Course by A. Sharov at Virginia Tech.
Course by D. J. Zimmer at the State Univ. of New York - Geneseo.
On-line journal that addresses factors underlying disease emergence, including microbial adaptation and change, and human demographics and behavior. Also includes summaries of specific diseases or syndromes and related emerging infectious disease issues, and brief laboratory or epidemiologic reports with an international scope. "All material published in Emerging Infectious Diseases is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without special permission; proper citation, however, is appreciated". Available in ASCII, PDF, and PostScript formats. Published by the National Center for Infectious Diseases - CDC.
Chapter three from Charles Darwin's "The Origin of Species".
Article by R. M. May. (Science 247:1441-49, 1988). Reprinted in the CIESIN - Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network pages.
Document by B. Peterson and W. Kimmerer. From the U.S. GLOBEC Newsletter, No. 6, April 1994, at the US GLOBEC - Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics pages.
Article by O. J. Schmitz, and G. Booth. (Evolutionary Ecology 11: 379-398, 1996). Document from the CCE papers page, at the Center for Computational Ecology pages at Yale Univ.
Article by A. A. Sharov. (In Modeling Insect Dynamics, eds. E. Korpilahti, H. Mukkela, and T. Salonen, pp. 293-303. "Caring for the forest research in a changing world", Congress Report, VOL II; IUFRO XX World Congress, 6-12 August 1995, Tampere, Finland. Gummerus Printing, Jyvaskyla, Finland, 1996). Document from the Population Ecology Home Page by A. Sharov.
Article by C. K. Yoon. (New York Times, March 15, 1994). Reprinted in the U.S. GLOBEC Newsletter, No. 6, April 1994. From the US GLOBEC - Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics pages.
This server provides information and data on world population growth.
Presented by the Botanical Epidemiology Group at the U of Cambridge, UK.
Includes directory of researchers, mail-list for discussion, events, job opportunities, and links; all related to Population Biology.
By A. Sharov at Virginia Tech, VA. Includes on-line models, ecological data, on-line papers, and links to organizations and journals.
This Server "...will allow you to interactively investigate the behaviour of ecological models." Currently the server contains a few Lotka-Volterra systems (predator-prey, competition, and plant-pollinator). At the Theoretical Ecology Dpt. of Lund Univ., Sweden. Written and maintained by Sigfrid Lundberg.
This site provides a guide to some of the spatially oriented research available on the Web. By J. Thomas at Washington State Univ.
This program "... introduces students to the Lotka-Volterra models of intra- and inter-specific competition." By Robert P. Gendron, at Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania.
Program "...designed to explore the use of the Leslie Matrix in population biology". Includes the Leslie Course, for introductory and graduate population biology and resource management courses. From the Wildlife, Fisheries & Conservation Biology Department - Population Biology Site. Program by John Brittnacher, at the Wildlife and Fisheries Biology Dpt., U of California - Davis.
This program "... contains components for population growth, population genetics, predator/prey interactions, and interspecific competition." (Notice: "program has not been completely tested, but is very stable.") By Robert Kaplan, at Reed College, OR.
Includes simulation of population and community ecology processes. For details see a brief ("how to use") introduction to Populus, or a review (of program models). Executable available for MS-DOS. Program by Don Alstad, at the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, U of Minnesota.
Program written "... to predict the risk of extinction in cougar populations under various development scenarios...[and] intended as a teaching tool for classes in conservation biology, population ecology, or wildlife management." Executable available for MS-DOS. Written by Paul Beier.
Includes several Ecology educational programs. Page at the Quantitative Curriculum for Life Science Students Project Web Site at the U of Tennessee-Kentucky. From Louis J. Gross' Home Page.: The server at the Australian National Univ. is no longer maintained (gopher://, so programs "Blight", "Crown of Thorns", "Epidemic", "Polsta", and "Resistan" are not available from this link anymore. However, it seems that "Blight" and "Resistan" are available from the Wildlife Ecology Software Server (next link on this page).
Includes several Ecology educational programs. Page from the Illinois Natural History Survey - Wildlife Ecology Software Server.
Document that reviews educational software and provides information on how to obtain it. Includes links and information of free and commercial software on Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, and other biological areas. By Eli Meir and the Biology Education Software Taskforce of the University of Washington.
This Directory contains "...information on [free and commercial] software, Web pages and other resources. There are... links to on-line reviews, software available via ftp and relevant web pages." From The CTI Centre for Biology, at the U of Liverpool, UK. Includes list of resources on:
Includes links to free, shareware and commercial software. List from Robert P. Gendron's Home Page
This is a clearinghouse for wildlife ecology related software the majority of which is PC based, but includes some Macintosh programs. Software categories: habitat analysis, diversity indices, capture/recapture, survival, etc. At the Illinois Natural History Survey Web site. Includes list of Ecology software sites
This server provides easy access to available information about ecological modeling (simulation models, descriptions of these models, simulation software, persons, and literature). At the U of Kassel, Germany.
List of software of interest to biologists who do fieldwork. Includes Ecology software for the registration of observations, distribution data, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), vegetation ecology, statistics, simulation, field biology education, programmers, etc. By Marco B. Leeker.
Lists software for the estimation of abundance, survival and recruitment rates using capture-recapture and recovery models. By Evan Cooch, at Simon Fraser Univ., CA.
List of WWW sites of interest to ecologists.
Links to Ecology pages and resources.
Lecture outline by D. Bogler at the U of Texas-Austin.
Course by P. J. Bryant at UC-Irvine. Includes Hypertext Book in Biodiversity and Conservation.
Course by M. Gilpin at the U of California - San Diego.
Includes the Soc. for Conservation Biology home page, the CCBN and education, and resources for students.
List of resources from Kent Holsinger's Home Page.
Site compiled and maintained by:
Carlos Lara-Moreno ® 1997, 1998
Last modified: Jan. 17, 1998