Dave's Cutlass Supreme Convertible
I had been looking for a '70 - '72 convertible for about 6 months when I spotted this one in rather rough apperance at the local cruising spot "Old Town" in Kissimmee. It was sitting in the regular lot as an outcast "too rough to cruise" It is coming along well, I've done a lot of work to it. It is great in the nice weather we have here in Florida.
Merana's Cutlass Supreme 4 Door
We found this sweety on the web. Just a short drive away. The car is original except the lousy paint (soon to be rectified) This little old lady's car had only 43000 miles on it. (The springs still have the paper GM part no tags on them!) Originally was going to use as transportation and parts (great interior) but Merana fell in love with it!