Sponsored by the Nanaimo Amateur Radio Assn.

Nanaimo Marine Festival - July 20th-23rd, 2000

34th Annual Bathtub Race 11:00 AM July 23rd

For further information visit:


Here are some photos of this year's VE7TUB operation.


Same site as last year, overlooking the starting line for the big race. Those menacing clouds aren't supposed to be there!!!



This year the station is in the open for all to see.



Gerry VE7BGP operates while Terry VE7LVD logs contacts.



Gerry makes a contact on 20 metre SSB. He loaned his new Icom IC-706MKII to NARA for this operation.



A few raindrops never hurt anybody! Loyd VE7FCO operates the IC-706MKII which has been covered with a plastic bag to keep out any moisture.


Have a look at and search for VE7TUB to get a look at the QSL card/certificate that you can get for working VE7TUB.


Photos by Bill VE7JY

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