Following is the text of independent counsel Kenneth Starr's prepared
                          testimony for delivery Thursday before the House Judiciary

                          Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I welcome this opportunity to appear before
                          the committee and to provide information relating to the committee's
                          inquiry into possible impeachable offenses by the president of the
                          United States. This is my first opportunity to publicly report on certain
                          issues related to our investigation. I look forward to doing so and
                          assisting the committee. 

                          I. Introduction 

                          I appreciate both the seriousness of the committee's work and the
                          gravity of its assignment. I have reviewed the statements made by the
                          37 committee members in the Oct. 5 hearing. Any citizen who
                          watched that hearing would have been impressed by the depth and
                          breadth of the discussion that day, and proud of the diligence with
                          which members of this committee are approaching this extraordinarily
                          difficult and unwelcome task. I appear before you today, therefore,
                          fully recognizing the solemnity and importance of this process. 

                          As you know, in January of this year, Attorney General Reno
                          petitioned the three-judge panel that oversees independent counsels
                          to authorize our office to investigate whether Monica Lewinsky or
                          others committed federal crimes relating to the sexual harassment
                          lawsuit brought by Paula Jones against President Clinton. Our office
                          conducted a swift yet thorough investigation. We completed the
                          primary factual investigation in under eight months, notwithstanding a
                          number of obstacles in our path. 

                          The law requires an independent counsel to report to the House of
                          Representatives substantial and credible information that may
                          constitute grounds for an impeachment. On Sept. 9, pursuant to our
                          statutory duty, we submitted a referral and backup documentation to
                          the House. I am here today at your invitation in furtherance of our
                          statutory obligation. 

                          I recognize that the House of Representatives – not an independent
                          counsel – has the sole power to impeach. My role here today is to
                          discuss our referral and our investigation. 

                          II. Lewinsky Investigation 

                          A. Overview 

                          Let me begin with an overview. As our referral explains, the evidence
                          suggests that the president made false statements under oath and
                          otherwise thwarted the search for truth in the Jones v. Clinton case.
                          The evidence further suggests that the president made false
                          statements under oath to the grand jury on Aug. 17. 

                          That same night, the president publicly acknowledged an
                          inappropriate relationship, but maintained that his testimony had been
                          legally accurate. The president also declared that all inquiries into the
                          matter should end because, he said, it was private. 

                          Shortly after the president's Aug. 17 speech, Sens. Lieberman,
                          Kerrey, and Moynihan stated that the president's actions were not a
                          private matter. In our view, they were correct. Indeed, the evidence
                          suggests that the president repeatedly tried to thwart the legal
                          process in the Jones case and the grand jury investigation. That is
                          not a private matter. The evidence further suggests that the president,
                          in the course of these efforts, misused his authority and power as
                          president and contravened his duty to faithfully execute the laws.
                          That, too, is not a private matter. 

                          The evidence suggests that the misuse of presidential authority
                          occurred in the following 10 ways: 

                          First. The evidence suggests that the president made a series of
                          premeditated false statements under oath in his civil deposition on
                          Jan. 17, 1998. The president had taken an oath to tell the truth, the
                          whole truth, and nothing but the truth. By making false statements
                          under oath, the president, the chief executive of our nation, failed to
                          adhere to that oath and to his presidential oath to faithfully execute
                          the laws. 

                          Second. The evidence suggests that, apart from making false
                          statements under oath, the president engaged in a pattern of behavior
                          during the Jones litigation to thwart the judicial process. The president
                          reached an agreement with Ms. Lewinsky that each would make false
                          statements under oath. He provided job assistance to Ms. Lewinsky
                          at a time when the Jones case was proceeding and Ms. Lewinsky's
                          truthful testimony would have been harmful. He engaged in an
                          apparent scheme to conceal gifts that had been subpoenaed from
                          Ms. Lewinsky. He coached a potential witness, his own secretary
                          Betty Currie, with a false account of relevant events. 

                          Those acts constitute a pattern of obstruction that is fundamentally
                          inconsistent with the president's duty to faithfully execute the laws. 

                          Third. The evidence suggests that the president participated in a
                          scheme at his deposition in which his attorney, in his presence,
                          deceived a United States district judge in an effort to cut off
                          questioning about Ms. Lewinsky. The president did not correct his
                          attorney's false statement. A false statement to a federal judge in
                          order to prevent relevant questioning is an obstruction of the judicial

                          Fourth. The evidence suggests that on Jan. 23, 1998, after the
                          criminal investigation had become public, the president made false
                          statements to his Cabinet and used his Cabinet as unwitting
                          surrogates to publicly support the president's false story. 

                          Fifth. The evidence suggests that the president, acting in a
                          premeditated and calculated fashion, deceived the American people
                          on Jan. 26 and on other occasions when he denied a relationship with
                          Ms. Lewinsky. 

                          Sixth. The evidence suggests that the president, after the criminal
                          investigation became public, made false statements to his aides and
                          concocted false alibis that these government employees repeated to
                          the grand jury. As a result, the grand jury received inaccurate

                          Seventh. Having promised the American people to cooperate with the
                          investigation, the president refused six invitations to testify to the
                          grand jury. Refusing to cooperate with a duly authorized federal
                          criminal investigation is inconsistent with the general statutory duty
                          imposed on all executive branch employees to cooperate with
                          criminal investigations. It also is inconsistent with the president's duty
                          to faithfully execute the laws. 

                          Eighth. The president and his administration asserted three different
                          governmental privileges to conceal relevant information from the
                          federal grand jury. The privilege assertions were legally baseless in
                          these circumstances. They were inconsistent with the actions of
                          Presidents Carter and Reagan in similar circumstances. And they
                          delayed and impeded the investigation. 

                          Ninth. The president made false statements under oath to the grand
                          jury on Aug. 17, 1998. The president again took an oath to tell the
                          truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The evidence
                          demonstrates that the president failed to adhere to that oath and thus
                          to his presidential oath to faithfully execute the laws. 

                          Tenth. The evidence suggests that the president deceived the
                          American people in his speech on Aug. 17 by stating that his
                          testimony had been legally accurate. 

                          In addition to those 10 points, it bears mention that well before
                          January 1998, the president used government resources and
                          prerogatives to pursue his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. The
                          evidence suggests that the president used his secretary Betty Currie,
                          a government employee, to facilitate and conceal the relationship with
                          Monica Lewinsky. The president used White House aides and the
                          United States ambassador to the United Nations in his effort to find
                          Ms. Lewinsky a job at a time when it was foreseeable – even likely –
                          that she would be a witness in the Jones case. And the president
                          used a government attorney – Bruce Lindsey – to assist his personal
                          legal defense during the Jones case. 

                          In short, the evidence suggests that the president repeatedly used the
                          machinery of government and the powers of his office to conceal his
                          relationship with Monica Lewinsky from the American people, from
                          the judicial process in the Jones case, and from the grand jury. 

                          B. Sexual Harassment Law 

                          Let me turn, then, to the legal context in which the Lewinsky issues
                          first arose. At the outset, I want to emphasize that our referral never
                          suggests that the relationship between the president and Ms.
                          Lewinsky in and of itself could be a high crime or misdemeanor.
                          Indeed, the referral never passes judgment on the president's
                          relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. The propriety of a relationship is not
                          the concern of our office. 

                          The referral is instead about obstruction of justice, lying under oath,
                          tampering with witnesses, and misuse of power. The referral cannot
                          be understood without appreciating this vital distinction. 

                          This case raises the following initial question: Is a plaintiff in a sexual
                          harassment lawsuit entitled to obtain truthful evidence from the
                          defendant, and from associates of the defendant, in order to support
                          her claim? That should be easy to answer. No citizen who finds
                          himself accused in a sexual harassment case, or in any other kind of
                          case, can lie under oath or otherwise obstruct justice and thereby
                          prevent the plaintiff from discovering evidence and proving her case. 

                          Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, filed a federal
                          sexual harassment suit against President Clinton in 1994. The
                          president denied those allegations. We will never know whether a jury
                          would have credited Ms. Jones' allegations. We also will never know
                          whether the ultimate decision-maker would have found that the
                          alleged facts, if true, constitute sexual harassment. When the
                          president and Ms. Jones settled the case last week, the Eighth
                          Circuit Court of Appeals was still considering the preliminary legal
                          question whether the facts as alleged could constitute sexual

                          After the suit was first filed in 1994, the president attempted to delay
                          the trial until his presidency was over. The president claimed a
                          temporary presidential immunity from civil suit. The case proceeded
                          to the Supreme Court. At oral argument, the president's attorney
                          specifically warned our nation's highest court that if Ms. Jones won,
                          her lawyers would be able to investigate the president's relationships
                          with other women, as is common in sexual harassment cases. The
                          Supreme Court rejected the president's constitutional claim – and did
                          so by a nine to zero vote. The court concluded that the Constitution
                          did not provide such a temporary immunity from suit. 

                          The idea was simple and powerful: No one is above the law. The
                          Supreme Court sent the case back for trial with words that warrant
                          emphasis: "Like every other citizen who invokes" the District Court's
                          jurisdiction, Ms. Jones "has a right to an orderly disposition of her

                          After the Supreme Court's decision, the parties started to gather the
                          facts. The parties questioned relevant witnesses in depositions. They
                          submitted written questions. They made requests for documents. 

