Lew's CCD Camera & Telescope Project
Table of pages
Help, Free Stuff & Pix
July 2001 Data on WZ Sagittae
CBA Pahala
Lew moves the 17.5
inch reflector in 2003
to latitude +19, long. 155
Lew's Nemesis Spreadsheet for correcting photometry with an incidental star
Lew's light curve for the 2002
Supernova in M74 - SN2002ap - in 3 colors,
V (green), R (red) and I (near infrared)
Lew's 737 project
Lew Re-engineers the 737 mm Reflector!
Lew beta tested AIP4WIN!
Check out this great book and great software by Berry and Burnell
work on MV Lyrae
Summary - first 10 months of construction on the 44 cm reflector
Lew's Excel
Light Curve Plotting Spreadsheet
made especially for AIP4WIN
photometry software!
Lew's article on MV Lyrae for the Czech Journal
Fighting Ugly Light Pollution
Lew's Excel
Heliocentric Correction Spreadsheet
Light curves of MV Lyrae
Project Plans and Problems
Lew's Tutorial on making Excel Plots
of light curves for web pages!
Is the MV Lyrae Check Star Variable?
M13 for Larry and Laura
Lew's One Cell JD Calculator
a converter from UT date to Julian Date
AO Piscium - light curves
Observing Dangerously
CBA Concord
Lew's Affiliation with the
Center for Backyard Astrophysics
U Gem - The Classic Dwarf Nova
Supernova 1999cl in M88
Lew's original Excel
Light Curve Plotting Spreadsheet
-Autoplot.xls -
made for plotting light curves
from photometry results
in a 2 or 3 column text file.
IP Peg - light curves!
V898 Cyg identification
Lew's automatic star chart plotting spreadsheet from Arne Henden's photometry standard star lists
V449 Lyr - a faint eclipsing binary
The filter slide
QY Persei
The dew cap
M5 and M57
V751 Cyg Light Curves
Plans for the Focuser
Lew's Suspected Variable
The reconfigured declination motions
V603 Aql Light Curve
Lew's Projects Page
UX UMa Light Curve
XTE J1118+480
an X-ray Nova
Sky conditions forecast for nearby Mount Diablo