(keywords = orgon, orgone, orgonomy, wr, cloudbusting)
(Deja news search we thank you)

(Editor note: The messages and items found in this search include negative and positive statements towards orgonomy. Some negative statements demonstrate the one sided and mechanistic view by individuals. Some other statements are broadcasted one liners by those who have never investigated what they have chosen to judge negatively. These negative and unsubstantiated statements are part of what Wilhelm Reich would consider as "the emotional plague of mankind". Some however are just orgonomy information or exchange. We post what we find in the searches. We leave it up to the reader to form their own opinions concerning what we found on the news groups.)

Most recent item is listed last. Long items occasionally edited to show only text related to - orgone.  

Date : 950701

Journal of The Inquiring Skeptics of Upper New York
Volume 1, Issue 7

Ask The Skeptic.

Question: I read with interest your previous column regarding why it rains after watering the lawn. You ascribe the problem to changes in Orgone energy caused by the hose. It so happens that I am an amateur astronomer, and have noticed that it gets cloudy and frequently rains when I take out my telescope. Friends who are also amateur astronomers have noticed the same thing. Could our telescopes be causing this? It does seem that the more telescopes together in one place, the more clouds appear. And, that clouds appear wherever we point the telescopes.

Answer: Yes. In fact, telescopes do cause rain for precisely the reason you state. A ``cloud buster'' as developed by the great psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, is constructed from a hollow tube. The tube is used to influence the concentration and flow of Orgone energy, the \'elan vital that permeates the Universe. My ongoing class-action suit against the Orgone Institute limits how much I can say, but I can tell you that the situation for amateur astronomers is more grave then for those who are simply watering their lawn, or washing their car. The primary mirror of the popular Newtonian telescope acts as an Orgone energy resonator which concentrates extremely high levels of Orgone energy over observation sites. The larger the mirror, the greater the concentration. Likewise, the more mirrors the greater the concentration.

My studies of Orgone energy and the techniques of cloud busting has lead me to believe that Newtonian telescopes trigger a Orgonic interferometry effect. This allows two 6 inch mirrors on either side of a field to act as a single cloud buster of gargantuan proportions. This is the basis of my suit against the Orgone institute, whose own studies hint at this effect, and which I believe is responsible for the great mid-western floods of 1993 (my lawyer has vetted this remark). I am greatly concerned that hurricane Andrew was a direct result of the Orgone energy concentration created by the Winter Star Party, and that our current dry spell in the northeast is due to the Hubble Space Telescope.

I have been in consultation with telescope manufacturers, however, and can assure you that they are taking this problem seriously. Several innovative designs have been proposed and I think your problem would go away if you were to purchase a catadioptric telescope such as a Schmidt-Cassigrain, or maybe a long focal length refractor. These telescopes greatly reduce the concentration of Orgone energy overhead by collecting it in the objective of the telescope. Heavy dewing may result, but that is a minor problem. Finally, be sure to paint the telescope bright white to help dissipate the Orgone energy safely, and wrap the eye-piece in aluminum foil for your own safety.

Q: Ok, so then who is the Mighty Quinne?

A: I'm sorry, but my lawyers will not allow me to answer that question.

-David Quinne

The UFO Skeptic.

As you know, I am very skeptical of claims that UFOs are real. I feel that evidence showing that UFOs are real is sorely lacking, and it surprises me how fervently people will believe in cases that have little substance. When I heard Stanton Friedman speak, I was quite surprised that he considered the Barney and Betty Hill case part of the proof that UFOs are real and we are being visited by alien spacecraft on a regular basis. To me, believing that Barney and Betty's abduction was a real event seems to rely more on wishful thinking than on anything of substance.

Does it matter if people believe in UFOs even though they are not real? Yes, it does. Devoting one's life to a fictitious belief is a terrible and unproductive waste of time and energy. There are so many interesting and exciting things in the real world and our time here is limited.

Being overly credulous may hide some real and unrecognized phenomena from view, or at least delay its recognition. Scientists tend to be reluctant to devote time and energy pursuing claims or ideas that seem farfetched or unlikely to be true. Much of this attitude is probably due to the large number and wide range of unusual claims and the overly credulous attitude of many people making such claims. It is likely that some real and interested phenomena may be buried in the noise.

A good example is a recent discovery about lightning. Lightning has been studied for about two centuries, and scientists felt that it was fairly well understood. Recently and unexpectedly a whole new class of lightning was discovered. Flashing upward from thunderheads are two new types of lightning---red sprites and blue jets. The red sprites, which may be pink or red, are many miles wide and rise to heights of 60 miles. Blue jets are cone shaped with their apex atop the clouds. They extend to heights of about 20 miles. While red sprites appear all at once, the blue jets move upward from the cloud tops.

The new class of lightning was first photographed by accident in 1989 when a retired physicist, Dr. John R. Winckler, was helping a friend try out a new low light video camera. A check of videos of thunderstorms taken by the space shuttles revealed more examples of this new and strange lightning. Soon searches for the phenomena were easily succeeding and it is now being widely investigated.

