People I Just Want to Say Hello and Thanks To:

There's no way I can put everyone that's important to me on this page, so please don't be offended if you're not here in're always in my heart.

Daimere, my little dude: I wouldn't be right here, if you hadn't been right there...Kim: if God made a better sister, He kept her for Himself...Shawn & Teika: when everything is said and done, we really are all that we've got ..Danaisha: looking forward to watching you grow up into a beautiful young lady.

Aunt Gwen & Aunt Gerri: Let my actions show the love I've got for you... Sandy & David:  Back together again... it's great to see it, too...Toby: For being like the brother that you've been, "thanks"...Karen: What a lady...I'm so proud of you... Michael & Paul: Missing you... come home...Todd: It took me a long time to find out the world can function without me.  I missed a lot of love in the meantime.  Don't take as long as I did....Uncle James:  Through everything, you're still the man!...Uncle Richard:  Like you've always been there!

Then there's
my Altoona Family who taught me that it's OK to be loved, and then showed me how good it really felt: Hannah & Mallory: I love you more than Chocolate Covered Raisins, and you know that's a lot!!  Katie & Brian: Thank you for allowing me to come into your family and be loved...Don & Betsy:  For letting me come into your neighborhood and be the son that you don't tell people about (smile)...Sheldon: for taking me under your wing, regardless of what I did...Rose: Inside lies a heart bigger than you (and your little dog, too my pretty!)...Jim Mc: Just one laid back guy... may baseball be your Heaven one day...Jan: Thanks so much for the words of encouragement...For all those Friends of Bill and Bob who showed me that together we can do what one of us can't: I Love You All!!...Beth: I hope that you're making it... you deserve it...To that HNA staff (you know who you are Lorine, Barb, Linda & Scott): You gave me a new life...It's pretty nice, too!...Pam: Never can I leave you out... the lady who silenced me!!  I needed that & more...Clara, Vi, George & George, Jr.: Thanks for helping me maintain this figure...Holly: Where would I be without your technical "prowess"?...Lisa:  Please get well soon!

Those people who made me the engineer that I am: George: your penance on this earth was to be my boss; you now go straight to Heaven.  Jim: Thanks for being the epitome of a role model since 1979...Lynn & Enos: through the good times and all, you showed me the way - In spite of myself.  Thanks!  Dave: The guitar man!  Keep on playing that guitar!  To all those I've worked with over years:  Thanks!  Hi Joan!

And those special friends who bore the brunt of my madness: Charles & Jackie, Gloria, Dave & Vyonne, Mary & Geoff, Dorothy & William...Dee & Brian.  I needed you then and surely will in the future...Horace & Mary: Look what you've helped mold... Finally, Joe Westray:  Thank-you! I love you...Rest in peace.