, 1965

Purdue U. Engineering 162 5.5/6.0 B.S. May 31, 1964


Hobbies: Athlete, mechanic, gardener, handyman, solar power, wind power

Personal Data: Born - November 6, 1942 in Cleveland, Ohio. Married August 25, 1973. Four Children, Tait (born October 10, 1978), Amanda (born August 5, 1980), Lisa (born February 16, 1984), Thaddeus (born Aug 6, 1987).

References on request.

Publications: In addition to the following external publications I have written many Amoco proprietary documents.

Kelvin Notation for Stabilizing Elastic-constant Inversion, Proceedings of the 8IWSA, Revue De L' Institut Français du Pétrole, Dellinger, J., Vasicek, D., and Sondergeld, C., 1998, 53, 5, 709-719.

Standards for Parallel Extensions for Programming Languages, ANSI Committee X3H5 reports X3H5/*, See /home/zdjv02/old.home/x3h5/* for a record of X3H5 proposals.

Detecting Multiple Outliers in Multidimensional Data Using Genetic Algorithms, Crawford, K. D., Wainwright, R. L., Vasicek, D. J. Proceedings of the 1995 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, February 26-28, 1995, Nashville, TN, pages 351-356, ACM Press

A reservoir model described as a computationally constructive system of equations, J. C. DfIAZ, B. D. MOE, R. L. PAGE, D. J. VASICEK, AND R. L. WAINWRIGHT, Research Report CPSC # 93-01-01, Center for Parallel and Scientific Computing, The University of Tulsa, January 1993.

``PCF - Standard Parallel Extensions for Fortran'', ACM Fortran Forum, July, 1991, pages 1-56.

``Hypercube Communication Study'', Hypercube Multiprocessors, SIAM 1987, pages 162-168,

``Launch and Floatation Analysis of Offshore Structures'', Petroleum Engineer International, Vol 51, No 6, May 1979, p 10-16. Cheng-Heng Lu and Daniel J. Vasicek.

``Monte Carlo Models of the Fokker-Planck Equation'', NCAR Cooperative Thesis Number 30, University of Colorado and High Altitude Observatory, NCAR, 1973.

Daniel J. Vasicek
4415 East 38th Street
Tulsa, OK 74135-2528
918-749-4855 or 749-5717(h)
918-660-3082 (w) 918-636-4915(mobile)

Amoco Proprietary Publications:

/home/zdjv02/docs/xsd2vel.ppt                     		 Velocity Model Editing Tools

/home/zdjv02/docs/velocity.ppt Constructing ``Safe'' Velocity Models

/home/zdjv02/docs/run_energy.ppt Energy Conservation and Elements of Running Style

/home/zdjv02/docs/mathematica.ppt Programming in Mathematica

/home/zdjv02/docs/rank.ppt Objective Ranking Methods

/home/zdjv02/docs/froben.ppt The Perron Froebenious Theorem and Ranking


/home/zdjv02/docs/rotate2.ppt Singualrity Free Rotation

/home/zdjv02/docs/rotate.ppt Singualrity Free Rotation

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/kriging.fra Fundamental Kriging Formulae (5/1/98)

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/smooth.5.1.fra A Fast, Global Smoothing Algorithm (12/6/97)

/home/zdjv02/docs/waveeqn.doc Lecture Proposal, Construction and Analysis of 4th

Order Finite Difference Schemes for the Acoustic

Wave Equation

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/pascal.fra Iterative Three Point Averaging (10/31/97)

/home/zdjv02/public_html/javascript.outline.html Javascript Fundamentals (02/24/97)

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/ttime.fra Travel Time in a Medium with Constant Velocity


/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/interp2.fra Interpolation onto a Regular Grid Using Tichinov

Regularization (12/6/95)

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/interp.fra Interpolation onto a Regular Grid Using Tichinov

Regularization (11/21/95)

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/tichinov.fra Tichinov Regularization for Smoothing and


/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/growth.doc Computation of Tax Due on a Growth Asset with

Dividend Reinvestment

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/birdhouse.fra Assembly Procedure for Crested Flycatcher Birdhouse

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/Inverse.Eikonal.fra Inverse Eikonal Equation for Velocity Estimation


/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/eikonal.fra Finite Difference Solution of the Eikonal Equation


/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/f90.fra Machine Independent High Speed Computation Using

Fortran 90 (5/25/94)

/home/zdjv02/docs/frame/eikonal2.fra Finite Difference Solution of the Eikonal Equation