These forms of lightning eluded science because they are not as obvious as common lightning. They are rarer, fainter, and faster than normal lightning. They were, however, reported before they were recognized as something real. Airline pilots had sometimes seen them, and the May, 1995, issue of Sky & Telescope contains a letter from Stuart L. Becher. He writes that he is personally gratified that the sprite phenomena has at last been recognized as real, and then relates witnessing them twenty-five years ago when he was serving in Vietnam. Although he reported his observations to physicists and atmospheric scientists, most were indifferent.

People who are interested in anomalous phenomena claim scientists should take such phenomena more seriously, and should not be indifferent to reports such as that of Mr. Becher. Such reports might be taken more seriously if people interested in unusual phenomena would take science more seriously and become more critical. The perception that they will believe almost anything hurts their credibility, makes it unlikely they will be taken seriously, and may well slow the recognition of new and unrecognized phenomena.

Your comments, thoughts, or questions about this or other UFO topics are most welcome. Please address e-mail to 72724.2270@compuserve.c om or phone me at 374-8460.

-Alan French

1st Symposium on Anomalous Phenomena: Part 3, Kevin Randle.

This past April the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute student union hosted its third UFO symposium entitled: The 1st Symposium on Anomalous Phenomena. Last month I wrote about John Burke's talk on ``Crop Circle Phenomena.'' This month I'm writing about Kevin Randle's talk: ``UFO crash at Roswell.''

Kevin Randle is co-author with Donald Schmitt of two books about Roswell: UFO Crash at Roswell and The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell. The former book was the basis for the Showtime movie Roswell. For those unfamiliar with the Roswell story, it is alleged by Randle and Schmitt that an extra-terrestrial space craft crashed outside of Roswell New Mexico on July 4, 1947. According to Randle, there was one space ship with bodies of 4 or 5 aliens recovered. The number of space ships and bodies (or live) aliens recovered is important, since there are at least 3 competing versions of the crash written by three different sets of authors.

Randle started his talk by outlining the Roswell theory he and Schmitt endorse. As stated above, this is a single crash with four recovered aliens. The reason to emphasis single is that there are some discrepancies regarding the location of the crash site. Randle and Schmitt believe that the UFO was damaged over the Brazil ranch, and crashed at another site. Mac Brazil is the rancher who first reported finding bits and pieces of what the Army Air Force at first called a flying saucer, and later called a weather balloon. This is all very well documented. That is, Mac did find pieces of something, and the Army did call it a flying saucer---there are even newspaper headlines. These subsequently turned out to be pieces of a weather balloon, or did they?

The story as given lay dormant for 40 years. There were spurious reports of recovered flying saucers, but UFOlogist did not take them seriously until the late 1980's when the Roswell case was re-opened. Since then at least 4 books appeared, as well as the Showtime movie, and a novel by Whitney Strieber called Majestic. The title Majestic is a reference to a set of documents called ``MJ12'' recovered by UFOlogists and declared authentic by Stanton Friedman. They are claimed to be a directive by then President Truman forming a committee of scientists to study the craft. The problem is, the ``MJ12'' documents are almost certainly forged (see Philip Klass's many articles in Skeptical Inquirer), and no other paper trail has been uncovered. Randle and Schmitt do not believe MJ12, and their second book details the reasons why.

Randle, in fact, was skeptical of may claims regarding UFOs and crashed saucers---an attitude that is almost heretical. (It is also an attitude that was refreshing after a weekend of anomalous phenomena talks.) He wants to limit himself to the facts, which in his case are largely the interviews he and Schmitt conducted of witnesses to the event. Randle read from and played selected recordings of these interviews. I found them to be the most interesting portion of the talk, and I think they represent an impressive oral history of the Roswell event---regardless of that event might have been. But, what I found most interesting about them is that even in these hand selected excerpts I heard what sounded like leading questions.

A ``leading question'' is a question that supplies information to the person being questioned. For example, a question that asks: ``where was the crash'''' is different from ``how far from town was the crash?''. The second question implies---leads the witness to conclude---that the crash was far from town. Even the second question is preferable to: ``30-40 miles outside of town?'' which is what Schmitt asked in response to a comment by Jim Ragsdale, one of the witnesses.

The extent of this type of questioning is important to know, because part of the claim for Roswell is the number of people whose testimony is consistent. But, this consistency is impressive only if they are independent witnesses. Living in the same town for 40 years is not (in my opinion) independent, and if the interviews really did consist of leading questions the case for Roswell is even weaker. Note, I'm not saying that this happened, I'm saying it sounded like it happened in the clips I listened to. Mr Ragsdale could have volunteered the distance estimate on his own earlier in the interview.

Similar leading questions were asked of Mac Brazil's son. He had collected his own wreckage of the UFO/Balloon, which an Army officer took from him. Schmitt repeatedly asked him about the properties of the material, how hard it was, and so on, even suggesting the term ``fiber optics.'' Brazil, however, stuck to his claims it was like ``balsa wood wrapped in aluminum'' and ``mono-filament fishing line.'' The only anomalous item mentioned was that light shined on one end of the ``fishing line'' came out the other. Given the overall tone of the interview, and that this is a 40 year old memory from a childhood event, I was not too impressed by what Mr. Brazil had to say.