                          Sexual harassment cases are often "he said-she said" disputes.
                          Evidence reflecting the behavior of both parties can be critical –
                          including the defendant's relationships with other employees in the

                          Such questions can be uncomfortable, but they occur every day in
                          courts and law offices around the country. Individuals take an oath to
                          tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And no one is
                          entitled to lie under oath simply because he or she does not like the
                          questions or because he believes the case is frivolous or financially
                          motivated or politically motivated. The Supreme Court has
                          emphatically and repeatedly rejected the notion that there is ever a
                          privilege to lie. The court has stated that there are ways to object to
                          questions; lying under oath is not one of them. 

                          During the fact-gathering process, Judge Susan Webber Wright
                          followed the standard principles of sexual harassment cases. 

                          Over repeated objection from the president's attorneys, the judge
                          permitted inquiries into the president's relationships with government
                          employees. On Jan. 8, 1998, for example, Judge Wright stated that
                          questions as to the president's relationships with other employees
                          "are within the scope of the issues in this case." 

                          In making these rulings, Judge Wright recognized that the questions
                          might prove embarrassing. She stated that "I have never had a sexual
                          harassment case where there was not some embarrassment." She
                          also stated that she could not protect the parties from

                          Let me summarize the five points that explain how the president's
                          relationship with Ms. Lewinsky – what was otherwise private conduct
                          – became a matter of concern to the courts. This is critical to fully
                          understand the nature of the committee's inquiry. 

                          One. The president was sued for sexual harassment, and the
                          Supreme Court ruled that the case should go forward. 

                          Two. The law of sexual harassment and the law of evidence allow the
                          plaintiff to inquire into the defendant's relationships with other women
                          in the workplace, which in this case included President Clinton's
                          relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. 

                          Three. Applying those settled legal principles, Judge Susan Webber
                          Wright repeatedly rejected the president's objections to such
                          inquiries. The judge, instead, ordered the president to answer the

                          Four. It is a federal crime to commit perjury and obstruct justice in
                          civil cases, including sexual harassment cases. Violators are subject
                          to a sentence of up to 10 years imprisonment for obstruction and up
                          to five years for perjury. 

                          Five. The evidence suggests that the president and Ms. Lewinsky
                          made false statements under oath and obstructed the judicial process
                          in the Jones case by preventing the court from obtaining the truth
                          about their relationship. 

                          At his grand jury appearance, the president invoked a Supreme Court
                          justice's confirmation hearings as a comparison to his current
                          situation. The president's use of the analogy did not fit the facts in the
                          Monica Lewinsky matter, however. The president's having raised the
                          analogy, let me make it more fitting to the case here. 

                          Suppose that there is a nominee for a high government position.
                          Assume that there is an allegation of sexual harassment. Suppose
                          that several women other than the accuser who have worked with the
                          nominee testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Suppose that
                          the nominee confers with one of those women ahead of time, and that
                          they agree that they will both lie to the Judiciary Committee about
                          their relationship. Assume further that they both do lie under oath
                          about their relationship. And suppose further that a criminal
                          investigation develops and the nominee again lies under oath to the
                          grand jury. If that were proved to have happened, what would the
                          Senate Judiciary Committee do? 

                          Suppose that the lying under oath and obstruction of justice occurs in
                          a sexual harassment suit brought against the nominee. Suppose
                          further that the false statements and obstruction continue into a
                          subsequent criminal investigation. What would this committee do with
                          compelling evidence of perjury and obstruction of justice committed
                          by, for example, a justice of the Supreme Court in a sexual
                          harassment suit in which he was the defendant? 

                          Those hypotheticals – which track the facts of this case – put in relief
                          the issue before the Committee. Let me again stress that the House,
                          not an independent counsel, has the sole power to impeach. I am
                          suggesting that consideration of our referral be focused on the issues
                          actually presented by the referral. 

                          C. The President's Actions: Dec. 5-Jan. 17 

                          I will next turn to some of the essentials of the referral. That will
                          include the specifics of Ms. Lewinsky's involvement in the Jones case
                          and the president's actions in response to that involvement. 

                          The key point about the president's conduct is this. On at least six
                          different occasions – from Dec. 17, 1997, through Aug. 17, 1998 – the
                          president had to make a decision. He could choose truth, or he could
                          choose deception. On all six occasions, the president chose
                          deception – a pattern of calculated behavior over a span of months. 

                          On Dec. 5, 1997, Ms. Jones's attorneys identified Ms. Lewinsky as a
                          potential witness. Within a day, the president learned that Ms.
                          Lewinsky's name was on the witness list. 

                          After learning this, the president faced his first critical decision.
                          Would he and Monica Lewinsky tell the truth about their relationship?
                          Or would they provide false information – not just to a spouse or to
                          loved ones – but under oath in a court of law? 

                          Eleven months ago, the president made his decision. At
                          approximately 2 a.m. on Dec. 17, 1997, he called Ms. Lewinsky at
                          her Watergate apartment and told her that she was on the witness
                          list. This was news to Ms. Lewinsky. And it bears noting that the
                          president – not his lawyer – made this call to the witness. 

                          During this 2 a.m. conversation, which lasted approximately half an
                          hour, the president could have told Ms. Lewinsky that they must tell
                          the truth under oath. The president could have explained that they
                          might face embarrassment but that, as a citizen and as president, he
                          could not lie under oath and he could not sit by while Monica did so.
                          The president did not say anything like that. 

                          On the contrary, according to Ms. Lewinsky, the president suggested
                          that she could sign an affidavit and use – under oath – deceptive cover
                          stories that they had devised long ago to explain why Ms. Lewinsky
                          had visited the Oval Office area. The president did not explicitly
                          instruct Ms. Lewinsky to lie. He did not have to. Ms. Lewinsky
                          testified that the president's suggestion that they use the pre-existing
                          cover stories amounted to a continuation of their pattern of concealing
                          their intimate relationship. Starting with this conversation, the
                          president and Ms. Lewinsky understood, according to Ms. Lewinsky,
                          that they were both going to make false statements under oath. 

                          The conversation between the president and Ms. Lewinsky on Dec.
                          17 was a critical turning point. The evidence suggests that the
                          president chose to engage in a criminal act – to reach an
                          understanding with Ms. Lewinsky that they would both make false
                          statements under oath. At that moment, the president's intimate
                          relationship with a subordinate employee was transformed into an
                          unlawful effort to thwart the judicial process. This was no longer an
                          issue of private conduct. 

                          Recall that the Supreme Court had concluded that Paula Jones was
                          entitled to an "orderly disposition" of her claims. The president's
                          action on Dec. 17 was his first direct effort to thwart the Supreme
                          Court's mandate. 

                          The story continued: The president faced a second choice. On Dec.
                          23, 1997, the president submitted under oath a written answer to an
                          interrogatory. The request stated in relevant part: "Please state the
                          name ... of (federal employees) with whom you had sexual relations
                          when you (were) ... president of the United States." In his sworn
                          answer, the president stated "None." 

                          On Dec. 28, the president faced a third critical choice. On that day,
                          the president met with Ms. Lewinsky at the White House. They
                          discussed the fact that Ms. Lewinsky had been subpoenaed for gifts
                          she had received from the president. According to Ms. Lewinsky, she
                          raised the question of what she should do with the gifts. Later that
                          day, the president's personal secretary, Betty Currie, drove to Ms.
                          Lewinsky's Watergate home. Ms. Lewinsky gave Ms. Currie a sealed
                          box that contained some of the subpoenaed gifts. Ms. Currie then
                          stored the box under her bed at home. 

                          In her written proffer on Feb. 1, four weeks after the fact, Ms.
                          Lewinsky stated that Ms. Currie had called her to retrieve the gifts. If
                          so, that necessarily meant that the president had asked Ms. Currie to
                          call. It would directly and undeniably implicate him in an obstruction
                          of justice. Ms. Lewinsky later repeated that statement in testimony
                          under oath. Ms. Currie, for her part, recalls Ms. Lewinsky calling her.
                          But even if Ms. Lewinsky called Ms. Currie, common sense and the
                          evidence suggest some presidential knowledge or involvement, as the
                          referral explains. 

                          Let me add another point about the gifts. In his grand jury appearance
                          in August, the president testified that he had no particular concern
                          about the gifts in December 1997 when he had talked to Ms.
                          Lewinsky about them. And he thus suggested that he would have had
                          no reason to take part in December in a plan to conceal the gifts. But
                          there is a serious problem with the president's explanation. If it were
                          true that the president in December was unconcerned about the gifts,
                          he presumably would have told the truth under oath in his January
                          deposition about the large number of gifts that he and Ms. Lewinsky
                          had exchanged. But he did not tell the truth. At that deposition, when
                          asked whether he had ever given gifts to Monica Lewinsky, and he
                          had given her several on Dec. 28, the president stated "I don't recall.
                          Do you know what they were?" 

                          In short, the critical facts to emphasize about the transfer of gifts are
                          these: First, the president and Ms. Lewinsky met and discussed what
                          should be done with the gifts subpoenaed from Ms. Lewinsky.
                          Second, the president's personal secretary Ms. Currie drove later that
                          day to Ms. Lewinsky's home to pick up the gifts. Third, Ms. Currie
                          stored the box under her bed. 

                          Meanwhile, the legal process continued to unfold, and the president
                          took other actions that had the foreseeable effect of keeping Ms.
                          Lewinsky "on the team." The president helped Ms. Lewinsky obtain a
                          job in New York. His efforts began after the Supreme Court's decision
                          in May 1997 – at a time when it had become foreseeable that she
                          could be an adverse witness against the president. These job-related
                          efforts intensified in December 1997 after Ms. Lewinsky's name
                          appeared on the witness list. 

