Lecture 16 from the "Introduction to Global Change-I" on-line course at the U of Michigan. Lecture discusses (among other topics): sources of genetic variation, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, mutation, gene-flow, drift, non-random mating and selection. "... the materials... are available here free of charge, but we request that you register with us [course authorities] and follow our usage guidelines."
Lecture outline by D. Bogler at the U of Texas-Austin.
Lecture notes (PS and MSWord format) by R. M. Bourdon and B. L. Golden at Colorado State Univ.
Course by W. Engels at the U of Wisconsin.
Course by S. Haley at South Dakota State Univ. (Lecture notes in PDF format).
Course by K. Holsinger at the U of Connecticut. (Lecture notes in PDF format).
Course by L. Leamy at the U of North Carolina-Charlotte.
From the "Intermediate Genetics Course", by P. McClean at North Dakota State Univ.
From the "Intermediate Genetics Course", by P. McClean at North Dakota State Univ.
Graduate course by S. Otto and M. Whitlock at the U of British Columbia, CA.
Course by T. Sluckin at the U. of Southampton, UK.
Course by A. Templeton at Washington Univ. - St. Louis. (Lecture notes in PDF format).
Educational materials by L. J. Waber at the U of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Includes lecture notes on basic concepts, problem sets, and lecture slides. Emphasis on human populations. From L. J. Waber's pages at the UTSMC. Materials can be freely used.
Course by B. Walsh, at the U of Arizona. Discusses topics such as selection, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, drift, and Quantitative Genetics, among others.
Course by M. Wooten at Auburn Univ.
From Piopio College, NZ. Discusses some basic Population Genetics concepts.
Document by A. Bucklin at the U of New Hampshire, Durham. (U.S. National Report to IUGG. Rev. Geophys. Vol. 33 Suppl., 1995). Document from the U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994.
Review by C. Colby. Document from the Talk.Origins Archive - Section of FAQ's on Evolution. This review briefly discusses many Population Genetics concepts (among other things), including genetic variation, linkage disequilibrium, non-random mating, natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, gene-flow, and a brief historical summary on the founders of theoretical Population Genetics.
Book chapter by W. R. Engels, at the Genetics Dpt., U of Wisconsin. Modified and updated from a chapter in "Transposable Elements", pp. 103-123. Eds. H. Saedler and A. Gierl. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1996. Document from Bill Engel's pages at the U of Wisconsin.
Review by D. B. Goldstein and D. D. Pollack. Document from L. L. Cavalli Sforza's Human Population Genetics lab pages at Stanford Univ.
Article by D. Hedgecock. (U.S. GLOBEC Newsletter; No. 6, April 1994). From the US GLOBEC Newsletters, at the US GLOBEC - Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics pages.
Review article by G. Kolata. (New York Times, Dec. 3, 1996). "This article discusses the origin of disease genes which occur with high frequency in [human] populations. It illustrates the principles of population genetics." Reprinted in L. J. Waber's pages at the U of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Essay by L. Moran. Document from the Talk.Origins Archive - Section of FAQ's on Evolution.
Essay by B. W. Murray at McMaster Univ., CA. Document from Brian Golding's pages at McMaster Univ., CA.
Lecture by S. Otto at the U of British Columbia, CA. Document from S. Otto's pages at the U of British Columbia, CA.
Essay by N. Saitou at the National Inst. of Genetics, Japan. (Japanese J. of Genetics, VOL. 69, No. 5, pp. 503-512, 1994). Document from Saitou Naruya's Home Page, at the National Inst. of Genetics, JP.
Article by G. P. Wagner. (Genetics 143: 617-619, 1996). Document from G. P.Wagner's home page, at the Center for Computational Ecology pages at Yale Univ.
Article by G. P. Wagner, M. D. Laubichler, and H. Bagheri-Chaichian. Unpublished. (1997). Document from G. P.Wagner's home page, at the Center for Computational Ecology pages at Yale Univ.
Essay by S. Wright. (Journal of Animal Science 46: 1192, 1978). Document from the Sewall Wright Institute of Quantitative Biology and Evolution, at the U of Wisconsin - Madison.
Introductory informational document on Conservation Genetics. Page from "The Natural History of Genes" Educational Site.
