Course by G. D'Alessandro at the U of Southampton, UK. Purpose: getting acquainted with some mathematical tools that are needed to model and solve practical problems.
Course by J. N. Dewynne at the U of Southampton, UK. This course examines the structure of the PDE's which commonly underlie problems that develop in space and time. Analytical course.
This electronic textbook "... is intended to serve as a general introduction to the study of science at the college level and incorporates all the mathematical material (e.g. calculus) directly into the study of science. It provides graphics, digital movies, and interactive programs to illustrate important points". Written by Dennis DeTurck, Larry Gladney, and Anthony Pietrovito at the U of Pennsylvania.
Class notes by H. J. Newton et al at Texas A&M Univ.
Hyper-textbook by D. M. Lane at Rice Univ. Introductory-level Statistics.
Hyper-textbook by J. de Leeuw at UCLA.
Textbook by StatSoft, Inc.
Course by Jeff Banfield at the U of Montana. Deals on how we can use graphics to explore our data and present results. Explores topics ranging from human visual perception to empirical distributions.
EXCEL Spreadsheet by K. Herst at the U of Southampton, UK. This spreadsheet will help you understand how matrices can be used to describe linear transformations of figures in the plane. Includes introduction to EXCEL.
Includes links to courses and educational sites for Algebra, Calculus, Diff. Eq.'s, Geometry, Linear Algebra, Applied Math, Chaos and Fractals, Statistics, and many other topics. List from ABCentral, by E. J. Inglis-Arkell.
List from the World Lecture Hall, a site that "...contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials." It includes course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendars, multimedia textbooks, etc.
Probability resources.
Topics considered include ODE's, PDE's, integral equations, and functional differential equations. Articles are available through the Internet free of charge, as Postscript, TeX, and DVI files. Only registration is required.
Provides organized Internet access to a wide variety of mathematical educational resources. This site includes:
- Math Archives' teaching materials (Extensive list of links to sites dedicated to the teaching of Math)
- Math Archives' collection of software, abstracts and reviews
Collection of pages for people with interests in probability theory and its applications. Includes probability links, listservers, newsgroups, journals, software, and conferences.
System for the distribution of software, data, and information on Statistics.
Public domain program for plotting curves in two and three dimensions, surfaces in 3-D and solutions of systems of two first order ordinary differential equations. From the Faculty of Mathematical Studies, U of Southampton, UK.
Scientific information network about complex systems. Includes links to:- The Complexity On-line Journal
- The WWW Virtual Library - Complex Systems
Project by R. L. Devaney at Boston Univ.; Designed to help secondary school and college teachers bring contemporary topics in Math (like fractals and chaos) into the classroom. Includes interactive papers on dynamical systems, differential equations, chaos, and fractals.
On-line resource at the Exploratorium. Includes glossary of basic terms and people involved in the development of dynamical systems theory and complexity, and the "Turbulent Landscapes" exhibit, an interactive site to learn about complexity concepts.
Multidisciplinary studies of complex systems.
Document for sci.nonlinear newsgroup. Includes basic and advanced theory, applications, and links to resources related to nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
Includes educational resources on system dynamics, discussion groups, and links to modeling and simulation.
Paper by R. Bulajich, D. Thieffry, and B. Toni. Document from the Canadian Society for Theoretical Biology Bulletin - Fall 1996.
Article by A. M. Saperstein. Am. Sci., November-December 1995. See also abstract of article, figure with caption. From the American Scientist Magazine Web Site. "It is Sigma Xi's [publisher] policy to grant permission at no charge for the educational use of American Scientist articles..." See the Permission Policy for further details.
Article by W. Silvert, at the Bedford Inst. of Oceanography, CA. Document from the "Papers Page", by William Silvert.
Paper by R. Thomas. Document from the Canadian Society for Theoretical Biology Bulletin - Fall 1996.
Available for downloading.
Lecture notes by M. Kot at the U of Tennessee-Kentucky.
R. Durrett's hyper-tutorial at Cornell Univ.
Course by Sally Otto at the U of British Columbia, CA.
Workshop report that "... explored the current and future trends at the interface between Mathematics and Biology". Includes chapter: "The Impact of Mathematics on Ecology and Evolutionary Biology". Document from the Johns Hopkins Univ. Bioinformatics Web Server.
