The Canaan confederation of Israel
* and Palestine**
an idea for consideration

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1)    Common economy with common economic institutions like financial ministry, etc.
2)    Separate political, legislative, religious, and cultural institutions in West and East Jerusalem***
3)    Common political, legislative, religious, and cultural consultative bodies in Jerusalem
4)    Separate autonomous judicial systems. As proven by the practice of most of the modern Muslim states who do not employ it as an outdated legal system, Sharia IS NOT part of the legal system of Palestine**

* Israel means: the territories within the 1967 borders with reasonable negotiated adjust- ments
** Palestine means: the Gaza strip plus Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank) with reasonable negotiated adjustments
*** West and East Jerusalem are only two sections of a politically, administratively and physically united City of Jerusalem (the walled Old City of Jerusalem is a third section of the city – see Jerusalem section further below)
5)    Common (“Constitutional”) Basic Law High Court in Jerusalem
6)    Defense and state security of the entire confederation – relegated exclusively to Israel*
7)    Two flags
8)    Two national/state emblems
9)    Two anthems. As the Jewish, of Israel*, national anthem – “HaTikva”, has no offensive wordage towards the Arab Nation – in general, and the Palestinian Arabs – in particular, so will the Palestinian, of Palestine**, anthem have not a single word that offends the Jewish people or denigrates their sentiments
10)    Separate representation in international sports events
11)    The Shekel preserves its current status as the only monetary unit in the areas under consideration, and becomes the single monetary unit of The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine**
12)    Israel* and Palestine** retain their separate own internal identification documents and international passports. Both sets of documents are written in both Hebrew and Arabic and contain on top the words “The Canaan confederation of Israel and Palestine” followed by “Israel” or “Palestine” respectively
13)    Hebrew and Arabic are the two official languages of The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine** with absolutely equal status. Israel* writes administrative, legislative, judicial and identification documents in Hebrew first – with a second section in Arabic word-by-word mirroring the Hebrew text section. Palestine** writes administrative, legislative, judicial and identification documents in Arabic first – with a second section in Hebrew word-by-word mirroring the Arabic text section. Usage of English is optional
14)    Political materials in Hebrew newspapers are mandatorily followed by a summary in Arabic, and politi-cal materials in Arabic newspapers are mandatorily followed by a summary in Hebrew
15)    The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine** takes care for the well-being of every single citi-zen within its both constituent parts - Israel* and Palestine**

16)    The United Nations, and by extension all its member states, recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine** 
17)    All embassies and other missions of foreign countries are situated in Jerusalem
18)    West & East Jerusalem*** ARE NOT separate administrative entities, i.e. separate cities. Jerusalem is ONE CITY under ONE MAYOR with two Vice-Mayors responsible for each part: Israeli Vice-Mayor for West Jerusalem; and Palestinian Vice-Mayor for East Jerusalem
19)    Abu Dis which overlooks the Holy Places of Jerusalem and is right next to them becomes an integral part of the City of Jerusalem. This is where the aforementioned institutions of Palestine** are situated. As a center of interest of the three faiths – Christian, Muslim, and Jewish, which maintain there popula-tions as well as religious and cultural institutions, the area known until 1967 as East Jerusalem remains void of political institutions
20)    Geographically West and East Jerusalem*** ARE NOT necessarily delineated according to the pre-1967 cease-fire lines. Facts on the ground are taken into consideration
21)    The walled Old City of Jerusalem, including the areas around it – venerable to the Jewish, Christian, and Moslem faiths, and together with the City of David to the south, are under the exclusive control of the Mayor of Jerusalem – NOT under any of the Vice-Mayors – and by extension are under control of the central institutions of The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine**

        “Har haBait” (“Haram al Sharif”)
22)    “Har haBait” (the Temple Mount) [also known as “Haram al Sharif” (the Noble Sanctuary)] is under the jurisdiction of The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine** – NOT under the jurisdiction of the Muslim Waqf
23)    A moratorium is in place for at least fifty years on building of new or expanding the existing religious and administrative facilities on “Har haBait” (“Haram al Sharif”). A transparent and sensitive to all three faiths process of archeological research aiming to reveal the history buried there takes place while maintaining the integrity and usability of all religious facilities
24)    “Har haBait” (“Haram al Sharif”) is not a burial ground
25)    Organized open-air Jewish faith prayers take place on “Har haBait” (“Haram al Sharif”) in times not interfering with the Muslim faith prayers
26)    If flags are to be raised over “Har haBait” (“Haram al Sharif”) the two aforementioned national flags are waved equally elevated on two pylons side by side

