Course at Harvard Univ.
Course from the Dpt. of Human Biology at the U of Leeds, UK.
Course from the Dpt. of Human Biology at the U of Leeds, UK.
Course by J. Bell at the California State Univ., Chico
Course by D. Cannatella, D. Hillis, E. Pianka, M. Ryan, and S. Poe, at the U of Texas - Austin. Lectures consist of three areas: (1) Systematics, Biogeography, and Genetics, (2) Population and Community Ecology, and (3) Behavior and Physiology.
Lecture notes by D. L. Crawford at the U of Missouri - Kansas City. From Douglas L. Crawford's Molecular Evolution Lab Homepage, "... a resource for people interested in current research being done in molecular evolution, gene expression, and other related fields".
Course by J. Felsenstein at the U of Washington.
Lecture outlines by P. Gepts at UC-Davis.
Course by B. Golding at McMaster Univ., CA.
Course by L. Higgins, at the U of Texas - Austin.
Course by D. Krempel at the U of Miami.
Course by J. Losos at Washington Univ.- St. Louis.
Course by Sally Otto, at the U of British Columbia, CA.
Course by D. Rand, at Brown Univ.
Course by L. M. Ratcliffe and R. Montgomerie, at Queens Univ., CA.
Course by J. L. Reveal, at the U of Maryland.
Course by R. Russo at IUPUI.
Course by R. Skelton at the U of Montana.
Includes links to courses and educational sites for General Biology, Phylogeny and Systematics, Ecology, Evolution, Paleobiology, and Biology teaching resources. List from ABCentral, by E. J. Inglis-Arkell.
List from the World Lecture Hall, a site that "...contains links to pages created by faculty worldwide who are using the Web to deliver class materials." It includes course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendars, multimedia textbooks, etc.
Lecture by K. Autumn. Document from Kellar Autumn's Website, at UC - Berkeley.
Review by B. Brembs. (First published in Oikos 76: 14-24, 1996). Document from Björn Brembs Home Page.
Article by D. S. Burke, at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Rockville, MD. (Emerg. Infect. Dis. [serial online], VOL 3, Number 3, Jul-Sep 1997; Available from the "Emerging Infectious Diseases" On-line Journal: URL: Published by the National Center for Infectious Diseases - CDC.
Book by G. Cziko, at the Dpt. of Educational Psychology, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (A Bradford Book, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1995). From Gary Cziko's Home Page.
Book by Charles R. Darwin. From the Online Literature Library, maintained by P. Galbavy.
Book by Charles R. Darwin. From the Online Literature Library, maintained by P. Galbavy.
Book by Charles R. Darwin. This "... consists of two separate books, namely on the pedigree of mankind, and on sexual selection in the animal kingdom generally." Published on February 24, 1871. Reprinted in the Home Page for the Zoological Institute at the U of Bergen, Norway.
Book (in PDF format) by D. Fudenberg and D. K. Levine on game theory; See Table of contents for details. "You may reproduce and distribute individual copies of this manuscript electronically or in print, provided it is distributed in its entirety..." Document from David K. Levine's home page.
Document by R. Giegerich and D. Wheeler. (Chapter 1 of the BioComputing Hypertext Coursebook.) Document from the Virtual School of Natural Sciences (VSNS) - Biocomputing Division pages.
Article by W. Goodman. (Mosaic, VOL. 23, No. 1, pp. 24-33, Spring 1992). Reprinted in the AAAS Program of Dialogue Between Science and Religion - Evolution Resources Page.
Article by S. J. Gould and R. C. Lewontin. (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, VOL. 205, No. 1161, pp. 581-598, 1979). Reprinted in the AAAS Program of Dialogue Between Science and Religion - Evolution Resources Page.
Paper by P. Grim, at the Dpt. of Philosophy, SUNY - Stony Brook. (A version of this paper was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence, combined meeting of ICNN, FUZZ-IEEE, and ICEC, Orlando, June-July, 1994).
Article by E. Mayr. (Philosophy of Science, VOL. 63, pp. 262-277, June 1996). Reprinted in the AAAS Program of Dialogue Between Science and Religion - Evolution Resources Page.
Paper by A. V. Spirov, at the I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry at St.Petersburg, Russia. "This paper describes... a model of evolutionary growth of Drosophila segmentation gene net..." considering self-organisation mechanisms and genetic algorithms. From A. V. Spirov's Home Page.
Research paper by K. Tamura, G. Toba, J. Park, and T. Aotsuka, at the Department of Biology, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan. From the TMU Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory Home Page.
Article by G. P. Wagner. (American Zoologist, 1995). Document from G. P.Wagner's home page at the Center for Computational Ecology pages at Yale Univ.
Article by G. P. Wagner and L. Altenberg. (Evolution, 1995). Document from G. P.Wagner's home page, at the Center for Computational Ecology pages at Yale Univ.