92322ART0003 - Porting a geological basin model (basin2) to the Risc 6000
92317ART0006 - Suggestions for Profs Replacement Project
92310ART0007 - Organization of the New Computing Science Seminar
92307ART0005 - Information Technologist Education Ideas
92279ART0001 - Statistics on Computing Research Customer Survey
92128ART0234 - Quantative Evaluation of Reorganization Plans
92085ART0084 - Index to Functional Reservoir Model Information
92083ART0116 - Russian Linear System Software
92083ART0003 - Parallel Block Triangular Factorization Precondionings
92083ART0001 - Parallel Algorithms for Sparse Unsym. Ill-cond. Lin. Systems
92043ART0001 - Opinions on TeX/LaTeX
92042ART0001 - Parallel Computation FCOMP, CM-2, X3H5
91330ART0223 - Reply to Comments on PCF Fortran Article in The Fortran Forum
91325ART0002 - St. Francis and Tulsa Athletic Club offer special rates for Amoco
91316ART0084 - Increasing the Security of Computers Obstructing Usefulness
91309ART0042 - Benchmarks of Sparc 2, Iris model 380, Risc 600/model 540
91284ART0080 - Product Evaluation Report NAGWare f90 Compiler (Unix) Fortran 90
91268ART0121 - TeX, LaTeX, WordPerfect, Troff, Frame Processors and Translation
91263ART0001 - Automatic Processing of email Messages
91240ART0056 - Satellite Image Data Translation
91235ART0241 - Connection Machine, Cray, Sun GCOMP Study
91219ART0121 - Cost of Computer Memory versus Time
91204ART0130 - Translation from Fortran to C
91199ART0209 - Parallel Computing Forum Fortran Standard
91163ART0002 - Brain Weight Study
91128ART0044 - Statistical Analysis of Rock Data
91106ART0042 - Fortran Semantics Checker
91106ART0001 - Translation of Fortran into C or C++
91102ART0255 - Supercomputing Cobol
91101ART0206 - Stones methods for calculation of Relative Permeability
91087ART0072 - Extrapolation of K values
91081ART0073 - Netlib Librarian - User instr. and index for Sparse Linear Algebra
91080ART0245 - Cobol, IMS Speedup Project
91079ART0083 - Porting REVCALC to a Parallel Machine
91077ART0114 - Profiler with Statistics Referenced to the Source Code
91077ART0001 - Index to Toolpack Profiler Information
91059ART0097 - Improving Revcalc Spreadsheet Database application
91057ART0303 - Age Grading Factor
91045ART0088 - Possibility of Speeding up REVCALC
91038ART0018 - Benchmarks - curry, bentley, joystick
91036ART0178 - Alternate Fuel Research
91025ART0001 - Compilation of Proposed Mission Statements
91022ART0001 - ML Compiler Access Information
91017ART0016 - Product Evaluation Report CBTREE CBTREE, Database, Fortools, Btrees
91010ART0064 - Revenue Calculation - REVCALC COBOL, IMS
90354ART0003 - Phase Equilibrium Calculation
90353ART0301 - Cobol Data Base Application looking for speedup
90348ART0001 - Supercomputer Project
90343ART0008 - Supercomputer Application
90330ART0134 - Telephone Conversation on Wave Equation, Geological Basin Modeling,
90323ART0217 - User instructions for program IDENTI
90304ART0245 - Dusted Fortran - RFFSMN Vectorized
90303ART0001 - 'Massless' particles and the 'Missing Mass'
90278ART0003 - Execution time for Born3d
90278ART0001 - Mike Powell Global Data Interpolation
90268ART0093 - Standards for Presentation of X3H5 Documents
90206ART0001 - Decomposition of GCOMP to Miranda Project into Subtasks
90199ART0036 - Analytic Geometry of Triangles and Rectangles Finding a rectangle
90171ART0001 - Correlation between running speed, weight, temperature,
and hydration
90163ART0002 - Matrix Formulae for checking and simplifying Miranda LU calculation
90157ART0196 - FPS Model 500EA Benchmark