                          Vernon Jordan, who had been enlisted in the job search for Ms.
                          Lewinsky, testified that he kept the president informed of the status of
                          Ms. Lewinsky's job search and her affidavit. On Jan. 7, 1998, Mr.
                          Jordan told the president that Ms. Lewinsky had signed the affidavit.
                          Mr. Jordan stated to the president that he was still working on getting
                          her a job. The president replied, "Good." In other words, the president,
                          knowing that a witness had just signed a false affidavit, encouraged
                          his friend to continue trying to find her a job. After Ms. Lewinsky
                          received a job offer from Revlon on Jan. 12, Vernon Jordan called the
                          president and said: "Mission accomplished. 

                          As is often the situation in cases involving this kind of financial
                          assistance, no direct evidence reveals the president's intent in
                          assisting Ms. Lewinsky. Ms. Lewinsky testified that no one promised
                          her a job for silence; of course, crimes ordinarily do not take place
                          with such explicit discussion. But federal courts instruct juries that
                          circumstantial evidence is just as probative as direct evidence. And
                          the circumstantial evidence here is strong. At a bare minimum, the
                          evidence suggests that the president's job assistance efforts
                          stemmed from his desire to placate Ms. Lewinsky so that she would
                          not be tempted – under the burden of an oath – to tell the truth about
                          the relationship. Monica Lewinsky herself recognized that at the time,
                          saying to a friend, "Somebody could construe or say, 'Well, they gave
                          her a job to shut her up. They made her happy."' 

                          And given that the president's plan to testify falsely could succeed
                          only if Ms. Lewinsky went along, the president naturally had to be
                          concerned that Ms. Lewinsky at any time might turn around and
                          decide to tell the truth. Indeed, some wanted her to tell the truth. For
                          example, one friend talked to Ms. Lewinsky about the Dec. 28
                          meeting with the president. The friend stated that she was concerned
                          because she "didn't want to see (Monica) being like Susan
                          McDougal" and did not want Monica to lie to protect the president.
                          Needless to say, any sudden decision by Ms. Lewinsky to tell the
                          truth, whether out of anger at the president or simple desire to be
                          law-abiding, would have been very harmful to the president. That helps
                          to explain his motive in providing job assistance. 

                          In mid-January, Ms. Lewinsky finalized her false affidavit with her
                          attorney, who sent it to Judge Wright's Court. The affidavit falsely
                          denied a sexual relationship with the president and essentially
                          recounted the cover stories they had discussed in their
                          middle-of-the-night conversation on Dec. 17. 

                          Let me turn to the president's Jan. 17 deposition. Some have
                          suggested that the president might have been surprised or ambushed
                          at his deposition. Those suggestions are wrong. The president had
                          clear warning that there would be questions about Monica Lewinsky.
                          She had been named on the Dec. 5 witness list. On Jan. 12, only five
                          days before the deposition, Ms. Jones' attorneys identified Ms.
                          Lewinsky as a trial witness. In response, Judge Wright approved her
                          as a witness. Two days later, on Jan. 14, the president's private
                          attorney asked Ms. Lewinsky's attorney to fax Ms. Lewinsky's
                          affidavit. During the deposition itself, the president's attorney stated
                          that the president was "fully familiar" with Ms. Lewinsky's affidavit. 

                          At the outset of his Jan. 17 deposition, therefore, the president faced
                          a fourth critical decision. Fully aware that he would likely receive
                          questions about Ms. Lewinsky, would the president continue to make
                          false statements under oath – this time in the presence of a United
                          States District judge? 

                          At the start of the deposition, Judge Susan Webber Wright
                          administered the oath. The president swore to tell the truth, the whole
                          truth, and nothing but the truth. As his testimony began, the
                          president, in response to a question from Ms. Jones' attorneys,
                          stated that he understood he was providing his testimony under the
                          penalty of perjury. 

                          The president was asked a series of questions about Ms. Lewinsky.
                          After a few questions, the president's attorney – Mr. Bennett –
                          objected to the questioning about Ms. Lewinsky, referring to it as
                          "innuendo." Mr. Bennett produced Ms. Lewinsky's false affidavit. Mr.
                          Bennett stated to Judge Wright that Ms. Lewinsky's affidavit indicated
                          that "there is absolutely no sex of any kind in any manner, shape, or
                          form." Mr. Bennett stated that the president was "fully aware of Ms.
                          Lewinsky's affidavit." During Mr. Bennett's statements, the president
                          sat back and let his attorney mislead Judge Wright. The president
                          said not a word – to the judge or, so far as we are aware, to his

                          Judge Wright overruled Mr. Bennett's objection. The questioning
                          continued. In response, the president made false statements not only
                          about his intimate relationship with Ms. Lewinsky, but about a whole
                          host of matters. The president testified that he did not know that
                          Vernon Jordan had met with Ms. Lewinsky and talked about the
                          Jones case. That was untrue. He testified that he could not recall
                          being alone with Ms Lewinsky. That was untrue. He testified that he
                          could not recall ever being in the Oval Office hallway with Ms.
                          Lewinsky except perhaps when she was delivering pizza. That was
                          untrue. He testified that he could not recall gifts exchanged between
                          Ms. Lewinsky and him. That was untrue. He testified – after a
                          14-second pause – that he was "not sure" whether he had ever talked
                          to Ms. Lewinsky about the possibility that she might be asked to
                          testify in the lawsuit. That was untrue. The president testified that he
                          did not know whether Ms. Lewinsky had been served a subpoena at
                          the time he last saw her in December 1997. That was untrue. When
                          his attorney read Ms. Lewinsky's affidavit denying a sexual
                          relationship, the president stated that the affidavit was "absolutely
                          true." That was untrue. 

                          The evidence thus suggests that the president – long aware that Ms.
                          Lewinsky was a likely topic of questioning at his deposition – made
                          not one, or two, but a series of false statements under oath. The
                          president further allowed his attorney to use Ms. Lewinsky's affidavit,
                          which the president knew to be false, to deceive the court. This
                          evidence suggests that the president directly contravened the oath he
                          had taken – as well as the Supreme Court's mandate, in which the
                          court had stated that Ms. Jones was entitled, like every other citizen,
                          to a lawful disposition of her case. 

                          D. The President's Actions: Jan. 17-21 

                          As our referral outlines, the president's deposition did not mark the
                          end of the scheme to conceal. During his deposition testimony, the
                          president referred to his secretary Betty Currie. The president
                          testified, for example, that Ms. Lewinsky had come to the White
                          House to see Ms. Currie, not him; that Ms. Currie had been involved
                          in assisting Ms. Lewinsky in her job search; and that Ms. Currie had
                          communicated with Vernon Jordan about Mr. Jordan's assistance to
                          Ms. Lewinsky. In response to one question at the deposition, the
                          president said he did not know the answer and "you'd have to ask

                          Given the president's repeated references to Ms. Currie and his
                          suggestion to Ms. Jones' attorneys that they contact her, the
                          president had to know that Ms. Jones' attorneys might want to
                          question Ms. Currie. Shortly after 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 17 – just
                          two and a half hours after the deposition – the president attempted to
                          contact Ms. Currie at her home. The president asked Ms. Currie to
                          come to the White House the next day, which she did, although it
                          was unusual for her to come in on a Sunday. According to Ms. Currie,
                          the president appeared concerned and made a number of statements
                          abut Ms. Lewinsky to Ms. Currie. The statements included: 

                          "You were always there when she was there, right? We were never
                          really alone." 

                          "You could see and hear everything." 

                          Ms. Currie concluded that the president wanted her to agree with him
                          when he made these statements. Ms. Currie stated that she did in
                          fact indicate her agreement – although she knew that the president
                          and Ms. Lewinsky had been alone and that she could not hear or see
                          them when they were alone. 

                          Ms. Currie further testified that the president ran through the same
                          basic statements with her again on January 20 or 21. 

                          What is important with respect to these two episodes is that at the
                          time the president made these statements, he knew that they were
                          false. He knew he had been alone with Ms. Lewinsky. He knew Ms.
                          Currie could not see or hear everything. The president thus could not
                          have been trying to refresh his recollection, as he subsequently
                          suggested. That raises the question: Is there a legitimate explanation
                          for the president to have said those things in that manner to Ms.
                          Currie? The circumstances suggest not. The facts suggest that the
                          president was attempting to improperly coach Ms. Currie, at a time
                          when he could foresee that she was not a potential witness in Jones
                          v. Clinton. 

                          E. The President's Actions: Jan. 21-Aug. 17 

                          The president's next major decision came in the days immediately
                          after Jan. 21. On the 21st, The Washington Post publicly reported the
                          story of Ms. Lewinsky's relationship with the president. After the
                          public disclosure of his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky and the
                          ongoing criminal investigation, the president faced a decision. Would
                          he admit the relationship publicly, correct his testimony in Ms. Jones'
                          case, and ask for the indulgence of the American people? Or would
                          he continue to deny the truth? 

                          For this question, the president consulted others. According to Dick
                          Morris, the president and he talked on Jan. 21. Mr. Morris suggested
                          that the president publicly confess. The president replied "But what
                          about the legal thing? You know, the legal thing? You know. Starr and
                          perjury and all." Mr. Morris suggested they take a poll. The president
                          agreed. Mr. Morris called with the results. He stated that the
                          American people were willing to forgive adultery but not perjury or
                          obstruction of justice. The president replied, "Well, we just have to
                          win, then." 