Article by Alfred R. Wallace. (Annals and Magazine of Natural History, February 1855). Reprinted in the Home Page for the Zoological Institute at the U of Bergen, Norway.
Essay by Alfred R. Wallace. Written in February 1858, and read jointly with Darwin's paper at the Linnean Society of London, July 1, 1858. Reprinted in the Home Page for the Zoological Institute at the U of Bergen, Norway.
Article by D. S. Wilson, and E. Sober. "This is... a BBS target article that has been accepted for publication... and is being circulated for open peer commentary. This preprint is for inspection only..." Document from the BBS - Behavioral & Brain Sciences, Target Article Archive, published by the Cambridge Univ. Press.
Conceptual background of the research program of the host-parasite evolution group at the Zoological Institute, U of Basel, Switzerland. Document from the Zoological Institute's pages.
Articles, essays, and extensive information on Evolution topics. Page from the Talk.Origins Archive, whose purpose is to provide "... mainstream scientific responses to the many frequently asked questions (FAQs)..." that appear in, a Usenet newsgroup for the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins.
This site includes (among others) the following on-line documents:
Abstracts, figures with captions, book reviews, and full-text articles (a few of them not directly related to Evolutionary Biology, however) from the American Scientist Magazine Web Site. "It is Sigma Xi's [publisher] policy to grant permission at no charge for the educational use of American Scientist articles..."
See the Permission Policy for further details.
This site includes the following full-text articles and reviews related to the origin of life and Evolution:
Information on dinosaurs presented using the cladistic system. By T. Mike Keesey, at the U of Maryland - Baltimore County.
Mail list on Evolution topics; includes announcements on conferences, job opportunities, grad student and postdoc positions, and e-mail addresses of researchers in Population Genetics & Evolution.
Evolution topics and scientists in their historical context. An on-line evolution exhibit at the UC Museum of Paleontology at UC-Berkeley.
Interactive program. "An adaptation of Richard Dawkins' "Biomorphs" as seen in The Blind Watchmaker." From The Live Artificial Life Page.Note from compiler: Internet Explorer 3.x (I don't know about 4.x or 2.x) users can only access JAVA based program, since the animations at this site will not work with this browser.
Internet resource for the human evolution community. Includes the "Human Origins News", an archive of articles dealing with human evolution.
On-line exhibit on Phylogenetics at the UC Museum of Paleontology at UC-Berkeley. Includes the special exhibit: "Journey into Phylogenetic Systematics"
Interactive game. "Inspired by prisoner's dilemma game theory as described in the book "The Selfish Gene" 2nd. Ed., by R. Dawkins (1989, p. 205)." By Wayne Davis at Charles Sturt Univ., AU.
Interactive game. Site from Serendip, a forum and a set of resources dealing mainly with Biology and Complexity concepts. From Bryn Mawr College.
Educational Project by J. E. Strassmann et al at Rice Univ. Presents background information and assignments "... designed to teach students methods to interpret data and to conduct scientific research." Based on a project on the social behavior of Polistine wasps. (Currently, the project is mainly, but not exclusively, aimed to teachers).
Educational resources for use in the classroom. These include student activities, as well as resources for teachers and parents. From the U of California Museum of Paleontology at UC-Berkeley.
Includes guides to events, Evolution and Science news, on-line papers and commentary by R. Dawkins, books, and many other Evolution documents and resources. By John Catalano
Program that "... demonstrates the simple Hawk/Dove/Bourgeois game designed to provide an example of the use of game theory in evolutionary theory..." Software by Keith F. Goodnight at the Keck Center for Computational Biology, TX.
Includes simulation of evolutionary processes. For details see a brief ("how to use") introduction to Populus, or a review (of program models). Executable available for MS-DOS. Program by Don Alstad, at the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, U of Minnesota, Chris Bratteli and Liz Goehring.
This is "... a simple simulation program for demonstrating Fisherian selection on the sex ratio." Software by Keith F. Goodnight at the Keck Center for Computational Biology, TX.
Sofware that "...allows you to simulate the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma and many of its variants. Many strategies are included in the software, and many parameters can be changed." WINPRI (Written by F. Grinion) includes C source code and executable for Windows. PRISON includes C source code and executable available for MS-DOS, Unix, and Xview (By F. Laveine).
Document that reviews educational software and provides information on how to obtain it. Includes links and information of free and commercial software on Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, and other biological areas. By Eli Meir and the Biology Education Software Taskforce of the University of Washington.
This Directory contains "...information on software, Web pages and other resources. There are... links to on-line reviews, software available via ftp and relevant web pages." List from The CTI Centre for Biology, at the U of Liverpool, UK.
Includes several Evolution educational programs. Page at the Quantitative Curriculum for Life Science Students Project Web Site at the U of Tennessee-Kentucky. From Louis J. Gross' Home Page.
Site compiled and maintained by:
Carlos Lara-Moreno ® 1997, 1998
Last modified: Jan. 27, 1998