90152ART0258 - Solution of a System of Recurrence Relations
90145ART0004 - Suggestions for Corporate Challenge 1991
90141ART0108 - Permutations of n Objects
90128ART0002 - List of Cold Nuclear Fusion Articles Available on Profs
90117ART0068 - YMP Access and Benchmarks
90113ART0002 - Benchmark Strategy Convex Benchmarks
90094ART0116 - Benchmarks and User Instructions for CM-2 NCSA
90094ART0038 - Uncertainty Bounds for Least Square Fits to Data
90079ART0132 - IBM Risc 6000 System Benchmarks
90068ART0258 - Optimizations performed by Ardent compiler
90068ART0078 - Access, Usage Information, and Benchmarks for Alliant
90060ART0107 - Drag versus Length to Width Ratio
90053ART0236 - Supercomputing Technology Transfer
90053ART0182 - Cost of Memory Chips vs Time
90051ART0001 - Benchmarks, and User Instructions for Silicon Graphics and Ardent
90044ART0136 - Seed Information for April 1990 CRT Times Article
90009ART0277 - Analysis of World Oil Supply and Demand
90008ART0015 - Raft Racing Physics- Physics Enrichment Program March 3, 1990
90008ART0014 - Characterization of Computer Performance
89352ART0001 - Benchmarks, Characterization of Algorithm Performance on Computers,
89348ART0006 - IRTF Industrial Real-Time FORTRAN
89340ART0194 - PCF Discussions
89325ART0002 - Suggestions and Questions from Supercomputing 89 PCF Workshop
89325ART0001 - Table of Speedup Obtained by Using the Vector Facility
89314ART0038 - Optimization of Reactran 2d and Reactran 1d
89314ART0001 - Analysis of World Oil Supply and Demand
89311ART0045 - Comparison of Cray Computers
89284ART0098 - Myrias Computer System - Phone discussion
89282ART0001 - Fixups for CBTREE
89272ART0128 - Gamma Function and The Factorial
89270ART0001 - Supercomputer Information
89214ART0001 - Signal Estimation in the Linear Statistical Model Ma
89199ART0286 - High Density Integrated Circuits Vax Super computers
89188ART0231 - Vax Supercomputers by Digital Equipment Inc.
89174ART0001 - Perfect Club for Benchmarks
89157ART0131 - Presentation Materials for Discussion of Parallel and Vector Proces
89139ART0001 - Public Domain Software from AT&T
89132ART0026 - Software Available from NCSA
89132ART0001 - Global Access to Programs and Data Using FTP and email
89131ART0021 - IBM Directives and KAP, Vectorization, Compiler Directives
89121ART0122 - Reactran Changes
89112ART0001 - Nuclear Fusion Calculations
89090ART0063 - Project Plan Supercomputing Technology Transfer
89090ART0002 - When Should You Turn Out the Lights?
89089ART0005 - RCA Summary and Usage Information
89089ART0004 - Improved Algorithms for Neutron Log Monte Carlo Model Subprogram PW
89089ART0003 - Smooth Access to NCSA Computers
89089ART0001 - Vectorization for Amoco Programs
89083ART0001 - Project Report Supercomputer Technology Transfer
89082ART0239 - Amoco Fortran Preprocessor
89082ART0238 - Amoco Fortran Preprocessor
89062ART0206 - Elliptic PDE Solver
89046ART0002 - Science Fair Judging Guidelines
89041ART0003 - Smoothing and Interpolation of Data
89039ART0212 - Why Do Users Prefer MSC to NCSA?
89039ART0131 - Wind Power
89039ART0003 - Strassen Matrix Multiplication Computer Program
89033ART0130 - Resume of Daniel Vasicek
89032ART0048 - Vectorization of Amoco Programs, February 1989.
89027ART0001 - Banded Solvers versus Conjugate Gradient Methods for Reservoir Models
89020ART0001 - A Remote Computer Access System, January 1989
89039ART0003 - Efficient Matrix Multiplication - Strassen and Weinograd Algorithms
87307ART0097 - "
87300ART0007 - "
87273ART0074 - "
87223ART0001 - "
88350ART0128 - Language Comparisons - Rexx, Awk, Apl, Lisp, December 1988

