Sonnet to Mathematics
Rachel Hitchcock (with apologies to W. Shakespeare)
Shall I compare thee to a cloudy sky?
Thou art more obscure, and much more dry!
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
But shake me all you wish, I will not say
That maths comes easily to my aching brain ---
My equation is that calculus equals pain!
Oft times the problem posed too hard doth seem
And even if perchance there is a gleam
Of understanding that upon me shines,
(Like ``every e to the minus x declines'')
Next minute it is gone and I am lost
--- And none shall ever know just what it cost
To hazard all upon the guess I've made!
BUT: thy eternal fascination cannot fade ---
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see
So long lives Maths --- and Maths enthrallest me!
Rachel Hitchcock is an English teacher at Arundel High School, Zimbabwe.
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