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News of 22/03

K6-III x Pentium III

A battle already lost

AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) lost big time. According to several sources, its brand new K6 failed completely to deliver the promised performance. Meanwhile Intel expands its high-end workstations and servers business. Details on Hello


Techtalk of 22/03

56 kbps ? isso melhora

a conexão à Internet ?

Essa é para os brasileiros. Sem dúvida alguma os provedores e a Embratel estâo pisando na bola e na verdade de nada adianta aquele modem 56 kbps novinho em folha. Saiba porquê em techtalk

Download of 22/03

Axialis CD-Player

This download is really good. It acesses CDDB servers in the internet, so whenever you put a music CD on your tray the software asks the CDDB servers for info and displays the correct titles of the musics. Get it on Download

Message of 22/03

Brand NEW website !!!

It took long to me think this website over. But it is far from over ! If you have any kind of suggestion, want to ask something or even want to write a columm, do not hesitate on contacting me on


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Last modified: Março 23, 1999