                          Over the next several months, it became apparent that the strategy to
                          win had many prongs. First, the president denied the truth publicly
                          and emphatically. Second, he publicly promised to cooperate with the
                          investigation. Third, the president deflected and diverted the
                          investigation by telling aides false stories that were then relayed to
                          the grand jury. Fourth, he refused invitations to testify to the grand
                          jury for over six months. Fifth, his administration delayed the
                          investigation through multiple privilege claims, each of which has been
                          rejected by the federal courts. Sixth, surrogates of the president
                          attacked the credibility and legitimacy of the grand jury investigation.
                          Seventh, surrogates of the president attempted to convince the
                          Congress and the American people that the matter was unimportant. 

                          The first step was for the president to deny the truth publicly. For this,
                          political polling led to Hollywood staging. The president's California
                          friend and producer Harry Thomason flew to Washington and advised
                          that the president needed to be very forceful in denying the
                          relationship. On Monday, Jan. 26, in the Roosevelt Room, before
                          members of Congress and other citizens, the president provided a
                          clear and emphatic public statement denying the relationship. 

                          The president also made false statements to his Cabinet and aides.
                          They then spoke publicly and professed their belief in the president. 

                          The second step was to promise cooperation. The president told the
                          American people on several television and radio shows on Jan. 21 and
                          22 that "I'm going to do my best to cooperate with the investigation." 

                          The third step was the president's refusal to provide testimony to the
                          grand jury despite six invitations to do so and despite his public
                          promise to cooperate. Refusing invitations to provide information to a
                          grand jury in a federal criminal investigation authorized by the attorney
                          general of the United States – and one in which there is a high
                          national interest in prompt completion – was inconsistent with the
                          president's initial January promise to cooperate and with the general
                          statutory duty of all government officials to cooperate with federal
                          criminal investigations. 

                          As a fourth step, the president not only refused to testify himself, but
                          he authorized the use of various governmental privileges to delay the
                          testimony of many of his taxpayer-paid assistants. The extensive use
                          of governmental privileges against grand jury and criminal
                          investigations has, of course, been a pattern throughout the
                          administration. Most notably, the White House cited privilege in 1993
                          to prevent Justice Department and Park Police officials from reviewing
                          documents in Vincent Foster's office in the days after his death. 

                          In the Lewinsky investigation, the president asserted two privileges,
                          executive privilege and a government attorney-client privilege. A
                          subordinate administration official, without objection from the
                          president, claimed a previously unheard-of privilege that was called
                          the protective function privilege. The privileges were asserted to
                          prevent the full testimony of several White House aides and the full
                          testimony of the sworn law enforcement officers of the Secret Service.

                          In asserting executive privilege, the president was plowing headlong
                          into the Supreme Court's unanimous decision 24 years ago in United
                          States v. Nixon. There, the Supreme Court ruled that executive
                          privilege was overcome by the need for relevant evidence in criminal
                          proceedings. And thus, it came as no surprise that Chief Judge
                          Norma Holloway Johnson rejected President Clinton's effort to use
                          executive privilege to prevent disclosure of relevant evidence. 

                          In asserting protective function and government attorney-client
                          privileges, the administration was asking the federal courts to make
                          up one new privilege out of whole cloth and to apply another privilege
                          in a context in which no federal court had ever applied it before. And
                          thus it again came as little surprise that the federal courts rejected
                          the administration's claims. Indeed, as to the government
                          attorney-client claim, the D.C. Circuit and the District Court, like the
                          Eighth Circuit a year ago, stated that the president's position not only
                          was wrong but would authorize a "gross misuse of public assets."
                          The Supreme Court refused to grant review of the cases
                          notwithstanding the administration's two strongly worded petitions. 

                          This point bears emphasis: The administration justified its many
                          privilege claims by claiming an interest in protecting the presidency,
                          not the president personally. But that justification is dubious for two
                          reasons. First, Presidents Carter and Reagan waived all government
                          privileges at the outset of criminal investigations in which they were
                          involved. The examples set by those two presidents demonstrate that
                          such privilege claims in criminal investigations are manifestly
                          unnecessary to protect the presidency. Second, these novel privilege
                          claims were quite weak as a matter of law. 

                          And that raises a question: What was it about the Monica Lewinsky
                          matter that generated the administration's particularly aggressive
                          approach to privileges? The circumstantial evidence suggests an
                          answer: delay. Indeed, when this office sought to have the Supreme
                          Court decide all three privilege claims at once this past June, the
                          Administration opposed expedited consideration. 

                          Not only did the administration invoke these three losing privileges,
                          but the president publicly suggested that he had not invoked
                          executive privilege when in fact he had. On March 24, 1998, while
                          traveling in Africa, the president was asked about executive privilege.
                          He stated in response: "You should ask someone who knows. I
                          haven't discussed that with the lawyers. I don't know." But White
                          House Counsel Charles Ruff had filed an affidavit in federal court only
                          seven days earlier in which he swore that he had discussed the
                          assertion of executive privilege with the president and the president
                          had approved its invocation. 

                          After Chief Judge Johnson ruled against the president, the president
                          dropped the executive privilege claim in the Supreme Court. In
                          August, the president explained to the grand jury why he dropped it.
                          The president stated: "I didn't really want to advance an executive
                          privilege claim in this case beyond having it litigated." 

                          But this statement – to the grand jury – was inaccurate. In truth, the
                          president had again asserted executive privilege only a few days
                          earlier. And a few days after his grand jury testimony, the president
                          again asserted executive privilege to prevent the testimony of Bruce
                          Lindsey. These executive privilege cases continue to this day; indeed,
                          one case is now pending in the D.C. Circuit. 

                          When the president and the administration assert privileges in a
                          context involving the president's personal issues; when the president
                          pretends publicly that he knows nothing about the executive privilege
                          assertion; when the president and the administration rebuff our office's
                          efforts to expedite the cases to the Supreme Court; when the
                          president contends in the grand jury that he never really wanted to
                          assert executive privilege beyond having it litigated – despite the fact
                          that he had asserted it six days earlier and will do so again four days
                          afterwards, there is substantial and credible evidence that the
                          president has misused the privileges available to his office. And the
                          misuse delayed and impeded the federal grand jury's investigation. 

                          The fifth tactic was diversion and deflection. The president made false
                          statements to his aides and associates about the nature of the
                          relationship – with knowledge that they could testify to that effect to
                          the grand jury sitting here in Washington. The president did not
                          simply say to his associates that the allegations were false or that
                          the issue was a private matter that he did not want to discuss.
                          Instead, the president concocted alternative scenarios that were then
                          repeated to the grand jury. 

                          The final two tactics were related: (i) to attack the grand jury
                          investigation, including the Justice Department prosecutors in my
                          office – to declare war, in the words of one presidential ally – and (ii)
                          to shape public opinion about the proper resolution of the entire
                          matter. It is best that I leave it to someone outside our office to
                          elaborate on the war against our office. But no one really disputes
                          that those tactics were employed – and continue to be employed to
                          this day. 

                          F. The President's Actions: Aug. 17 

                          This strategy proceeded for nearly seven months. It changed course
                          in August after Monica Lewinsky reached an immunity agreement
                          with our office, and the grand jury, after deliberation, issued a
                          subpoena to the president. 

                          The president testified to the grand jury on Aug. 17. Beforehand,
                          many in Congress and the public advised that the president should
                          tell the whole truth. They cautioned that the president could not lie to
                          the grand jury. Senator Hatch, for example, stated that "So help me,
                          if he lies before the grand jury, that will be grounds for impeachment."
                          Senator Moynihan stated simply that perjury before the grand jury
                          was, in his view, an impeachable offense. 

                          The evidence suggests that the president did not heed this senatorial
                          advice. Although admitting to an ambiguously defined inappropriate
                          relationship, the president denied that he had lied under oath at his
                          civil deposition. He also denied any conduct that would establish that
                          he had lied under oath at his civil deposition. The president thus
                          denied certain conduct with Ms. Lewinsky and devised a variety of
                          tortured and false definitions. 

                          The president's answers have not been well received. Congressman
                          Schumer, for one, stated that "it is clear that the president lied when
                          he testified before the grand jury." Congressman Meehan stated that
                          the president engaged in a "dangerous game of verbal Twister."
                          Indeed, the president made false statements to the grand jury and
                          then that same evening spoke to the nation and criticized all attempts
                          to show that he had done so as invasive and irrelevant. The
                          president's approach appeared to contravene the oath he took at the
                          start of the grand jury proceedings. It also disregarded the
                          admonitions of those members of Congress who warned that lying to
                          the grand jury would not be tolerated. It also discounted Judge
                          Wright's many orders in which she had ruled that this kind of evidence
                          was relevant in the Jones case. 

                          And thus ended the over-eight-month journey that had begun on Dec.
                          5, 1997, when Monica Lewinsky's name appeared on the witness list.
                          The evidence suggests that the eight months included false
                          statements under oath, false statements to the American people,
                          false statements to the president's Cabinet and aides, witness
                          tampering, obstruction of justice, and the use of presidential authority
                          and power in an effort to conceal the truth of the relationship and to
                          delay the investigation. 

                          III. Jurisdiction 

                          Given the serious nature of perjury and obstruction of justice,
                          regardless of its setting, it is obvious that the actions of the president
                          and Ms. Lewinsky to conceal the truth warranted criminal
                          investigation. Let me explain how the investigation came to be
                          handled by our office rather than by the Department of Justice or
                          some new independent counsel. The explanation is straightforward. 

