Hi, I'm Lew Cook.

My interests are:
Astronomy, especially variable stars
CCD cameras
Violin Making
Sports Car Racing (retired)

Email me at lcoo. Of course, that's yahoo.com.

Links to Projects

The last update was Sept. 12, 1999.
Lew's CCD Camera project
I'm building a photo album of some interesting pictures. I hope you enjoy them!
Lew's Bird's Eye Maple Fiddle.
Meanwhile, ...

The photos from the Caribbean total eclipse were taken February 26, 1998. The total solar eclipse lasted 3 minutes 45 seconds, but seemed much shorter. Local time ( about 30 miles east of Curacao) was 2:13 pm.

The camera used was a Sony Mavica digital still camera. Venus was visible but far from the sun.
Closer were Mercury and Jupiter, visible in the second shot.
The trip also included a visit to the Arecibo radio telescope, which is much more impressive than pictures ever can indicate.
Bromeliads in PR Rainforest. Christopher Colombus' crypt is guarded by the Military in Santo Domingo.

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All text, photos and drawings (c) 1998, 1999, 2009 Lewis M. Cook