Labeling the body!!!

____________________ = a study of the structure of an organism and relationships of its parts

____________________ = a study of the functions of organisms and their parts


A. Organization is an outstanding characteristic of body structure

B. Body is made of smaller units

1. Chemical level - ____________________

2. ____________________ - smallest unit of life

3. ____________________ - groups of similar cells that perform a special function

4. ____________________ - groups of different tissues that perform a special function

5. Systems - groups of different ____________________ that perform a special function

C. Cavities

1. ____________________ cavities

a. ____________________ cavity

(1) ____________________ - midportion includes heart, trachea, esophagus, thymus

(2) ____________________ cavities - (R & L) contains lungs

b. Abdominopelvic cavities

(1) Abdominal - contains stomach, intestines, ____________________, pancreas,

gallbladder, and spleen

(a) Upper abdominal

1. right ____________________

2. epigastric

3. ____________________

(b) Middle regions

4. right lumbar

5. umbilical

6. ____________________

(c) Lower regions

7. right iliac

8. hypogastric

9. ____________________

(2) Pelvic - contains
____________________, reproductive organs, lowest part of intestine

2. ____________________ cavities

a. ____________________ - brain

b. ____________________ - spinal cord

II. Body structure vocabulary

1. ____________________ - head, upper, above

2. ____________________ - feet, lower, below

3. ____________________ - front, in front of

4. ____________________ - back, in back of

5. ____________________- toward middle

6. ____________________ - toward side

7. ____________________ - near

8. ____________________ - away from

9. ____________________ - near surface

10. ____________________ - away from surface

11. ____________________ - anterior torso below diaphragm

12. ____________________ - forearm

13. ____________________ - Depressed area in front of elbow

14. ____________________- upper extremity between shoulder and elbow

15. ____________________ - armpit

16. ____________________ - arm

17. ____________________ - mouth

18. ____________________ - wrist

19. ____________________ - head

20. ____________________ - neck

21. ____________________ - ribs

22. ____________________ - skull

23. ____________________ - leg

24. ____________________ - elbow

25. ____________________ - skin

26. ____________________ - fingers or toes

27. ____________________ - back

28. ____________________ - upper middle area of abdomen

29. ____________________ - face

30. ____________________ - thigh

31. ____________________ - forehead

32. ____________________ -upper extremity between elbow and wrist

33. ____________________ - buttocks

34. ____________________ - root of thigh between torso and leg

35. ____________________ - groin

36. ____________________- Lower extremity between knee and ankle

37. ____________________ - Lower back

38. ____________________ - breast

39. ____________________ - Area of skull below and behind ear

40. ____________________ - Back of lower skull

41. ____________________ - Palm of hand

42. ____________________ - chest

43. ____________________ - foot

44. ____________________ - lower torso

45. ____________________ - area between anus and genitals

46. ____________________ - chest area over heart

47. ____________________ - sole of foot

48. ____________________ - behind knee

49. ____________________ - above collar bone

50. ____________________ - ankle

51. ____________________ - side of skull

52. ____________________ - chest

53. ____________________ - area around umbilicus (navel)

54. ____________________ - palm or sole


A. ____________________ - divides into left and right

B. ____________________ - divides into two equal halves

C. ____________________ - divides into anterior and posterior.

D. ____________________ - divides into upper & lower


A. ____________________ - head, neck, trunk

B. ____________________ - arms and legs


A. Survival most important function

B. ____________________ - relative constancy of the internal environment

1. exchange of materials between ____________________ and environment

2. temperature regulation

3. metabolism

C. Body functions are ____________________ functions

D. Body functions are related to ____________________