``Estimation of Acceleration Measured at a Fixed Location'', November 1988, CRON 88315ART0001. ``Translation of REACTRAN to Other Computers'', November 1988, CRON 88298ART0039, 88287ART0275. ``Automatic Translation of Vax Fortran to Cray Fortran - A REXX Preprocessor``, September 1988, CRON 88246ART0208. ``Improved Algorithms for Neutron Log Monte Carlo Calculations Binary Search Variations``, August 1988, CRON 88225ART0159. ``A Useful Representation of Rotation Matrices Using Lie Algebra'', CRON 88194ART0090, 85155ART0081, 85113ART0246, 82324ART0042. ``Vectorization of EM3TE57'', CRON 88160ART0229. ``Amoco Access to NCSA Computers'', CRON 88068ART0172. ``Equations of Flow near a Rock Cutting Bit'', CRON 88047ART0001. ``Cray-2 FFT Computation Speed'', Cron 88025ART0270. ``Schedule for IBM 3090/vf on CMS``, CRON 87332ART0001, 88008ART0180, 88098ART0045. ``Hypercube Communication Study'', Hypercube Multiprocessors, SIAM 1987, pages 162-168, Daniel J. Vasicek and Adam Beguelin. Also CRON 86269ART0200, 86301ART0171, 86164ART0004, 86161ART0041. ``Trip Report - SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computation``, CRON 87351ART0003. ``Normalized Vector Execution Rates'', CRON 87307ART0002. ``Pointer and Lock Facility for Fortran``, CRON 87219ART0167, 87219ART0167, 87216ART0050, 87196ART0179, 87190ART0110. ``Matrix Multiplication Techniques for Speed``, 87182ART0219, 87068ART0004. ``Evaluation of FESTIVE - An Intelligent Vectorization Aid'', CRON 87174ART0001. ``Solving Systems of Quadratic Equations for Flow Near a Rock Cutting Bit``, CRON 87142ART0001. ``The Uncertainty Principle and a Confined Particle'', CRON 87138ART0164. ``VS Fortran 2.2.0 EIO Final Report'', CRON 87132ART0008. ``Profiling Using SPEED and IAD - A REXX Postprocessor'', CRON 87119ART0001, 87117ART0065. ``ESSL Computation Speed Data'', CRON 87110ART0116. ``Pacific Sierra Fortran Programming for Cray Computers'', CRON 87056ART0021. ``Kuck Array Preprocessor - KAP'', CRON 87050ART0002, 86168ART0203, 85277ART0123, 85275ART0204, 85267ART0026, 85179ART0126, 85178ART0121, 85056ART0257. ``PLOTIT, A Simple Fortran Callable Data Graphing Subprogram'', CRON 87034ART0060. ``Statistical Analysis of Isotope Data from Deep Sea Drill Cores'', CRON 87010ART0026, 82111ART0087, 82103ART0119. ``User Instructions for X-Ray Diffraction Quantitative Analysis System'', CRON 87010ART0024. ``Woodward Governor - A Trip Report'', CRON 87002ART0014. ``Nonlinear Least Square Fit of Viscosity Data'', CRON 86344ART0001. ``IBM Vector Application Migration Workshop Report'', CRON 86337ART0025. ``Notes for Lecture on Parallel Computation Presented to Computing Science Department at Rolla Missouri``, CRON 86287ART0002. ``Hypercube Conference Trip Report'', CRON 86275ART0001. ``Asymptotic Behavior of Ncube Message Delay'', CRON 86213ART0001. ``Statistical Analysis of Amoco Fortran Preprocessor'', CRON 86127ART0002, 86127ART0017, 86130ART0002, 86133ART0002, 86134ART0001, 86199ART0009, 86199ART0001. ``A Theorem for Special Infinite Sums'', CRON 86177ART0002. ``Second SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computation - Trip Report``, CRON 85344ART0001. ``FFT Timing Data'', CRON 85343ART0248. ``AMOCO - IBM EIO - 3090/vf'', CRON 85343ART0248, 85337ART0174, 85337ART0018, 85315ART0220, 85308ART0083. ``GCOMP to Fortran 8x Study'', CRON 85319ART0120, 85164ART0013, 85163ART0019, 85106ART0003, 84325ART0085, 84276ART0003, 84271ART0001. ``Algorithm for Estimation of Volume of a Reservoir Using an Irregular Prism``, CRON 85255ART0007. ``Network Queueing Theory'', CRON 85242ART0012. ``Amdahl VP1200 Benchmark: Computing Research'', Amoco Research Report F85-C-15, CRON 85225ART0143, August 13, 1985, Rex Page and Daniel J. Vasicek. ``Translation of Fortran 66 Programs into Fortran 8x'', Amoco Research