Randle also spent time dismissing Mac Brazil's own claim that he found the wreckage on his ranch in mid-June. This is important for Randle and Schmitt's claim, since they believe the UFO crashed in early July. Brazil gave this mid-June date from the very beginning. Randle claims this was at the Army Air-Force's insistence as part of the weather balloon cover up. Maybe, but then maybe not. True, a rancher might not have left balloon material were cattle could eat it. But, Mac said he was checking the area to see if it was suitable for cattle. Maybe he decided it wasn't. Who can say, it happened 40 years ago.

Most surprising was Randle's investigations of the Air Forces report on Roswell. If you're not familiar with this, the General Accounting Office was asked to look into the Roswell by New Mexico representative Steven Schiff. The Air Force beat them to the finish line with a report endorsing Project Mongol as the source of the balloon. This was an experiment to use high altitude balloons to detect a Soviet atomic bomb blast, which was top secret at the time. Randle found evidence eliminating one of the two possible Mongol balloons, has found that the ``winds aloft'' data from the time should have sent the balloon in the opposite direction, and so on.

If you ever have a chance to see Randle talk I suggest going. He is a good speaker, he does know his material, and he is to date the most skeptical pro-UFO speaker I've seen. I asked him afterwards what would convince him that the Roswell event was not a crashed UFO. He said something that would account for the memories, and especially the memories of being threatened by the Army Air Force officers. He believes it was something big---not Mongol, and that the Air Force is still covering up. It might not be a crashed UFO, but that's what he believes it to have been.

Me, I'm not too sure. For one thing, the complete lack of a paper trail after (now) 50 years is too much to believe. And, that's a lot of time for townspeople to confuse a miss-identified crashed saucer and other events. Were they threatened? Or were they asked not to speak of it, and this grew into memories of threats? Instead, I'll wait for the General Accounting Office report, read Randle's books, and watch how the story shapes up over the next 50 years.

-Michael Sofka

The Journal of Inquiring Skeptics of Upper New York is available on the World Wide Web at: ISUNY/.

Articles, reports, reviews, and letters published in the Journal of Inquiring Skeptics of Upper New York represent the views and work of individual authors. Their publication does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by Inquiring Skeptics of Upper New York or its members unless so stated.

Subject: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Frank Bauer)
Date: 1995/07/03
Message-Id: <3t8g8v$>
Organization: CompuServe Incorporated
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.theory

... anyone interested in discussions about _Wilhelm Reich_, his life,
work and philosophy or related subjects ? Are there other newsgroups
where this request would be better posted ?

>>> Frank <<<
>>>>>> Frank Bauer <<<<<<
>I still dream of Orgonon<

Date: 1995/07/04
Subject: Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Andreas Voigt)
Date: 1995/07/04
Message-Id: <3tbp3f$>
References: <3t8g8v$>
Organization: University of Hamburg -- Germany
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.theory (Frank Bauer) wrote:

>... anyone interested in discussions about _Wilhelm Reich_, his life,
>work and philosophy or related subjects ?
take a look at
lots of material on Reich there.

>I still dream of Orgonon
hmmmm. Uncertain about that...

Date: 1995/07/04
Subject: Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Ed Pearlstein)
Date: 1995/07/04
Message-Id: <3tbgb6$>
Distribution: world
References: <3t8g8v$>
Organization: University of Nebraska--Lincoln
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.theory (Frank Bauer) writes:

>... anyone interested in discussions about _Wilhelm Reich_, his life,
>work and philosophy or related subjects ? Are there other newsgroups
>where this request would be better posted ?

Yes. sci.skeptic

Date: 1995/07/05
Subject: Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Frank Bauer)
Date: 1995/07/05
Message-Id: <3td33m$>
References: <3t8g8v$> <3tbp3f$>
Organization: CompuServe Incorporated
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.theory


Thanks for this - exactly what I was looking for ...

>>I still dream of Orgonon
>hmmmm. Uncertain about that...

... it's just a quote from the famous Kate Bush song 'Cloudbusting'
where( in the video) the actor Donald Sutherland plays the role of
Reich and Kate Bush is his son Peter Reich ...

by the way - what is your opinion to the 'Reich-Subject'. How come
that you know this 'mainelink' web-site ???

