Matt's Amateur Pyro Page

Welcome to my page all about pyrotechnics. If you love to watch, make, or just learn about fireworks then this is your page. I apologize but due to my ignorance and growing knowledge this site will be changing and updated as am constantly learning more about pyrotechnics. I am exactly what the name says, an amateur, and probably will be for a long time. I have always had an interest and curiosity in fire and chemistry. It is the hobby that keeps going long after the others are forgotten. Yes, there is a reason for this page. If there is any experienced person or other pyrotechnician out there who wishes to share some information or stories please e-mail me ... I need information!! So-long, fellow pyros, come back soon!


Here are some of my pages

Chemical Page - General info on pyrotechnic chemicals
My Resources - Various documents about Pyrotechnics
Basic Formulas - Some basic pyro formulas with a little info on each one
Pyro Supplies - Page about where to get your pyro supplies
Pyro Stories - Cool pyro stories that I have collected
Links -Links to other pyro pages and cool pages.

If you have a comment, complaint, or request, put it in my guestbook.

E-mail me at if you have questions suggestions, or if you just feel like it :-)!

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I take no responsibility for what you do with, or how you use the information I present here. There is a possibility that it could be illegal if used incorrectly. I do not encourage any illegal or harmful use of this information, but rather discourage it. Please check with your local, state, and federal laws and regulations before attempting to do anything. It's up to you to decide how you use the information, I take NO responsibility!
This page was last revised on 02/27/04

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