                          On January 8, an attorney in my office was informed that Linda Tripp,
                          who had been a witness in prior investigations, had information she
                          wanted to provide. A message was conveyed back that she should
                          provide her information directly. Ms. Tripp called our office on Jan. 12.
                          In that conversation and later, she provided us a substantial amount of

                          Let me pause here and emphasize that our office, like most law
                          enforcement agencies, has received innumerable tips about a wide
                          variety of matters over the past four years – from Swiss bank
                          accounts to drug smuggling. You name it. We have heard it. In each
                          case, we must make an initial assessment whether it is a serious tip
                          or a crank call, as well as an assessment of jurisdictional issues. 

                          We handled the information from Ms. Tripp in this same manner.
                          When we confirmed that the information appeared credible, we
                          reached out to the Department of Justice, as we have done regularly
                          during my tenure as independent counsel. We contacted Deputy
                          Attorney General Eric Holder within 48 hours after Ms. Tripp provided
                          us information. The next day, we fully informed the deputy attorney
                          general about Ms. Tripp's information. About Ms. Tripp's tapes and
                          the questions concerning their legality under state law. About the
                          consensual FBI recording of Ms. Tripp and Ms. Lewinsky. About the
                          indications that Vernon Jordan was providing employment assistance
                          to a witness who had the potential to harm the president – a fact
                          pattern that we had seen in the Webster Hubbell investigation, as I
                          shall describe presently. 

                          We discussed jurisdiction. We noted that it is in everyone's interest
                          to avoid time-consuming jurisdictional challenges. We stated that the
                          Lewinsky investigation could be considered outside our jurisdiction as
                          then constituted. We stressed that someone needed to work the
                          case: the Justice Department or an independent counsel. 

                          Later that evening, the deputy attorney general telephoned and
                          reported that the attorney general had tentatively decided to assign
                          the matter to us. Before her decision was final, we reviewed the
                          evidence in detail with two experienced career prosecutors in the
                          department. One senior Justice Department prosecutor listened to
                          portions of the FBI tape. The attorney general made her final decision
                          on Friday, Jan. 16. That day, through a senior career prosecutor, the
                          attorney general asked the three-judge special division to expand our
                          jurisdiction. The special division granted the request that day. 

                          In short, our entry into this investigation was standard, albeit
                          expedited, procedure. 

                          IV. Referral Standards 

                          Seven months later, after conducting the factual investigation and
                          after the president's grand jury testimony, the question we faced was
                          what to do with the evidence. Section 595(c) of Title 28 in the
                          independent counsel statute requires an independent counsel
                          investigating possible crimes to provide to the House of
                          Representatives – in the words of the statute – "substantial and
                          credible information that may constitute grounds for an

                          This reporting provision suggests a statutory preference that possible
                          criminal wrongdoing by the president be addressed in the first
                          instance by the House of Representatives. It also requires an analysis
                          of the law of impeachment. 

                          As we understood the text of the Constitution, its history, and relevant
                          precedents, it was clear that obstruction of justice in its various
                          forms, including perjury, "may constitute grounds for an
                          impeachment." Even apart from any abuses of presidential authority
                          and power, the evidence of perjury and obstruction of justice required
                          us to refer this information to the House. 

                          Perjury and obstruction of justice are, of course, serious crimes. In
                          1790, the first Congress passed a criminal law that banned perjury. A
                          violation was subject to three years' imprisonment. Today, federal
                          criminal law makes perjury a felony punishable by five years'

                          In cases involving public officials, courts treat false statements with
                          special condemnation. United States District Judge Royce Lamberth
                          recently sentenced Ronald Blackley, former chief of staff to the former
                          secretary of agriculture, to 37 months' imprisonment for false
                          statements. The court stated that it "has a duty to send a message
                          to other high-level government officials that there is a severe penalty
                          to be paid for providing false information under oath." 

                          Although perjury and obstruction of justice are serious federal crimes,
                          some have suggested that they are not high crimes or misdemeanors
                          when the underlying events concern the president's private actions.
                          Under this theory, a president's obstruction and perjury must involve
                          concealment of official actions. This interpretation does not appear in
                          the Constitution itself. Moreover, the Constitution lists bribery as a
                          high crime or misdemeanor. And if a president involved in a civil suit
                          bribed the judge to rule in his favor or bribed a witness to provide
                          favorable testimony, there could be no textual question that he had
                          committed a high crime or misdemeanor under the plain language of
                          Article II even though the underlying events would not have involved
                          his official duties. In addition, virtually everyone agrees that serious
                          crimes such as murder and rape would be impeachable even though
                          they do not involve official duties. 

                          Justice Story stated in his famous Commentaries that there is not a
                          syllable in the Constitution which confines impeachment to official
                          acts. With respect, an absolute and inflexible requirement of a
                          connection to official duties appears, fairly viewed, to be an incorrect
                          interpretation of the Constitution. 

                          History and practice support the conclusion that perjury, in particular,
                          is a high crime or misdemeanor. Perjury has been the basis for the
                          removal of several judges. As far as we know, no one questioned
                          whether perjury was a high crime or misdemeanor in those cases. In
                          addition, as several of the scholars who appeared before you testified,
                          perjury seems to have been recognized as a high crime or
                          misdemeanor at the time of the founding. And the House manager's
                          report in the impeachment of Judge Walter Nixon for perjury stated, "It
                          is difficult to imagine an act more subversive to the legal process than
                          lying from the witness stand." And finally, I note that the federal
                          sentencing guidelines include bribery and perjury in the same
                          guideline (2Jl.3), reflecting the common-sense conclusion that bribery
                          and perjury are equivalent means of interfering with the governmental

                          For these reasons, we concluded that perjury and obstruction of
                          justice, like bribery, "may constitute grounds for an impeachment."
                          Having said that, let me again emphasize my role here. Whether the
                          president's actions are, in fact, grounds for an impeachment or some
                          other congressional sanction is a decision in the sole discretion of the

                          A final point warrants mention in this respect. Criminal prosecution
                          and punishment are not the same as – or a substitute for –
                          congressionally imposed sanctions. As the Supreme Court stated in
                          a 1993 case, "The framers recognized that most likely there would be
                          two sets of proceedings for individuals who commit impeachable
                          offenses – the impeachment trial and a separate criminal trial. In fact,
                          the Constitution explicitly provides for two separate proceedings. The
                          framers deliberately separated the two forums to avoid raising the
                          specter of bias and to ensure independent judgment." 

                          V. The Office of Independent Counsel: 1994-1998 

                          Our job over the past several years has involved far more than simply
                          the Monica Lewinsky matter. The pattern of obstruction of justice,
                          false statements, and misuse of executive authority in the Lewinsky
                          investigation did not occur in a vacuum. 

                          A. Overview 

                          In August 1994, 1 took over the Madison Guaranty investigation from
                          Bob Fiske. Over the ensuing years, I have essentially become
                          independent counsel for five distinct investigations; for Madison and
                          Whitewater, for Foster-related matters, for the Travel Office, for the
                          FBI files matter, and for the Monica Lewinsky investigation – as well
                          as for a variety of obstruction and related matters arising from those
                          five major investigations. A brief overview of those investigations may
                          assist the committee in its assessment of the president's conduct. 

                          First, some statistics. Our investigation has resulted in conviction of
                          fourteen individuals, including the former Associate Attorney General
                          of the United States Webster Hubbell, the then-sitting Governor of
                          Arkansas Jim Guy Tucker, and the Clintons' two business partners
                          Jim and Susan McDougal. 

                          We are proud not only of the cases we have won, but also of our
                          decisions not to indict. To take one well-known example, the Senate
                          Whitewater Committee sent our office public criminal referrals on
                          several individuals. The committee stated in its June 21, 1996, public
                          letter that the testimony of Susan Thomases was "particularly
                          troubling and suggests a possible violation of law." But this office did
                          not seek charges against her. 

                          Apart from our indictments and convictions, this office also has faced
                          an extraordinary number of legal disputes – on issues of privilege,
                          jurisdiction, substantive criminal law and the like. By my count, at
                          least 17 of our cases have been decided by the federal courts of
                          appeals, and we have won all 17. One privilege case arising in our
                          Travel Office investigation went to the D.C. Circuit where we prevailed
                          2-1 and then to the Supreme Court where we lost 6-3. 

                          We had to litigate in the courts as our investigation ran into
                          roadblocks and hurdles that slowed us down. It is true that the
                          administration produced a great amount of information. But unlike the
                          prosecutors in the investigations involving presidents Reagan and
                          Carter, we have been forced to go to court time and again to seek
                          information from the Executive Branch and to fight a multitude of
                          privilege claims asserted by the administration, every single one of
                          which we have won. 

                          In sum, this office has achieved a superb record in courts of law – of
                          significant and hard-fought convictions, of fair and wise decisions not
                          to charge, of thorough and accurate reports on the Vincent Foster and
                          Monica Lewinsky matters, of legal victories in various courts. We go
                          to court and not on the talk show circuit. And our record shows that
                          there is a bright line between law and politics, between courts and
                          polls. It leaves the polls to the politicians and spin doctors. We are
                          officers of the court who live in the world of the law. We have
                          presented our cases in court, and with very rare exception, we have

                          Madison Guaranty: President Clinton and Susan McDougal 

                          The center of all of this – the core of our Arkansas-based investigation
                          – was Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan. Madison was a federally
                          insured savings and loan in Little Rock, Ark., run by Jim and Susan
                          McDougal. Like many savings and loans in the 1980s, Madison was
                          fraudulently operated. Mrs. Clinton and other lawyers at the Rose Law
                          Firm in Little Rock performed legal work for Madison in the 1980s. 