>>> Frank <<<

>>>>>> Frank Bauer <<<<<<
>I still dream of Orgonon<

Date: 1995/07/06
Subject: Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Andreas Voigt)
Date: 1995/07/06
Message-Id: <3thicd$>
References: <3t8g8v$> <3tbp3f$> <3td33m$>
Organization: University of Hamburg -- Germany
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.theory (Frank Bauer) wrote:

>by the way - what is your opinion to the 'Reich-Subject'. How come
>that you know this 'mainelink' web-site ???
I've been interested in Reich and his works for years.
My opinion? Problem is: on what of Reich? Reich did psychoanalyisis,
body psychotherapy, politics, biology, physics, theology. Even claimed
to have invented a wholly new science, Orgonomy, in the end.
I have no problem with what he said about psychoanalysis & body
psychotherapy. Concerning the rest: opposed or uncertain, partly
because I feel I don't know enough about the respective fields to
jugde what Reich said.
Glad to have found the Mainelink website for information on current
Reich topics anyway (found this with, I guess)


Date: 1995/07/06
Subject: WILHELM REICH ???
From: (Frank Bauer)
Date: 1995/07/06
Message-Id: <3tfk1h$>
Organization: CompuServe Incorporated
Newsgroups: sci.skeptic

Hi Folks ...

... due to the fact that there are no entries in the FAQ which relate
to *Wilhelm Reich* or Reich'ian subjects I would like to launch a
thread about this famous/notorious psychologist, his life, theories
and discoveries. Anyone who's interested to join in - just do it ! :-)
One question in advance:
Has there been a similar thread in this newsgroup before ?

>>> Frank <<<

>>>>>> Frank Bauer <<<<<<
>I still dream of Orgonon<

Date: 1995/07/06
Subject: Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Frank Bauer)
Date: 1995/07/06
Message-Id: <3tfk1m$>
References: <3t8g8v$> <3tbgb6$>
Organization: CompuServe Incorporated
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.theory

>>... anyone interested in discussions about _Wilhelm Reich_, his life,
>>work and philosophy or related subjects ? Are there other newsgroups
>>where this request would be better posted ?

> Yes. sci.skeptic

... seems like a quite 'skeptic' proposal to me :-)
Do you think Reich'ian subjects are not worth being discussed in
'mainstream' psychology newsgroups ?

>>> Frank <<<
>>>>>> Frank Bauer <<<<<<
>I still dream of Orgonon<

date: 95-07-11a

Subject: Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Frank Bauer)
Date: 1995/07/11
Message-Id: <3tt9u0$>
References: <3t8g8v$> <3tbp3f$> <3td33m$> <3thicd$>
Organization: CompuServe Incorporated
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.theory (Andreas Voigt) wrote:
>I've been interested in Reich and his works for years.

... great ! - so have I ... :)

>My opinion? Problem is: on what of Reich? Reich did psychoanalyisis,
>body psychotherapy, politics, biology, physics, theology. Even claimed
>to have invented a wholly new science, Orgonomy, in the end.
>I have  no problem with what he said about psychoanalysis & body
>psychotherapy. Concerning the rest: opposed or uncertain, partly
>because I feel I don't know enough about the respective fields to
>jugde what Reich said.

... this matches my point of view almost exactly ! I'm much more
interested in those early Reichian subjects which had it's roots in
psychology an politics rather than in those who dealt with physics and
biology. Being unable to perform the appropriate experiments and not
having the necessary theoretical background, I simply can't justify
whether Reich's 'orgonomic research' is real scientific or more or
less 'esoteric' stuff. By all means it's no surprise to me, that
people nowadays tend to use 'Orgonomy' as a (sort of) religious
substitute and very often are obviously willing to ignore the
'uncomfortable' implications on their lives and thinking, that those
'early Reichian' subjects (function of the orgasm, mass-psychology,
family as a breeding-place of fascist characters, conservativism being
real insanity rather than conscious political conviction, suppression
of sexuality considered as an 'endemic' disease of mankind rather than
useful source of cultural development, as Freud prefered to see it ...
etc. etc.).
But anyway - I think it's a damn shame, that there never has been any
professional researchwork done to proof or disproof Reich's
'discoveries' ... - but even if there is no such thing as 'Orgon
energy', I'm still convinced that Reich was one of the most
missunderstood and, above that, misstreated visionary minds of our
century !
By the way: Have you heard about this fellow named 'Roland Plocher'
who lives near lake constance and uses a certain (still unknown ...)
'technic' to clean contaminated lakes and rivers as well as improving
harvest profits by simply putting a handful of strange 'tubes' into
the water and 'manuring' the plants with a special kind of 'quarz
sand' resp. ? In a TV-Special I saw a few weeks ago, it was quite
obvious, that Plocher uses typical Reichian 'Orgon Accumulators' to
'charge' his tubes and sandboxes ... !!! He never mentioned the name
'Wilhelm Reich', but he told the interviewer something about 'cosmic
energy' and such things ......................... 

   >>> Frank <<<

  >>>>>> Frank Bauer  <<<<<<
 > to boldly think, what no  <
 > man has thought before ...<

Date: 95-07-12
[Post] [Email Reply]

Subject:      Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From:         Wolfgang Ullwer <ISF031@DJUKFA11.BITNET>
Date:         1995/07/12
Message-Id:   <95193.144404ISF031@DJUKFA11.BITNET>
References:   <3t8g8v$>
Organization: Forschungszentrum Juelich
Newsgroups:   sci.psychology.theory

Hi there,

having been lurking since the beginning of your discussion,
I just want to add two remarks.

