Welcome to Hon Ho's Homepage

I am Hon Ho, an Electrical Engineer at McMaster University. I graduated my bachelor degree in May, 1996 and presently, I am pursuing my second degree in Computer Science. I will be graduated in May, 1997.

Here are some of my personal informations, I was borned in Vietnam. Left Vietnam on May 13, 1985 and arrived in Indonesia on May 19, 1985. I lived in Indonesia for 2 years and landed immigrant to Canada on April 1st, 1987.

My hobbies are Interneting, Ircing, WWW and fooling around with computer hardware and software. In sport, I like watching and playing Hockey, Soccer, Baseball. In the warm weather conditions, I like to spend sometimes to go fishing.

On Irc, most of the time, I am on server undernet. Channel viet is my favorite channel cuz I always got banned there. But don't misunderstand that I am a lamer. I got banned from that channel cuz of lamer. I got banned there cuz I am one heck of a flooder.

Well thats all myself, now how about intro urself here if u want :) Lets introduce yourself here if your dare.