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In this site you can search many engines for subject , jobs, people, magazines, , url, newsgroup, mailing list, ftp sites, archie, and gopher all in one site.
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This site contains incredible links to get your own free homepage, free e-mail, free magazines , free CDROMs and ... .
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Here you can find the most popular download area in the internet where you can find millions of free software for all platforms.
Student Site :-
This site contains links to many students related sites like universities , scholarships, financial aids, bookshops and researches pages .
Eritrea Site :-
This site contains informations about Eritrea including photos, history, and most eritrean links in the net .
Friends Links:-
This site is a links guide to many friends cool sites, also contains full list namoes of eritrean students in Jordan. try it !
Personal Informations:-
This page contains a personal information about me you can read it .
Web Help :-
This site conatains comperhensvie information about (html, javascript, image editing, creating web site , promoting web site etc.) .

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e-mail ImageSalem Ahmed Ali

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