+ Indeed, the quoted lines "I still dream..." are taken from
  the song "Cloudbusting" on "Hounds of Love" by Kate Bush.
  Assuming you're interested in further information, I will
  add a few comments on this song from the Love-Hounds-FAQ,
  managed by Uli Grepel:

    This is based on Peter Reich's book "A Book Of Dreams" (you can see
    this book in the video, in Donald Sutherland's pocket). Peter writes
    about his experience in his youth, when Wilhelm Reich (his father)
    got problems with the government due to his questionable actions as a
    scientist. Wilhelm got arrested and died while in prison, and this
    experience later made the then-9-years-old Peter write "A Book Of
    Dreams". He was arrested for refusing to appear at an arrangement
    hearing that resulted from a lawsuit by the American FDA for selling
    his "orgone energy accumulators" across state lines. The FDA said it
    was quackery to sell these boxes made of aluminium and wood as
    therapeutic devices; Reich insisted it was serious science and
    refused to have anything to do with these "spurious" legal
    restrictions on his research and therapy. Of course, he was quite
    mad by then - this was nearly a decate after he claimed that orgone
    energy was not simply the libidinal buildup that resulted from a
    lack of proper sexual release, but was also the substance out of
    which the whole universe was formed. Interestingly, several
    well-known people, including Norman Mailer, had orgone accumulators.
    More about Wilhelm Reich can be found in the
    [part of this description was written by James Alexander Chokey

+ The German publishing house "Zweitausendeins" had two (or even three)
  publications on W. Reich and related fields in its spring catalogue.
  I don't recall the titles, but I'm sure you'll find it in the "Merkheft"
  by 2001. One of the books is a comic about Reich and the FDA.

In case you're interested, you might want to ask people on or in the Love-Hounds-mailing-list. Hope this helps.

Thanx for your attention,
this was Wolfgang speaking.
 "I leave you these words behind                       Wolfgang T. Ullwer
and I don't know if you'll get it"                Research Centre Juelich
   BoBo in white wooden houses     isf031@DJUKFA11/

Date: 1995/07/12
Subject: Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Andreas Voigt)
Date: 1995/07/12
Message-Id: <3u0u78$>
References: <3t8g8v$> <3tbp3f$> <3td33m$> <3thicd$> <3tt9u0$>
Organization: University of Hamburg -- Germany
Newsgroups: sci.psychology.theory (Frank Bauer) wrote:

>But anyway - I think it's a damn shame, that there never has been any
>professional researchwork done to proof or disproof Reich's
>'discoveries' ... 
there *has* been researchwork even done profissionally (university).
Check out the Gebauer/Mueschenich 1987: "Der Reichsche
Orgonakkumulator", ISBN 3-923301-19-7
(in German, with a list of more research on Reich).
I'm shure there's more, but this is all I know about.

>By the way: Have you heard about this fellow named 'Roland Plocher'
yes I've heard about this fellow but I have not been able to find
any serious material on him. Just a bunch of popular stuff. Impossible
to judge this guy on that basis.


Date: 1995/07/14
Subject: Wilhelm Reich
Date: 1995/07/14
Message-Id: <3u4o0f$>
Organization: Public Orgonomic Research Exchange
Newsgroups: sci.psychology

*******PORE= Public Orgonomic Research Exchange*********
////Question Authority..........There Are No Experts\\\\
    Web Page is at ""
   Email is at "" or ""
Slow mail: PORE/po box 1383/Windham,Me 04062-1383 USA
Our Purpose: to have a place for the world to exchange
and share articles, information, questions, and requests
concerning Wilhelm Reich and orgonomy in the following 
areas:  audio visual materials, books, cloudbusting, 
energy source of ufos, experiments, groups, journals,
 orgone, orgone energy, orgonomy, orgonon, and therapy.

date: 95-07-14aa

Post   Reply

the nature of chi
From: bella. (Bella Kinney)
Date: 1995/07/14

distribution: world
references: <>
organization: Channel 1(R) 617-864-0100 Info
newsgroups: rec.martial-arts

I have to come in here and share what I know on this subject.
> :
>Do we know how and why human body can generate chi? Chi is part of what the universe is made of, the four states of

