Jesus Christ is the Son of God, not God. He is Our Lord and Savior for All Who Confess Romans 10:9 and 10

Evidence and Research from the Bible that Jesus Christ is not God

Trinity Origin

The origins of the Trinity have their beginnings with the Babylonians with the equilateral; triangle of the three in one God. Other groups also had their own trinities. The Hindus have Brahma, Vishnu, and Shivh. The Greeks had Zeus, Athena and Apollo and the Romans had Jupiter, Venus (Goddess of love and beauty) and Mercury. Pagans who converted to Christianity in the 4th century when the Catholic Church was formed under Emperor Constantine, also had believed in a trinity. The group who would later follow Constantine in the 4th century used the trinity baptism as early as 80AD.

To be saved: you must confess with thy mouth that Jesus Is Lord and Savior and God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9 and 10).
God is love and he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ for the redemption of sins. If Jesus Christ were God, salvation would not be available.
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Bible Verses changed to support Trinity: pagans to support Trinity added words in the new translations:

I John 5:6-8 verse 7-added in heaven and go to earth which was added in the 4th century. Matthew 28:19 had the translation changed by Eusbius before he died in 340 AD. Constantine also assisted. The original verse said "in thy name" and later Eubius and Constantine added "in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit."

Bible Verses on fordained and foreknowledge of Jesus Christ

I Peter 1:29 foreordained means to foreknow (prophecy) Romans 8:29 foreknow-Christ was foreknown by God in the beginning but did not exist until his birth on earth in 3 BC. Christ was foreknown but not physically around with God as God was alone in the beginning-Genesis 1:1.

Ephesians 1:4- he is God, him is God, him is God-JC did not exist except in the foreknowledge of God that he know he would sacrifice his son for the redemption of human kind.

II Timothy 1:9- who (God)¼ called us¼in Christ Jesus before world began. God knew Jesus would come about in foreknowledge as God is omniscient but Christ did not exist in the beginning. I Timothy 3:16-God is the Greek word hos, which means "which," so it does not mean God.

Bible Verses where God, Lord used as Title, Exalted one

In Oriental cultures, God, Lord etc. were titles of Kings and exalted people. Even wives called husbands lord, of course the day I ever call my husband lord, hell would freeze over but as we know this was before woman's rights. Hebrews 1:8 the word God is the title King, exalted position and high priest. Exodus 7:1, Moses was also called a god.

In Hebrew Lord is adon and means Head king which is why we call Jesus lord since he is the head of the body (church). John 20:28-Thomas says God to JC in paying homage (tribute) to the risen savior.

Scriptures that say God and Jesus Christ are Separate and JC is Son of God Matt 3:17, Mark 1:11, Matt 17:15, Mark 9:7 and Luke 9:35.

Mark says JC is Son of God: Mark 1:11
John says JC is Son of God: John 1:18, 20:31, I John 1:3, 4:15, 5:5 and 5:20.

Paul says JC is Son of God: Acts 9:20, Romans 1:3 and 4, Romans 5:10, Romans 8:3, I Corinthians 1:9, II Corinthians 1:19, Gal 2:20, Gal 4:4.
God addresses JC as son: Luke 1:35
Also verse that says my son of whom I am well pleased John the Baptist says JC is Son of God: John 1:32-34
Simon Peter says JC is Son of God: Matt 6:16?, John 6:68-69
Nathaniel says JC is Son of God: John 1:49
Martha says JC is Son of God: John 11:27
Blind Man says JC is Son of God: John 9:35-38
Disciples say JC is Son of God: Matt 14:13
Philip and Ethiopian Church says JC is Son of God: Acts 8:37
Centurions say JC is Son of God: Matt 27:54?
Devil Spirits say JC is Son of God: Matt 8:2, Mark 3:11?, Mark 5:7, Luke 4:47, Luke 8:28
JC on Himself says he is Son of God and not God: Matt 27:43, John 3:16-18, John 5:25, John 9:35,37, John 10:36.

