Welcome to my little space on the web. I started this
page while living in Okinawa, Japan, in June '97 during
a typhoon. I have been having fun ever since.
I am beginning to make changes to all of the pages.
Many things have changed over the past few years, making
most of this website outdated.
Keep checking back!
Who am I?
Just a bit of my history. There are some links to
pictures here.
Be Blessed!
Wonderful religious fun and information.
Bark! Bark!
Get the beef on my puppies and other dog-gone news.
La La La!!
Music can be a great way to "Express Yourself."
Where For Art...
A great collection of all kinds of poetry.
Graphics Galore:
Some of the best graphics and HTML help!
Awards the my pages have been blessed with!
Places to go:
I have been here and there. Here's a peek.....
Here are some things I am proud to post!!
Leave Jennifer your footprint:
Please take a moment to sign my guestbook.
It means a lot to me!
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You are the
person to visit me
since June 27, 1997 I'm sooo excited.