Report F85-C-7, 330-02-11, CRON 85179ART0126, June 28, 1985. ``Strike Subtraction Using Lie Algebra'', CRON 85148ART0161. ``X-Ray Diffraction Quantitative Analysis'', Amoco Report F84-C-12, CRON 84167ART0052, June 1984. Also, CRON 84009ART0108, 83187ART0001, 82293ART0015, 82214ART0095, 82159ART0089, 82070ART0040, 82069ART0065, 82069ART0029, 82033ART0026, 82032ART0048, 82032ART0026, 82032ART0005, 82032ART0002, 81300ART0071, 81295ART0111, 81295ART0021, 81289ART0102, 81289ART0070, 81273ART0041, 81271ART0041, 81252ART0042, 81252ART0004, 81252ART0003, 81147ART0095. ``Intermediate Survey Points by Radius of Curvature Interpolation'', Amoco Report CRON 85156ART0251, Mark Dunbar and Daniel J. Vasicek. Also, CRON 85157ART0005, 84055ART0001, 82018ART0119, 82015ART0192. ``Oscillation of an Underwater Gas Bubble'', CRON 85115ART0159. ``Practical Aspects of the Hilbert Transform'', CRON 85113ART0299, 85109ART0039, 85107ART0008, 83201ART0002. ``Quantitative X-ray Absorption'', CRON 85053ART0027, 85053ART0026, 85046ART0039, 85046ART0002, 85039ART0245, 85036ART0103, 84286ART0140, 84250ART0001, 84100ART0134, 84086ART0103, 84075ART0151, 84074ART0013, 84068ART0104, 84059ART0135, 84055ART0054, 84053ART0018, 84041ART0005, 84041ART0004, 84041ART0002, 84041ART0001, 84040ART0101, 84038ART0001, 84037ART0033, 84033ART0056, 84033ART0028, 84033ART0010, 83329ART0001, 83308ART0152, 83287ART0042, 83286ART0001, 83276ART0056, 83255ART0007, 83243ART0110. ``Boltzmann Kinetic Theory'', CRON 84034ART0001, 83103ART0001. ``Well Log Factor Analysis'', CRON 84261ART0131, 84261ART0012. ``Convolution Algorithms Written in Fortran 8x'', CRON 84249ART0226. ``Towers of Hanoi Written in Fortran 8x'', CRON 84221ART0142. ``Classification and Detection of Seismic Bright Spots Using King-Sun Fu Tree Classifier``, CRON 84123ART0001. ``Statistical Analysis of Seismic Data'', CRON 83304ART0001, 83301ART0001, 83117ART0196, 83099ART0003, 83059ART0198, 83049ART0002. ``SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computation - Trip Report'', CRON 84009ART0108. ``Geology Field Trip Report'', CRON 83055ART0028. ``Stability of Eigenvectors from Factor Analysis of Seismic Data'', CRON 83027ART0106. ``Statistical Analysis of Brasseux Washout Data'', CRON 83004ART0057. ``Ash Data Analysis'', CRON 82322ART0112, 82322ART0080, 82321ART0117. ``SVD Applied to Mineral Data'', CRON 82320ART0065. ``Hydrofoils and Hydroplanes for Human Powered Craft'', CRON 82280ART0122. ``FLAP - Floatation and Launch Analysis Program User's Manual'', CRON 82214ART0090. ``Interpolation, Smoothing, and Extrapolation'', CRON 82209ART0097, 82188ART0153, 82187ART0117, 82175ART0145. ``Maximum Likelihood Estimation'', CRON 82198ART0001, 81237ART0117, 81226ART0087, 81222ART0168, 81219ART0077, 81219ART0075, 81204ART0081. ``Estimation of the Mean and Covariance of Spatially Varying Data'', CRON 82197ART0116. ``Halsteads Measures of Fortran Programs'', Walter Tam and Daniel Vasicek, CRON 82015ART0168. ``Wind Power Generator Example'', CRON 81321ART0059. ``Bessel Function Evaluation'', CRON 81285ART0060, 81280ART0040. ``Launch and Floatation Analysis of Offshore Structures'', Petroleum Engineer International, May 1979, p 10-16. Cheng-Heng Lu and Daniel J. Vasicek. ``Platform Launch Theory with Barge Jacket Interaction'', Amoco Research Report F77-C-1, April 26, 1977. ``Monte Carlo Models of the Fokker-Planck Equation'', NCAR Cooperative Thesis Number 30, University of Colorado and High Altitude Observatory, NCAR, 1973.


Joe Dellinger, Research Associate, Amoco Production Company, Box 3385, Tulsa, Ok, 74102, 918-660-4024.

Indu Meshri, Research Associate (Retired 1997), Amoco Production Company, Box 3385, Tulsa, Ok, 74102, 918-660-3759.

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Daniel J. Vasicek
Wed Jan 20 15:31:36 CST 1999