How God and Jesus Christ are Dissimilar

Jesus Christ can be tempted because he is a man, God cannot be tempted because he is spirit. James 1:13, Luke 4:1, 2, 13, Hebrews 4:15.

Jesus Christ has limited knowledge which is limited to what he gets from the scriptures. God is omniscient. Mark 13:32, Hebrews 5:8.

Jesus Christ's will is different from that of God's will. Matt 26:39, 42, Luke 22:42, John 5:3, Matt 20:23.

Jesus Christ put his will aside and did the will of his father (God), Matt 12:32, God's doctrine did not originate with Jesus Christ- John 7:16. John 8:17, 18 (God and JC are different)

Jesus Christ and God are not one but have unity of purpose: John 10:30? One translates to hen in Greek which means one in purpose. Other versus that show unity of purpose are John 17:11, John 17:20-23,;

God is not equal to Jesus Christ, he is superior to him. John 14:28, I Corinthians 11:3, I Corinthians 15:27, 28 and I Timothy 2:5.

In Phil 2:6 equal is Greek word isos which is where we get our word for isosceles triangle which is a triangle with equal sides but not identical. John 5:18 says father is equal to son in exalted status in Oriental society. Phil 12:7-11 Jesus Christ humbled to God and God exalted him.

God gave Jesus Christ his son and Jesus made available for us to all become God's kids. I Corinthians 8:16, I John 3:2.
Deuteronomy 6:4 illustrates that we have one true God. Lord (Jehovah), God (Elohim), is one Lord ( Jehovah). Also the name Jesus Christ means the exalted one and Prince of Peace and Emmanuel which means God with us. Matt 1:21, 23. This is the same as Joshua who's name meant God and savior and Joshua is not God.

God was alone in the beginning and Jesus Christ did not exist physically. He was only a foreordained, foreknowledge prophecy of God. Genesis 1:1, John 1:1., Genesis 2:16, 17.
God is spirit and Christ is a man. John 4:24. Jesus Christ's conception was divine but his birth was natural. Matt 1:18-25. God is spirit and can only communicate with spirit so used Jesus Christ to communicate with humans. God is spirit as God is in us the way God was in Christ. John 3:6-8.

John 1:1,

John 1:1 In the beginning was the word (logos Greek for word), and the word (logos) was with God , and the word (logos) was God. The word is God. God can only communicate with flesh via the Holy Spirit, his gift available to born again believers after the Day of Pentecost. God is spirit and the only three ways he can communicate was by his spirit, via Jesus Christ and via his written word (The Bible). In John 1:1, the analysis shows the verse to say: In the beginning the Word was with God (revealed written word, the Bible), and created Word which is Jesus Christ, (distinct and different from the written word). The Word (JC) was with God (in foreknowledge, as a prophecy) as God is omniscient and Christ's knowledge is limited to the scriptures. The revealed word was with God in foreknowledge, later the revealed word was to be manifested in writing as the Bible and the flesh is Jesus Christ, separate and distinct from God.

The subject of the Bible is God whom revealed himself via his son Jesus Christ the redeemer who in the Old Testament was just in foreknowledge. Jesus Christ only existed in foreknowledge John 9:9. John 8:58. John 12:38-41. It is I means I am in Greek, I am does not mean I am God.

Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb sacrificed by God for the redemption of humankind after the fall of Adam. Romans 5:15, 17?, John 1:29, I Peter 1:18, 19.
Today Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the father. Mark 14:62, Acts 7:55, Hebrews 1:3.

The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God's gift so we can become born again and have eternal life. John 16:13, 15, he spirit is comforter used in place of spirit. Romans 8:26-itself is spirit. Holy Spirit is gift of God, not trinity. Acts 7:37-39, he is Moses, not God. God was in Christ as he is in us and we are not God. Col. 1:27. Christ is head of the body. Col. 2:9.

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Here is also a site on God's word in France with links that help with websites. For that click here. Here are some sites that gives some more Christian sites written in French. This site gives some French Christian links and this site gives references to God's word in French. If you wish to access the Word in Germany go to The Bibel Center by Wolfgang Schneider, a great man of God moving the Word over the World in the Deutschland.

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