Essay by J. H. Brown. The EcoEssay is an "Interactive discussion forum... to debate the merit of the current EcoEssay and topics that branch from the original propositions." Document from the NCEAS - National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis).
Document by A. Dress. Chapter 4 of the BioComputing Hypertext Coursebook. Document from the Virtual School of Natural Sciences (VSNS) - Biocomputing Division pages.
Brief review on research done by R. Durrett and S. Levin on simulation of spatial population dynamics based on the theory of interacting particle systems. From the Cornell Univ. Theory Center.
Project proposal by A. Etheridge, at the Queen Mary and Westfield College, U of London, U.K.
Essay by R. Gordon, at the U of Manitoba, CA. describing careers and opportunities in Theoretical Biology. (Carolina Tips, 1993). From B. Golding's pages at McMaster Univ., CA.
Book Review by R. Gordon, at the U of Manitoba. Review of: Eldredge, N. (1995). Reinventing Darwin: The Great Debate at the High Table of Evolutionary Theory, by John Wiley & Sons. Document from the Canadian Society for Theoretical Biology Bulletin - Fall 1995.
Essay by R. Gordon at the U of Manitoba, CA. (Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Theoretical Biology, VOL 10, pp. 4-5, 1992). Document from Brian Golding's pages at McMaster Univ., CA.
Essay (with WebCrawler links) prepared by M. Hartmann and B. Golding at McMaster Univ.,CA. From Brian Golding's pages at McMaster Univ., CA.
Essay by G. Hick that shows how aspects of the natural sciences can be analysed using mathematical techniques.
Essay by D. Ludwig, B. Walker, and C. S. Holling. Conservation Ecology [online], VOL 1, Issue 1: Article 7, 1997. Available from the Internet URL: Document from the Conservation Ecology On-line Journal.
Paper by J. Peccoud. Document from the Canadian Society for Theoretical Biology Bulletin - Fall 1995.
Project proposal by P. Turchin et al. Document from Bruce Kendall's pages at the NCEAS - National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.
Papers by W. Silvert, at the Bedford Inst. of Oceanography, CA. Page from William Silvert's home page.
Article by G. P. Wagner. (In: F. Morán, A. Morán, J.J. Merelo, and P. Chacón [eds.], Advances in Artificial Life. Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp 317-328, 1995). Document from G. P. Wagner's home page, at the Center for Computational Ecology pages at Yale Univ.
Includes information on virtual seminars, Epidemiology mail-list, and on-line papers and files on nonlinear dynamic Epidemiology. At the U of Montreal, CA.
Interactive animation. (Requires JAVA-capable browser). Site at Serendip, a forum and a set of resources dealing mainly with Biology and Complexity concepts; From Bryn Mawr College. Animation by Paul Grobstein, Deepak Kumar, and Bogdan Butoi.
Interactive exhibit dealing with homeostasis, autonomy, and chaos, centered around population dynamics. (Requires JAVA-capable browser). Site from Serendip's pages, at Bryn Mawr College.
Project by L. Gross at the U of Tennessee-Kentucky. Includes links to educational resources, software, and WWW servers. From Louis J. Gross' Home Page.
The Keck Center's Research Areas include Mathematical Modeling of Biosystems and Medical and Genomic Informatics. The Center's research results include on-line papers available in HTML format, downloadable software, and Web pages of research and education.
From the book "An Introduction to the Mathematics of Biology", by E. K. Yeargers, R. W. Shonkwiler, and J. V. Herod, by Birkhäuser.
Available for downloading.
Includes stochastic spatial simulator and hyper-tutorial on stochastic spatial models.
Research: Stochastic spatial models and their applications to biology.
Includes courses by B. Golding, databases, and links to the EvolDir and Biomath resources.
Research: Molecular Computational Biology, Population Genetics, Molecular Evolution, Biomathematics.
Includes JAVA applets related to cancer modeling, preprints, links to class notes, and Maple (release 3) codes for Biomath programs from the book "An Introduction to the Mathematics of Biology", by E. K. Yeargers, R. W. Shonkwiler, and J. V. Herod, by Birkhäuser.
Site compiled and maintained by:
Carlos Lara-Moreno ® 1997, 1998
Last modified: Jan. 29, 1998