matter and the incalculable fifth state; Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit or Chi. The human body does not create Chi but the mind and spirit of a person can collect it and focus it. Chi, mana,the spirit stuff interpenitrates everything else, It is in the air so a person can learn to collect it thru breathing exercises; It is in the earth so that places can be sacred and give power and insight to those who are aware of it and so dowsers can detect ley lines by it. It is in the water and
people use the water to bless and purify. It is in the fire so people burn incense and make sacred fires. The Chi in Tai Chi is the same as the energy that Chinese healers chart in meridians
for acupuncture and that Martial Arts practitioners focus to give power to the techniques
that they strive to perfect. As Chi is of the spirit, Science has either come up with imperfect theorys
(philogiston,orgone) or denied it altogether. While objects that are imbued with this energy are often considered sacred, the mundane use of chi does not require any particularly religious bent to use. I personally use Chi for healing others and relieving pain from injuries, I am learning to use it for
martial purposes (as I belive that I need to work for balance in all things) but, I have far more experience using it as a sort of first aid sort of like Reiki energy work. The Thibetan
Buddhists teach some really good disciplines that can enable a person to "open their third
eye" and percieve this energy, I personally came to the abilities I have thru spiritual work that would be out of context here, but any one can learn it though it isn't easy. (I have no interest in
prosletization or one upmanship in this, I do it to help people.) Much of what westerners call magic is accomplished thru manipulation of Chi, as well as those events that are called miracles that people base religions on. A key insight for me when I was first learning to work with it was that "It wasn't mine" that the energies invoked could do amazing things but it was the Mana not Me. Therefore I can't take credit for what It accomplishes, which is humbling because the more you tap into the energies the more you realize the vastness of the source; It could be compared to a view of the universe.
Ever notice how great Martial Artists are often humble people? One of the reasons for this is the enlightening nature of Chi in it's evoulution in humankind, It is seen everywhere on the planet and
sometimes people are touched by it, to be known as holy or insane according to the mores of the societies they inhabit. Chi could be the most important thing taught in Martial Arts just for it's impact on individual human beings. Happily many different systems all teach good ways to focus and use this energy once the individuals in question get past the prevailing attitudes held by conventional society. Places where a seeker could look to become adept include the afore mentioned Thibetan
Buddhists, the books of Wilhelm Reich, Chinese Qui Gong (and acupuncture), western Hermetic Ceremonial Magick, various Shamanic transformative practices, Aikido or any of the Martial Arts that teach it(I study Kendo), and many others. The only two things to keep in mind are that anyone who purports to be able to teach should reflect the humility that the energy imparts, and that if the
teacher doesn't , a person is able to find something similarly good elsewhere closeby; discount any who claim to have "the only True Way", Dogma is Ego.

[Post] [Email Reply]

Magnetic Grid Disturbance Alert
From: David Yarrow
Date: 1995/07/16

MessageID: APC&1'0'576a983e'