                          Madison first received national attention in March 1992 when a New
                          York Times report raised several issues about the relationship
                          between the Clintons and the McDougals in connection with Madison.
                          Federal bank regulators examined Madison in 1992 and 1993. The
                          regulators sent criminal referrals to the Justice Department, and the
                          Justice Department launched a criminal investigation of Madison in
                          November 1993. In part because of the relationship of the Clintons to
                          the McDougals, Attorney General Reno appointed Bob Fiske in
                          January 1994. I was appointed independent counsel in August 1994
                          to continue the investigation. 

                          Madison exemplified the troubled practices of savings and loans in
                          the 1980s. The failure of the institution ultimately cost federal
                          taxpayers approximately $65 million. Congresswoman Waters put it
                          this way in a 1995 hearing: "By any standard, Madison Guaranty was
                          a disaster. ... It gambled with investments, cooked the books and
                          ultimately bilked the taxpayers of the United States. Madison is a
                          metaphor for the S&L crisis." 

                          The McDougals' operation of Madison raised serious questions
                          whether bank funds had been used illegally to assist business and
                          political figures in Arkansas such as Jim Guy Tucker and then
                          Governor Clinton. As to the Clintons, the question arose primarily
                          because they were partners with the McDougals in the Whitewater
                          Development Company. The Whitewater corporation initially controlled
                          and developed approximately 230 acres of property on the White River
                          in Northern Arkansas. Given Jim McDougal's role at the center of both
                          institutions and given Whitewater's constant financial difficulties, there
                          were two important questions: Were Madison funds diverted to benefit
                          Whitewater? If so, were the Clintons either involved in or
                          knowledgeable of that diversion of funds? 

                          These questions were not idle speculation. In early 1994, a Little
                          Rock judge and businessman David Hale pled guilty to certain
                          unrelated federal crimes. As part of his plea, David Hale told Mr.
                          Fiske's team that he had received money as a result of a loan from
                          Madison in 1986 and that his company loaned it to others as part of a
                          scheme to help some members of the Arkansas political

                          One loan of $300,000 went to Susan McDougal's make-believe
                          company, Master Marketing. Based on our investigation, we now
                          know that some $50,000 of the proceeds of that loan went to benefit
                          the Whitewater corporation. David Hale stated that he had discussed
                          the Susan McDougal loan with Governor Clinton, including at a
                          meeting in 1986 with Jim McDougal and the governor. 

                          In August 1994, when I first arrived in Little Rock, we devised a plan.
                          First, based on the testimony of David Hale and others, as well as
                          documentary evidence, we would take steps, if appropriate, to seek
                          an indictment of Jim and Susan McDougal and others involved in what
                          clearly appeared to be criminal transactions. If a Little Rock jury
                          convicted the McDougals or others, we would then obtain their
                          testimony and determine whether they had other relevant information
                          – including, of course, whether the McDougals possessed information
                          that would either exonerate or incriminate the Clintons as to Madison
                          and Whitewater matters. 

                          This approach was the time-honored and professional way to conduct
                          the investigation. We garnered a number of guilty pleas in my first
                          year, including from Webster Hubbell, who had worked at the Rose
                          Law Firm and was knowledgeable about its work with Madison,
                          including that of Mrs. Clinton. In addition, Robert Palmer, a real estate
                          appraiser, pled guilty to fraudulently doctoring Madison documents to
                          deceive federal bank examiners. Three other associates of McDougal
                          pled guilty and agreed to cooperate. 

                          In August 1995, a year after I was appointed, a federal grand jury in
                          Little Rock indicted Jim and Susan McDougal and the then-sitting
                          Governor of Arkansas Jim Guy Tucker. The case went to trial in
                          March 1996 amid charges by all three defendants – and their allies –
                          that the case was a political witch hunt. Some predicted that an
                          Arkansas jury would never convict the sitting governor. Those
                          expectations were heightened when President Clinton was
                          subpoenaed as a defense witness. The president testified for the
                          defense from the Map Room of the White House. During his sworn
                          testimony, the president testified that did not know about the Susan
                          McDougal loan nor had he ever been in a meeting with Hale and
                          McDougal about the loan. He also testified that he had never received
                          a loan from Madison. This was important testimony. Its truth – or
                          falsity – went to the core issue of our investigation 

                          On May 28, 1996, all three defendants were convicted – Jim
                          McDougal of 18 felonies, Susan McDougal of four felonies, and
                          Governor Tucker of two felonies. Governor Tucker announced his
                          resignation that day. 

                          After his conviction, Jim McDougal began cooperating with our
                          investigation. We spent many hours with him gaining additional
                          insights and facts. He informed our career investigators and
                          prosecutors that David Hale was accurate. According to Jim
                          McDougal, President Clinton had testified falsely at the
                          McDougal-Tucker trial. Jim McDougal testified he had been at a
                          meeting with David Hale and Governor Clinton about the Master
                          Marketing loan. And Jim McDougal testified that Governor Clinton had
                          received a loan from Madison. Jim McDougal said on one of his first
                          sessions with our office that the president's trial testimony was, in his
                          words, "at variance with the truth." 

                          In late 1997, we considered whether this evidence justified a referral to
                          Congress. We drafted a report. But we concluded that it would be
                          inconsistent with the statutory standard because of the difficulty of
                          establishing the truth with a sufficient degree of confidence. We also
                          weighed a prudential factor in reaching that conclusion. There were
                          still two outstanding witnesses who might later corroborate – or
                          contradict – the McDougal and Hale accounts: Jim Guy Tucker and
                          Susan McDougal. 

                          In 1998, we were finally able to obtain information from Governor
                          Tucker. It had taken four long years to hear from the governor. He pled
                          guilty in a tax conspiracy case. When Governor Tucker ultimately
                          testified before the Little Rock grand jury in March and April of this
                          year, he had little knowledge of the loan to Susan McDougal's
                          fictitious company and the president's possible involvement in it. He
                          did shed light on the overall transactions involving Castle Grande and
                          Madison. Importantly, as to one subject, Governor Tucker exonerated
                          the president regarding long-standing questions whether the president
                          and Governor Tucker had a conversation about the Madison referrals
                          in the White House in October 1993. 

                          The remaining witness who perhaps could shed light on the issue was
                          Susan McDougal. And therein lies a story that has caused literally
                          years of delay and added expense to the investigation. 

                          Because the proceeds from the fraudulent loan Susan McDougal
                          received had benefited the Clintons – the proceeds were used to pay
                          obligations of the Whitewater Development Company for which the
                          Clintons were potentially personally liable – Susan McDougal was
                          subpoenaed to testify before the grand jury in August 1996 and asked
                          several questions at the heart of the investigation, including: 

                          "Did you ever discuss your loan from David Hale with William
                          Jefferson Clinton?" 

                          "To your knowledge, did William Jefferson Clinton testify truthfully
                          during the course of your trial?" 

                          Susan McDougal refused to answer any of the questions. District
                          Judge Susan Webber Wright then held her in civil contempt, a
                          decision later upheld by the United States Court of Appeals. 

                          The month of September 1996 thus was a crucial time for our office in
                          its attempt to obtain Susan McDougal's truthful testimony. On Sept.
                          23, 1996, just two weeks after Ms. McDougal had been found in
                          contempt by Judge Wright, President Clinton was interviewed on
                          PBS. The president said, "There's a lot of evidence to support" various
                          charges that Susan McDougal had made against this office. But the
                          president cited no evidence. 

                          The president's comments can reasonably be described as supportive
                          of Ms. McDougal's decision to disobey the court order. So far as we
                          are aware, no sitting president has ever publicly indicated his
                          agreement with a convicted felon's stated reason for refusing to obey
                          a federal court order to testify. Essentially, the president of the United
                          States, the chief executive, sided with a convicted felon against the
                          United States, as represented by United States District Judge Susan
                          Webber Wright, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth
                          Circuit, and the Office of Independent Counsel. 

                          The president was also asked in this interview whether he would
                          consider pardoning Ms. McDougal. The president refused to rule out a

                          The president's answers to these questions were roundly criticized. A
                          New York Times editorial captured the point well, stating that the
                          president's remarks "undercut a legal process that is going forward in
                          an orderly way." 

                          C. Madison Guaranty: Mrs. Clinton and Webster Hubbell 

                          A separate area of our original investigation concerned the Rose Law
                          Firm's work in 1985 and 1986 for Madison. It appeared that Rose may
                          have assisted Madison in performing legal work concerning a piece of
                          property (IDC/Castle Grande), which involved McDougal, Madison,
                          and fraudulent transactions. The complicated real estate deal known
                          as Castle Grande was structured to avoid state banking regulatory
                          requirements and involved violations of federal criminal law. 

                          Grand jury subpoenas were issued in 1994 and 1995 to the Rose Law
                          Firm and to the president and Mrs. Clinton seeking all documents
                          relating to Madison and Castle Grande. We ultimately learned that
                          Mrs. Clinton had performed some work related to Madison's
                          IDC/Castle Grande transactions, but the whole issue remained
                          partially enshrouded in mystery as our office and the Senate
                          Whitewater Committee investigated the issue in 1995. 

