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Regular: Blue Cyan Green Yellow Red Magenta |
White: Blue Cyan Green Yellow Red Magenta |
Suggested Icons:
The information I have on symmetric icons, as well as all of the icons listed above, came from one book, Symmetry in Chaos by Michael Field and Martin Golvbitsky. If you like these pictures and want to learn more about the math behind them, I strongly recommend this book.
The formula behind these pictures is z' = z * (lambda + alpha * z * conjugate(z) + beta * real(z ^ n) + omega * i) + gamma * conjugate(z) ^ (n - 1). In this formula, exponents are shown with ^'s. n is the degree of symmetry, z is a complex number corresponding to a point in the image, and i is the square root of -1. The conjugate of a complex number is a complex number with the same real part, but opposite imaginary part. For example, the conjugate of (3 + 2i) is (3 - 2i). To create these pictures, z is set to any initial value. The formula gives a new value for z. The point corresponding to z is hit, and the new value for z is used in the formula. The colors are determined by how frequently a screen pixel is hit.
The formula for these images was invented strictly for the purpose of producing chaotic, yet symmetric, images. When searching for a formula to produce beautiful images, the authors of this formula started with the logistic map formula. They added several variables to fill the complex plane, create or destroy symmetry, and add variety. A brief description of how to use the variables is below:
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