         Hebron and other places of historical and religious significance
27)    “Mearat haMachpelah” (the Tomb of the Patriarchs) and the adjacent area remain under the central and exclusive jurisdiction of The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine**
28)    All places of historical and religious significance to Jews, Christians and Moslems in Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank) are open for religious practices and all other types of visitation – as has been the case in the State of Israel since its very re-establishment in 1948

         Jewish and Arab settlements
29)    The Jewish Settlements in Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank) REMAIN WHERE THEY ARE – in the same way as non-Jewish settlements have remained after 1948-49 within the pre-1967 State of Israel and continue to this date to thrive there. Palestine**, and specifically Judea and Samaria (
also known as the West Bank), is not judenrein – in the same way as Israel* is not void of Arab population
30)    The Arab nations and the world community AGREE that certain Arab settlements have irreversibly ceased to exist as a result of a war in 1948-49 imposed on the Jewish people and the State of Israel – a de- fensive war for the very right of the Jewish state to exist. No Arab settlement forfeited during that war is subject to recreation.


31)    Return of 1948-49 Palestinian-Arab refugees**** – ONLY in Palestine**
32)    Reasonable financial compensation for those refugees**** opting not to return – financed on a 50-50 basis by: on one side, the Arab League; and on the other side, Israel* + the world Jewish communities – both sides being the warring sides during the imposed on Israel Independence –for Israel– war of 1948-49 that created the refugee**** problem. Whoever benefits from the financial compensation is no longer considered a refugee**** and cannot automatically return to Palestine**
33)    Arab countries hosting Palestinian-Arab refugees**** that opted not to settle in Palestine** grant full citizenship to those of them (Palestinian-Arab refugees****) willing to accept such full citizenship

         Golan Heights
34)    The Golan Heights, including the “Har Dov” (Shebaa Farms) section of it, will be negotiated, if at all*****, ONLY after the establishment of The Canaan confede- ration of Israel* and Palestine** – the two sides of the negotiations being: on one side, The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine**; and on the other side, Syria and Lebanon

**** Refugees are those registered as such with UNRWA before the June 1967 Six-day war

***** In the Golan Heights negotiations primary concern should be given to the Security needs of The Canaan Confederation of Israel* and Palestine**

         Relations with the external world
35)    Palestine**, as part of The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine**, WILL NOT BE a Member of the Arab League
36)    All Arab League nations, including Syria and Lebanon recognize The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine** and the specific unalienable right of the Jews to have their nowadays and forever ahead homeland in their historical homeland – the Land of Canaan-Israel-Palestine
37)    In the United Nations and in countries of significant influence in world affairs Israel* and Palestine** maintain separate missions – as the European Union countries do. In countries where it seems more practical single mutual missions of The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine** are maintained. The United Nations amend their regulations in such a manner as to assure in practice to both Israel* and Palestine** the possibility to be non-permanent members of the Security Council of the UN
38)    Foreign countries maintain embassies or other missions ONLY in Jerusalem delegated ONLY to The Canaan confederation of Israel* and Palestine** – NOT separately to Israel* or to Palestine**

Mario Behar, May 12, 2007, New York

The above has been sent to the following:
- the Presidency of the State of Israel: Ms. Dalia Itzik – Acting President
- the Prime Minister of the State of Israel: Mr. Ehud Olmert
- the Speaker of the Israeli Knesset: Ms. Dalia Itzik
- the President of the Palestinian Authority: Mr. Mahmoud Abbas
- the Secretary-General of the Arab League (the League of Arab Nations): Mr. Amr Moussa
- the Secretary-General of the United Nations: Mr. Ban Ki-moon
- the Foreign Ministry of the State of Israel: Ms. Tzipi Livni – Foreign Minister
- the Israeli Mission to the United Nations: Mr. Dan Gillerman – Ambassador
- the Palestinian Observer Mission to the UN: Mr. Riyad H. Mansour - Ambassador
- the Israeli newspaper “Jerusalem Post”
- the Israeli newspaper “Yediot Acharonot”
- the Israeli newspaper “Maariv”
- the Israeli newspaper “HaHaretz”
- “The New York Times” - U.S.A.
- “The Washington Post” - U.S.A.
- “The Wall Street Journal” - U.S.A.
- “The Los Angeles Times” - U.S.A.

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