                          The problem was that some of the best evidence regarding Mrs.
                          Clinton's work – her Rose Law Firm billing records and her time
                          sheets for 1985 and 1986 – could not be found. The missing records
                          raised suspicions by late 1995 and became a public issue. Webster
                          Hubbell and Vincent Foster had been responsible during the 1992
                          campaign for gathering information about Mrs. Clinton's work for
                          Madison. Yet the billing records could not be found. The Rose firm's
                          work for Madison could not be fully pieced together. The Rose firm no
                          longer had the records. 

                          On Jan. 5, 1996, the records of Mrs. Clinton's activities at Madison
                          were finally produced under unusual circumstances. The records
                          detailed Mrs. Clinton's work on a variety of Madison issues, including
                          the preparation of an option agreement that Madison used to deceive
                          federal bank examiners as part of the Castle Grande deal. After a
                          thorough investigation, we have found no explanation how the billing
                          records got where they were or why they were not discovered and
                          produced earlier. It remains a mystery to this day. Then, in the
                          summer of 1997, a second set of these billing records was found in
                          the attic of the late Vincent Foster's house in Little Rock. The time
                          sheets for Rose's 1985-86 Madison work have never been found. 

                          We should note that Webster Hubbell may have additional information
                          pertaining to Castle Grande – whether exculpatory or inculpatory –
                          that we have been unable to obtain. Mr. Hubbell was at the Rose law
                          firm at the relevant time in 1985 and 1986, he gathered information
                          about the Madison issue in the 1992 campaign, and his father-in-law
                          Seth Ward was involved in the Castle Grande deal. 

                          Two other important facts suggest that Mr. Hubbell may have
                          additional information. First, on March 13, 1994, after a meeting at the
                          White House where it had been discussed that Mr. Hubbell would
                          resign from the Justice Department, then-Chief of Staff Mack McLarty
                          told Mrs. Clinton that "We're going to be supportive of Webb." 

                          As this criminal investigation was beginning in 1994 under Bob Fiske
                          and later my office, Mr. Hubbell received payments totaling nearly
                          $550,000 from several companies and individuals. Many were
                          campaign contributors. These individuals had been contacted through
                          the White House chief of staff, Mr. McLarty. In June 1994, during a
                          week in which he made several visits to the White House, Indonesian
                          businessman James Riady met with Webster Hubbell and then wired
                          him $100,000. One of the individuals who arranged for Mr. Hubbell to
                          receive a consulting contract was Vernon Jordan. The company that
                          he convinced to hire Hubbell was MacAndrews & Forbes, parent
                          company of Revlon – the same company that later hired Monica
                          Lewinsky upon Mr. Jordan's recommendation. As he was destined
                          later to do with Monica Lewinsky, Mr. Jordan personally informed the
                          president about his assistance to Mr. Hubbell. 

                          Most of the $550,000 was given to Mr. Hubbell for little or no work.
                          This rush of generosity obviously gives rise to an inference that the
                          money was essentially a gift. And if it was a gift, why was it given?
                          This money was given despite the fact that Mr. Hubbell was under
                          criminal investigation for fraudulent billing and was a key witness in
                          the Madison Guaranty investigation. 

                          Second, as is known to the public, on certain prison tapes while Mr.
                          Hubbell was in prison, he said to his wife: "I won't raise those
                          allegations that might open it up to Hillary." On another tape, Mr.
                          Hubbell said to White House employee Marsha Scott that he might
                          "have to roll over one more time." 

                          Mr. Hubbell's statements – when combined with the amount of money
                          he received and the information he was in a position to know – raise
                          some very troubling questions. Mr. Hubbell is currently under federal
                          indictment, and it would be inappropriate to say more about that at
                          this time. 

                          D. Travel Office. 

                          Let me add a few brief words about the Travel Office matter. This
                          phase of work arose out of investigations by others of the 1993 firings
                          of Billy Dale and six career co-workers. We do not anticipate that any
                          evidence gathered in that investigation will be relevant to the
                          committee's current task. The president was not involved in our Travel
                          Office investigation. 

                          As to the status of that investigation, it was on hold for quite a while,
                          in part because of litigation. The investigation is not terminated, but
                          we expect to announce any decisions and actions soon. 

                          E. FBI Files 

                          As to the FBI files matter, there are outstanding issues that we are
                          attempting to resolve with respect to one individual. But I can address
                          two issues of relevance to the committee's work. First, our
                          investigation, which has been thorough, found no evidence that
                          anyone higher than Mr. Livingstone or Mr. Marceca was in any way
                          involved in ordering the files from the FBI. Second, we have found no
                          evidence that information contained in the files of former officials was
                          used for an improper purpose. 

                          VI. Office of Independent Counsel 

                          A. Staff 

                          Let me now mention a few words about our personnel, about our
                          process, and about our reflections on this investigation. The character
                          and conduct of the men and women of our office – career
                          professionals who take their jobs and their oaths very seriously – have
                          been badly distorted. Perhaps that is inevitable given the nature of the
                          issues involved in this case and the fact that the president of the
                          United States is the subject of a criminal investigation. But it is
                          regrettable. And so let me offer some truth about the office. 

                          I will start with our personnel. During the Lewinsky investigation, my
                          staff has included skilled and experienced prosecutors from around
                          the country. They have brought an enormous amount of experience
                          and expertise to the office. My colleagues during the past year have
                          included a former United States attorney; the chief of the public
                          corruption unit of the United States attorney's office in Los Angeles;
                          the chief of the public corruption unit of the United States attorney's
                          office in Miami; the chief of the bank fraud unit of the United States
                          attorney's office in San Antonio; prosecutors with lengthy experience
                          in the public integrity section of the Department of Justice; seasoned
                          federal prosecutors from 10 different states and the District of
                          Columbia; and veteran state prosecutors from Maryland and Oregon. 

                          The office also has benefited from the assistance of Sam Dash, chief
                          counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee, who has offered great
                          wisdom throughout my tenure as independent counsel. Professor
                          Ronald Rotunda, constitutional law scholar from the University of
                          Illinois, similarly has provided important advice on a variety of issues.
                          The office also has received assistance from professors at the
                          University of Michigan, the University of Illinois, Notre Dame, and
                          George Washington. Moreover, former law clerks for six different
                          Supreme Court justices have served on my staff during the past year. 

                          During the Lewinsky investigation, the office also relied on many
                          talented investigators with extensive service in the FBI and other law
                          enforcement agencies. And the FBI laboratory yet again provided
                          superb assistance, as it has throughout the Madison/Whitewater

                          In addition, let me express my great appreciation for the grand jurors
                          who devoted much time and energy to examining the witnesses and
                          considering the evidence. Those 23 citizens of the District of
                          Columbia have performed invaluable service, and I publicly thank
                          them. This is the rare case where grand jury transcripts become
                          publicly scrutinized, and as you now know, these grand jurors were
                          active, knowledgeable, fair, and completely dedicated to uncovering
                          and understanding the truth. 

                          B. The Process 

                          In all of our investigations, difficult decisions have been taken through
                          our office's deliberative process. The process calls upon each
                          attorney – drawing upon his or her background and experience – to
                          offer views on issues in question. This deliberative process is
                          laborious, sometimes tedious. But it is an attempt to ensure that our
                          office makes the best decisions it can. I have drawn upon a vast array
                          of experienced prosecutors and investigators because I was sensitive
                          to – and am sensitive to – the fact that an independent counsel exists
                          outside the Justice Department and is an unusual entity within our
                          constitutional system. 

                          Throughout this investigation, we have made every effort to follow
                          Department of Justice practice and policy and to utilize time-honored
                          law enforcement techniques. Of course, with their vast experience in
                          the department and FBI, my prosecutors and investigators embody
                          such policy and practice. Nonetheless, it was often the case during
                          an all-attorneys meeting that we would repair to the United States
                          Attorney's Manual to be sure we had it right. It is true that some
                          traditional law enforcement procedures may not be entirely
                          comfortable for some witnesses. But the procedures have been
                          refined over decades of practice in which society's right to detect and
                          prosecute crime has been balanced against individual liberty. It was
                          not our place to reinvent the investigative wheel. Nor was it our place
                          to discard law enforcement practices that are used every day by
                          prosecutors and police throughout the country. 

                          C. Decisions During the Investigation 

                          With that, let me be the first to say that the Lewinsky investigation, in
                          particular, presented some of the most challenging issues any lawyer
                          could face. We had to make numerous difficult decisions – and often
                          had to do so quickly. Those included factual judgments (is witness X
                          or witness Y telling us the whole truth?), strategic choices (do we
                          provide immunity to Ms. Lewinsky in order to obtain her testimony? Is
                          it appropriate to subpoena the president?), legal decisions (do we
                          accept the assertion of executive privilege for Bruce Lindsey or do we
                          go to court to challenge it? What about the asserted Secret Service
                          privilege?) and historic constitutional judgments (what is the meaning
                          of Section 595(c) of the independent counsel statute and how do we
                          write a referral that satisfies its requirements?). 