newsgroups: sci.environment

/* written  9pm  7/5/95  by David Yarrow */
                International Earth Emergency Network
                       MAGNETIC GRID DISRUPTION
                Mission Statement and Urgent Request
   From literature published by many teams around the globe it's 
very clear ecological and health catastrophes relate directly to 
disturbances in Earth's Magnetic Grid.  Symptoms of growing Grid 
instability include:
   weather grows extreme                    ozone thins & vanishes
   climate stability deteriorates      agricultural soils lifeless
   plants wither; forests die              animals weak & diseased
   ocean currents change course     fish & animal migrations alter
   amphibians & reptiles vanish          emotional health declines
   social order in upheavals             politics become extremist
   tectonic stability is shaken          earthquakes more frequent
   apparent time accelerates                planetary axis wobbles
   Many causes are offered to explain this diversity of effects, yet 
one remains unexamined and underestimated: shifting geomagnetic flux.  
We believe all these symptoms are dramatic results of disturbances to 
Gaia's Magnetic Grid.
   Confounding perturbances of planetary flux is our near complete 
ignorance of Earth's exquisite magnetic grids -- and how they affect 
tectonics, atmosphere, biology, and humans.  We just barely realize 
how recursive, fractal symmetry in Earth's longwave magnetism is a 
prime factor to condense clouds, induce stress in buildings, and shift 
tectonic pressures.  Yet, magnetism is a unifying field that 
interlinks all events, forms and life on Earth -- and how Gaia remembers 
us all.
   Compounding this further, man-made electromagnetism interferes 
with Earth's natural Grid.  Electric power grids, communication 
networks and ELF-to-microwave technologies dump information pollution 
in the Grid to distort signals.
   Realizing global ecosystems can't remain stable much longer, we 
initiate local and international action on these issues.  Geomagnetic 
alignment must move from ancient mystery to practical, basic science 
of eco-maintenance such as earthquake and storm amelioration.  We 
invite contributors in this to form an action network with the 
following goals:
   1.  Disseminate information through global media and internet 
about the Earth grid and grid engineering, feng shui in its 
scientific, cultural and practical aspects.
   2.  Promote activities to heal destructive magnetic tangles on 
global and local scales.
   3.  Foster communication and research cooperation among 
scientists and others working intently in the field.
   4.  Develop coherent, easily communicated models to relate long 
wave grid alignments to:  
   a) plant, animal and human health;  b) precipitation and 
microclimate;  c) human emotions and feelings; and, d) Earth's 
magnetic-gravitic-metabolic relations with the Solar System -- and 
   5.  Co-create and publish in global media specific instruction on 
community-scale geomantic magnetic landscape attunements, including 
examples of experiments already undertaken and effects on bioregions.
   6.  Form specific committees to advise governments and 
corporations of immediate need to: 
   a)  use paramagnetic stone dusts instead of chemical fertilizers 
to enhance plant growth 
   b)  stop using Earth as a path for billions of amps in stray 
ground currents to power generation plants.  This destroys millenia of 
effort by the biosphere to achieve recursiveness needed by Earth's 
magnetic bloodflow.
   c)  investigate and document interactions between long wave 
magnetic paths and man-made interference, especially where health is 
affected in human dwellings and wildlife.
   d)  propagate practical understanding of relationships of stable 
gravity to recursive, nested magnetism.  Needed to responsibly tap 
emerging energy technologies called non-linear, scalar, zero point, or 
"free energy."
   7.  Establish schools and curricula in which Magnetic Grid 
Engineering is taught in a language with rigor, yet feeling and 
compassion.  Paramagnetic stone, circles, labyrinths, dowsing, sacred 
geometry, and spherical trigonometry are skills needed to properly 
site stone lenses to focus the vast bloodlines which store Earth's 
planetary memory.
           This Mission Statement is preliminary.
        Your insight is needed.  Your input is invited. 
       This Earth Emergency Network is formally convened by:
   Daniel Winter, Ph.D. & friends
   Crystal Hill MultiMedia
   137 Biodome Drive, Waynesville, NC 28786  USA
   Author of "Alphabet of the Heart."  Produces educational 
many on paramagnetism, longwaves and biology.  Dan lectures with 
biofeedback telemetry to measure attunement of trees to Earth's 
Schumann resonant magnetic heartbeat when human hearts send coherent 
electric emotion to provide a "spin path to the zero point".
   Dr. B. K. Wee
   World Research Information Center
   22 White House Park, Singapore 1025   Singapore
   voice: 65-323-2032; fax: 65-235-9862
   International wholistic health research.  Maintains global 
network of vibrational medicine, wholistic physicians and alternative 
healers concerned with global issues.
                       FOUNDING MEMBERS
   We invite other resource friends in this field to join this team.  
We will begin a global circular letter to evolve a coherent 
information package.  If interested, please reply with up to a page 
outlining your key insights, contributions and services in this field.
   Vincent Bridges & Darlene
   505 N. Main St., P.O. Box 877
   Mt. Gilead, NC 27306  USA
   Geomancer, Grid Engineer, Co-designed Zodiac Parmagnetic Temple 
near Winston Salem, NC.  Co-authored proposal for Geomancy College 
Global Grid Modeling Computer Consortium.  Co-produced Grid 
Engineering video showing effects of paramagnetic temple on Winston-
Salem environment.  Vincent is a skilled map dowser, knows scientific 
use of ritual.  Archeology credentials, Mac computer.
   David Yarrow
   Turtle EyeLand
   c/o Broeckx, P.O.Box 6034
   Albany, NY 12206  USA
   Author of "Dragon and Ice Castle: Sacred Space in the Finger 
and articles on magnetism, geomancy, dowsing, grid engineering, 
remineralization, natural healing.  Knows indigenous traditions of 
paramagnetic sacred sites.  Skilled author, editor, computer graphics, 
and page layout.
   Marty Cain
   55 Park St.
   Newport, NH 03773-1412  USA
   Teacher, Artist, Dowser, Designer of paramagnetic structures for 
sacred space.  Exquisite labyrinth skills.  Works with colleges and 
parks creating Sacred Space.  Much experience in Britain.  Perceptive 
of nature spirits and elementals.  Sites stone labyrinths over 
underground water based on symmetry of water flows; paramagnetic 
bubble over such structures serves well-being of persons traversing 
and nearby life.  
   Bruce Cathie
   Quark Enterprises LTD
   158 Shaw Rd
   Oratia, Auckland, New Zealand
   Computer Software Developer, Author of Harmonic 33 and many other 
works on Earth's magnetic grid harmonics. Familiar with Earth 
paramagnetic nodes & UFO paths.
   Peter Champoux
   Yokum Pond Road
   Becket, MA 01223  USA
   Recognized and publicized Arkhom: a huge Paramagnetic Temple in 
New England (geometric analysis by Bill Buehler), one of first 
recognitions of a geomantic temple affecting a large, interstate 
   Bob Gulick
   P.O. Box  3353
   Telluride, CO 81435  USA
   Architect, Temple Design and Grid Engineer.  Founded First 
International Gaia Conference.  Taught Sacred Geometry and Sacred 
Architecture at New Jersey Institute of Technology, with Dan Winter 
   Gary Skillen
   Ecological Solutions Canada
   11 Carr St. W, P O. Box 580
   Maxville, ONT, Canada  K0C 1T0
   Professional Grid Engineer, Paramagnetic Agri-consultant.  Uses 
paramagnetic stone to replace fertilizer.  Dowses geopathic zones, 
locates water domes and stone circles.  Produced 2-hour video Tuning 
Your Land to present stone circle techniques; we filmed actual effects 
on clouds.
   William Buehler
   Church of Antioch
   Islington Road Box 1B
   Cedarville, MI 49719  USA
   Coordinator of a major group analyzing spiritual and evolutionary 
significance of magnetic landscape structures.  Very in depth 
geometric maps.  Publishes circular newsletter describing esoteric 
   Henry MacLean
   Timeless Architecture
   91 Bynner St. Suite 9
   Jamaica Plain, MA 02130  USA
   Architect, teacher. Timeless Architecture held symposia on Sacred 
Geometry in Architecture and Geometry of Gothic Cathedrals.  Designed 
& built Sacred Space with Sirius Community and others.
   James DiMeo
   Orgone Biophysical Lab
   PO Box 1395
   El Cerrito, CA  94530  USA
   Leader of Reichean Orgone  research and 
weather control facility.   
Wrote article Desertification and Patriarchy for WildFire  magazine 
relating how patriachical cultural practices cause deserts.
   Susan Hirshberger
   149 Piper Rd.
   Newfield, NY 14867  USA 
   Responsive planetary shamanic journeys.  Sees shamanically 
Earth's pain and evolving vision.  Works with with Marty and Dan, and 
with indigenous tribal wisdoms.  Appears in Grid Engineering. 
   Saskia Bosman
   Earthgate Project
   P.O.Box 61534, 2506 AM  Den
   Haag, The Netherlands
   31-10-474 3853
   Placed carefully geometrically arranged paramagnetic crystal 
structures over critical Earth Grid power points on at least three 
continents.  Has considerable project documentation and international 
   Bill Ramsey
   251 Asa Hall Rd.
   Iva, SC 29655  USA
   Network of inventors developing alternate energy sources.  Many 
devices to assess Earth's magnetic ELF, which can change how we think 
about energy sources.
   Greg Hodowanec
   34 Cleveland Av.
   Newark, NJ 07106  USA
   Developed simple capacitive device to monitor tiny changes in 
gravity.  Documented response to planetary motion; faster, more 
sensitive way to monitor planetary motions.  Dramatic implications for 
how magnetic symmetries modulate and ultimtely stabilize Earth's 
gravity field.  Works closely with Bill Ramsey. 
   Simeon Nartoomid & Maia Shamayim
   Box 235, 29 Sunset Overlook
   Crestone, CO 81131  USA
   Work with William Buehler.  Bring an extensive angelic network on 
global grid engineering.
   Colette Dowell
   1128 Montreat Road
   Black Mountain, NC 28711  USA
   Geometric analysis of Crop Circles and Musical Harmonic Ratios.  
Has witnesses to receiving a geometric answer in a new crop circle a 
day after she posed a question.
   Sig Lonegren
   Top of Breezy Av., Box 218
   Greensboro, VT 05841  USA
   Grid Engineer, dowser, geomancy school, international use of 
computer grid engineering.  Teaches dowser-geomants to align 
paramagnetic structures to solar, lunar and stellar points.
   -- for a green and peaceful planet, David Yarrow
   snail mail: c/o Broeckx, PO Box 6034, Albany, NY 12206
    Eve, the earthworm sez: "If yer not forest, yer against us."

