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Sagan.gifCarl Sagan 1934-1996
"If we can't think for ourselves, if we're unwilling to question authority, then we're just putty in the hands of those in power. But if the citizens are educated and form their own opinions, then those in power work for us. In every country, we should be teaching our children the scientific method and the reasons for a Bill of Rights. With it comes a certain decency, humility and community spirit. In the demon-haunted world that we inhabit by virtue of being human, this may be all that stands between us and the enveloping darkness."
Quote from the Sagan book The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

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Carl Sagan is or was America's most famous and most accomplished astronomer. He ventured outside the realm of astronomy and studied and published works in other fields of science. I think Sagan had a true love for science, but I believe it was more than that. I think it is better to say he had a love for knowledge. Even though he was regarded as controversial by some of his colleagues, Sagan's greatest accomplishment was bringing his thoughts,discoveries and opinions to the public. Dr. Sagan's ability to take a complicated concept and put it into terms that I can understand helped me to understand many concepts in science I would not have cared about. He opened questions in my own mind about our universe and why it acts the way it does. Dr. Sagan was deeply involved in the search for extra terrestrial life. He was sure that it was and is out there. He also made it clear that he needed definitive proof for something that important. Millions of people are fascinated by fantastic tales of alien abductions, faces on Mars, crystals, channeling, and crop circles.

In thisraworld.gif(get Real Audio)interview, Ira Flatow talks with world-renowned scientist Carl Sagan about the rising popularity of pseudo science and the importance of critical thinking. Interview NPR Radio.


I too am fascinated by these tales and part of me would like to think we have indeed been visited, but I must side with Sagan and say that yes life must be out there, but without proof I cannot say we have been visited yet. Text interview with Sagan on alien life from Nova On line. When one looks at Drake's Equation life on other planets is almost a surety. More of Sagan's thoughts on UFO's and alien life.

Other Links
imageAstronomy Picture of the Day A tribute to Dr. Sagan soon after his death. This site links to some of his other interests.
imageThe Seti site. Doctor Sagan was a principle player in setting up SETI, (search for extra terrestrial intelligence). A string of radio telescopes networked together searching for a sign..Check out Project Phoenix.

Just some last thoughts...I think most of us realize that life outside our planet is highly likely. I have been reading several books lately concerning the incident at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. I believe something happened there, but I, like Sagan am just not convinced that it was the site of two UFO crashes. Maybe it did happen and maybe the government has spent all kinds of money to create disinformation. But without proof I must still hold judgement.

With advances in technology everyday I think we will have some real proof within the next fifty years. And once we have that proof I wonder if mankind would be ready for it.. line

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