                          Major decisions during the Lewinsky investigation have not been
                          easy. And given the hurricane-force political winds swirling about us,
                          we were well aware that, no matter what decision we made, criticism
                          would come from somewhere. As Attorney General Reno has said, in
                          high-profile cases like these, you are damned if you do and damned if
                          you don't, so you'd better just do what you think is the right and fair

                          We also attempted to be thorough. But we did not invent that
                          approach just for the Lewinsky case. To take just one previous
                          example, in investigating matters relating to the death of Vincent
                          Foster, we were painstaking in examining evidence, questioning
                          witnesses, and calling upon experts in homicide and suicide. We
                          were criticized during that investigation for being too thorough, taking
                          too long. But time has proved the correctness of our approach. After
                          an extensive investigation, the office produced a report that addressed
                          the many questions, confronted the difficult issues, laid out new
                          evidence, and reached a definitive conclusion. Over time, the
                          controversy over the Foster tragedy has dissipated because we
                          insisted on being uncompromisingly thorough both in the investigation
                          and in our report. 

                          After the attorney general and the Court of Appeals assigned us the
                          Lewinsky investigation, the office again received criticism for being too
                          thorough. But the Lewinsky investigation could not be properly
                          conducted in a slapdash manner. It was our duty to be meticulous, to
                          be careful. We were. And in the process, we uncovered substantial
                          and credible evidence of serious legal wrongdoing by the president.
                          Some then suggested that the report we submitted to Congress was
                          too thorough. But bear in mind that we submitted the referral, as we
                          were required by statute, to the House of Representatives, not to the
                          public. And we must dispute the suggestion that a report to the
                          House suggesting possible impeachable offenses committed by the
                          president of the United States should tell something less than the full
                          story. The facts, the story, are critical – they affect credibility, they
                          are necessary to avoid a distorted picture, they ultimately are the
                          basis for a just conclusion. As a result, just as the jurors found the
                          details of specific land deals critical in our trial of Governor Jim Guy
                          Tucker and the McDougals, just as the Supreme Court includes the
                          details of grisly murders in its death penalty cases, so too the details
                          of the president's relationship with Ms. Lewinsky became relevant –
                          indeed, critical – in determining whether and the extent to which the
                          president made false statements under oath and otherwise obstructed
                          justice in both the Jones v. Clinton case and then again in his grand
                          jury testimony. 

                          As you know, by an overwhelming bipartisan vote, the House
                          immediately disclosed our referral to the public. But I want to be clear
                          that the public disclosure or nondisclosure of the referral and the
                          backup materials was a decision our office did not make – and
                          lawfully could not make. We had no way of knowing in advance of
                          submitting the referral, and we did not know, whether the House
                          would publicly release both the report and the backup materials;
                          would release portions of one or both; would release redacted
                          versions of the report and backup documents; would prepare and
                          release a summary akin to Mr. Schippers' oral presentation; or would
                          simply keep the referral and backup materials under seal just as
                          Special Prosecutor Jaworski's submission in 1974 remained under
                          seal. As a result, we respectfully but firmly reject the notion that our
                          office was trying to inflame the public. We are professionals, and we
                          were trying to get the relevant facts, the full story, to the House of
                          Representatives. That was our task. And that is what we did. 

                          In fact, the referral has served a purpose. There has been virtually no
                          dispute about a good many of the factual conclusions in the report. In
                          the wake of the referral, for example, few have ventured that the
                          president told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in
                          his civil case and before the grand jury. A key reason, we submit, is
                          that we insisted – as we have in our other investigations – that we be
                          exhaustive in the investigation and that we document the facts and
                          conclusions in our report. 

                          D. Reflections 

                          I want to be absolutely clear on one point, however. Any suggestion
                          that the men and women of our office enjoyed or relished this
                          investigation is wrong. It is nonsense. In at least three ways, the
                          Lewinsky investigation caused all of us considerable dismay – and
                          continues to do so. 

                          First, none of us has any interest whatsoever in investigating the
                          factual details underlying the allegations of perjury and obstruction of
                          justice in this case. My staff and I agree with the sentiments
                          expressed by Chairman Hyde in the Nov. 9 hearing when he said "I'd
                          like to forget all of this. I mean, who needs it?" But the Constitution
                          and the criminal law do not have exceptions for unseemly or
                          unpleasant or difficult cases. The attorney general and the Court of
                          Appeals assigned us a duty to pursue the facts. And we did so. 

                          Second, this investigation has proved difficult for us because it
                          centered on legal wrongdoing by the president of the United States.
                          The presidency is an office that we – like all Americans – revere and
                          respect. No prosecutor is comfortable when he or she reports
                          wrongdoing by the president. All of us want to believe that our
                          president has at all times acted with integrity – and certainly that he
                          has not violated the criminal law. 

                          Everyone in my office therefore envies the position years ago of Paul
                          Curran, the distinguished counsel appointed by Attorney General
                          Griffin Bell to investigate certain financial transactions involving
                          President Carter. Mr. Curran received complete cooperation from
                          President Carter, found no wrongdoing, and promptly returned to
                          private life. I would like to do the same. 

                          Third, this investigation was unpleasant because our office knew that
                          some Americans, for a variety of reasons, would be opposed to our
                          work. But we would not, could not, allow ourselves to be deterred from
                          doing our work. As I have said, our office was assigned a specific
                          duty to gather the facts and then, if appropriate, to make decisions
                          and report the facts as quickly as we possibly could. In the end, we
                          tried to adhere to the principle Congressman Graham discussed on
                          Oct. 5: Thirty years from now, not 30 days from now, we want to be
                          able to say that we did the right thing. 

                          E. The Independent Counsel 

                          At the end of the day, I – and no one else – was responsible for our
                          key decisions. And my background thus warrants brief note. 

                          I came to this job as a product of the judicial process, of the courts. I
                          began my legal career in 1973 as a law clerk, first for Judge David
                          Dyer on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and then for two years for
                          Chief Justice Warren Burger. Following my clerkships, I was in private
                          law practice in Los Angeles and Washington, during which time I
                          worked on all manner of litigation matters – civil, administrative, and

                          After William French Smith took office as attorney general in January
                          1981, I served as counselor to the attorney general from 1981 to
                          1983. In that capacity, I experienced firsthand the varied and difficult
                          judgment calls that faced the attorney general every day – whether it
                          was dealing with the aftermath of the attempted assassination of
                          President Reagan or selecting a Supreme Court nominee, in that
                          case Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. I took away from the experience
                          an admiration that has continued to this day for the career Justice
                          Department lawyers, prosecutors, and law enforcement officials who
                          toil without fanfare, and for whom the guiding principles are fairness
                          and respect for the law. 

                          In 1983, President Reagan nominated and the Senate confirmed me
                          to be a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of
                          Columbia Circuit. I became a colleague on a court with truly great
                          judges – from J. Skelley Wright to Antonin Scalia, from Ruth
                          Ginsburg to Robert Bork – and tackled the important and intricate
                          issues that came before the D.C. Circuit. The cases included issues
                          as diverse as the constitutional right of a military serviceman to wear
                          a yarmulke (a right I supported in vain) and the right of a newspaper,
                          in that case The Washington Post, to be free under the First
                          Amendment from the crushing threat of liability under the libel laws. 

                          In 1989, I accepted appointment as solicitor general of the United
                          States. The solicitor general is, as you know, the lawyer who
                          represents the United States in arguments before the Supreme Court.
                          A distinguished predecessor, Thurgood Marshall, often stated that
                          being solicitor general was the greatest job a lawyer could have, bar
                          none. Justice Marshall had it right. As solicitor general, I argued 25
                          cases before the Supreme Court. The arguments covered the
                          spectrum of our law including whether flag burning is a protected right
                          under the Constitution, whether there is a constitutional right to refuse
                          unwanted medical treatment near the end of one's life, and whether
                          the Senate's decision to convict and remove an impeached judge is
                          subject to judicial review. While I was solicitor general, my
                          overarching goal was to run an office faithful to the law, not to political
                          or ideological opinion – and I think the record shows that I did just

                          In 1993, I left my second tour of duty in the Justice Department and
                          returned to private practice and teaching constitutional law. In the
                          period before I was named independent counsel in August 1994, I was
                          not completely absent from public service, however. In late 1993, I
                          was asked by the Senate Ethics Committee, chaired by Nevada's
                          Democratic Sen. Richard Bryan, to review Senator Packwood's
                          diaries as part of the Ethics Committee's investigation. 

                          Every person is, of course, deeply affected by his or her experiences.
                          For my part, my experience is in the law and the courts. I am not a
                          man of polls, public relations, or politics – which I suppose is obvious
                          at this point. I am not experienced in political campaigns. 

                          As a product of the law and the courts, I have come to an unyielding
                          faith in our court system – our system of judicial review, the
                          independence of our judges, our jury system, the integrity of the oath,
                          the sanctity of the judicial process. The phrase on the facade of the
                          Supreme Court "Equal Justice Under Law," the inscription inside the
                          Justice Department building, "the United States wins its point when
                          justice is done its citizens in the courts," are more than slogans.
                          They are principles that the courts in this country apply every day.
                          Our office saw that firsthand in the trial of Governor Jim Guy Tucker,
                          Jim McDougal, and Susan McDougal. A juror said afterwards that
                          they fought for the defendants' liberty, but were overwhelmed by the
                          evidence. It is our judicial process that helps make this country
                          distinct. And my background, my instincts, my beliefs have instilled
                          in me a deep respect for the legal process that is at the foundation of
                          our republic. 

                          President Lincoln asked that "reverence for the laws be proclaimed in
                          legislative halls and enforced in courts of justice." Mr. Chairman, my
                          office and I revere the law. I am proud of what we have accomplished.
                          We were assigned a difficult job. We have done it to the very best of
                          our abilities. We have tried to be both fair and thorough. 

                          I thank the committee and the American people for their attention.