Subject:      Re: Wilhelm Reich ?
From: (Frank Bauer)
Date:         1995/07/20
Message-Id:   <3ul3ar$>
References:   <3t8g8v$>  <3tbp3f$>  <3td33m$>  <3thicd$>  <3tt9u0$> <95193.144404ISF031@DJUKFA11.BITNET>
Organization: CompuServe Incorporated
Newsgroups:   sci.psychology.theory

Hi Wolfgang ...

>having been lurking since the beginning of your discussion,

... how come ? Are you interested in Reichian subjects too ?

>I just want to add two remarks.

>+ Indeed, the quoted lines "I still dream..." are taken from
>  the song "Cloudbusting" on "Hounds of Love" by Kate Bush.
>  Assuming you're interested in further information, I will
>  add a few comments on this song from the Love-Hounds-FAQ,
>  managed by Uli Grepel:

>  "Cloudbusting:
>    This is based on Peter Reich's book "A Book Of Dreams" (you can see
>    this book in the video, in Donald Sutherland's pocket). Peter writes
>    about his experience in his youth, when Wilhelm Reich (his father)

thanx for this ! Might be interesting for all those 'lurkers' who
trace this thread but haven't got the nerve to write themselves ... :)

>    More about Wilhelm Reich can be found in the
>    file

Forget about the point '.' after 'Reich' or the download won't work.
This is quite biased material (... to say the least)  - to anyone who
want's to look at this 'famous scientist' Martin Garder from a
slightly different point of view I recommend reading the book: 'The
New Inquisition' from Robert A. Wilson (In Germany: 'Die neue
Inquisition', also published by 2001 ...). To listen to Gardner in the
'Reich case' is like listening to the Pope when condoms are concerned
.. :)

>+ The German publishing house "Zweitausendeins" had two (or even three)
>  publications on W. Reich and related fields in its spring catalogue.
>  I don't recall the titles, but I'm sure you'll find it in the "Merkheft"
>  by 2001. One of the books is a comic about Reich and the FDA.

... got them already - but thanx anyway !

    >>> Frank <<<
  >>>>>> Frank Bauer  <<<<<<
  >I still dream of Orgonon<

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