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I wonder...What was her life like? What was going on in the world around her? How did people think of the world in her time and place? When it comes right down to it, what made her stand out in history? In Science?

Short Bios
& Some

Mary Anning
Marie Curie
Hypatia of Alexandria
Ada Byron Lovelace
Maud Menten

Book List

to other sites:

Emmy Noether
Maria Mitchell
Maria Mitchell Association

Check out the debate on the current and future status of women in science at Nature

Are there any women you think should be included in this list? Do you want to recommend a link or book?

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Joy Adams

the "witch" of Agnesi

Leah Allen

Caroline Still Anderson

Mary Anning


Florence Bascom

Harriet Bigelow

Elizabeth Blackwell

Emilie de Breteuil,
Marquise du Chatelet

Mary Emma Byrd


Emma Carr

Rachel Carson

Eve Curie

Marie Curie


Florence Hawlley Ellis

Gertrude Elion


Dian Fossey

Rosalind Franklin


Sophie Germain
(1776- 1831)

Jane Goodall

Marianne Grunberg-Manago


Alice Hamilton

Julia Brainerd Hall

Olive C. Hazlett

Carolin Herschel

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin



Cythia Irwin-Williams


Mae Jemison
(first Black woman in space)

Irene Joliot-Curie


Sonya Corvin-Krukovsky Kovalevsky


Marjorie Ferguson Lambert

Mayme I. Logsdon

Ada Byron Lovelace


Antonia Maury

Barbara McClintock

Lise Meitner

Maud Menten

Helen A. Merrill

Maria Mitchell


Ida Noddack

Emmy (Amalie) Noether


Margaretta Palmer


Sally Ride


Mary Emily Sinclair

Mary Fairfax Somerville

Helen Swartz


Trotula of Salerno


Jeanne Villepreux-Power


Anna Pell Wheeler

Mary Whitney


Anne S. Young

These women have made important contributions to Public Health:

Clara Barton

Alice Hamilton

Florence Nightingale

Margerate Sanger

Recommended Book List

Madame Curie: a Biography
by Curie, Eve, De Capo Press abridged republication of edition published in New York in 1937. reprinted by arrangement with doubleday & Co.. 1986.
link to

Hypatia of Alexandria
by Dzielska, Maria, translated by Lyra,F. Harvard University Press; Cambridge MA, London England. 1995.
link to

Women in Mathematics
by Osen, Lynn M., The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England. 1974.
link to

Mathematical Scandals
by Pappas, Teoni, wide World Publishing/Tetra, San Carlos, CA. 1997.
link to

Mary Anning of Lyme Regis
by Tickell, Crispin,Published by Lyme Regis Philpot Museum, 1996. reprinted 1998.

Stars, Shells and Bluebells: Women Scientists and Pioneers
published by Women in Technology & Science (WITS), P.O.Box 3783, Dublin 4, Ireland. 1997.

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