Research by the Metapopulation Group at the Division of Population Biology, Dpt. of Ecol. & Syst., U of Helsinki, FI.
"Peer-reviewed, electronic journal dealing with the theory and practice of QTL analysis [for plants]." Sponsored by the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and edited by Thomas Blake. From the Agricultural Genome Information System Web Site.
Papers and abstracts in PostScript and/or HTML format, available for downloading and viewing. Page from the Center for Computational and Experimental Genomics, U of Southern California.
Robert J. Robbins' collection of Genetics papers electronically available in PDF format. Includes G. H. Hardy's 1908 article: "Mendelian Proportions in a Mixed Population." Science, NS. XXVIII: 49-50. Page from the Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project.
By Fred Allendorf, at the U of Montana.
Includes links to pages of journals, software, and people and institutions involved in Population Genetics and Evolution.
The lab is "... a center for generating, collecting, storing, disseminating, and analyzing genetic data on the great human diaspora. This page contains information about the members of the Cavalli Lab and about their activities, including preprints, abstracts, and bibliographies."
Includes links to journals, institutions, and resources, and announcements of job opportunities, fellowships, and meetings.
Includes Michael Lynch & Bruce Walsh's forthcoming book: "Fundamentals of Quantitative Genetics" and links to software and resources.
Subdirectory of the Forestry WWW Virtual Library.
Software by Brian Kinghorn at the U of New England, AU.
By N. Tinker at McGill Univ., CA.
Tool for learning about the effects of inbreeding. Simulates a population with varying levels of inbreeding. "... The resulting simulated genotypes are displayed graphically... [and] simulated data can be output to a file and read directly into GDA." (Executable available for Windows 3.1 & Windows 95/NT). Software by Paul O. Lewis at the U of New Mexico. Only registration is required. (Register as if downloading GDA, but choose FSim at scroll list of programs).
"Simulates deterministic and stochastic Population Genetics processes in a one locus, two allele system". Executable available for Windows 3.1 & 95. Includes documentation files in WordPerfect 5.1, Word 6.0, and PS format. Program by Jouni Aspi, at the U of Oulu, Finland.
Includes simulation of Population Genetics processes. For details see a brief ("how to use") introduction to Populus, or a review (of program). Executable available for MS-DOS. Program by Don Alstad, at the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, U of Minnesota.
A "... simulation demonstrating the effects of selection, drift, mutation and migration on allele frequencies in a single-locus, two allele system..." Software by Keith F. Goodnight at the Keck Center for Computational Biology, TX.
"This is a one-locus, two-allele genetic simulation program for use by students". Includes C source code and executables for 386, 486 or Pentium, pre-386 DOS machines such as PC/AT's and PC/XT's and others. Simul8 was written by Joe Felsenstein, Hisashi Horino, Sean Lamont, and Bill Alford at the U of Washington. Program for Macintoshes (PopGen) modified by Mark Wells.
Tool for learning about the effects of genetic drift. "Successive generations of pure random mating are simulated, and the resulting increase in identity by descent of genes within populations is shown graphically... The simulated data can be output to a file and read directly into GDA." (Executable available for Windows 3.1 & Windows 95/NT). Software by Paul O. Lewis at the U of New Mexico. Only registration is required. (Register as if downloading GDA, but choose ThetaSim at scroll list of programs).
Document that reviews educational software and provides information on how to obtain it. Includes links and information of free and commercial software on Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, and other biological areas. By Eli Meir and the Biology Education Software Taskforce of the University of Washington.
"Graphical Windows 3.x program for the analysis of population genetic structure from molecular or conventional genetic data.." Available for Windows 3.x. Program by Laurent Excoffier, at the Dpt. of Anthropology & Ecology of the University of Geneva.
This is "... an exploratory population genetics software environment able to handle large samples of molecular data (RFLPs, DNA sequences, microsatellites), while retaining the capacity of analyzing conventional genetic data (standard multi-locus data or mere allele frequency data)." Executable available for Windows 3.1x/95 & Windows NT. Program by Laurent Excoffier et al, at the Dpt. of Anthropology & Ecology of the University of Geneva.
"Program for detecting recent effective population size reductions from allele data frequencies." Executables available for Windows 95. By Jean-Marie Cornuet, Gordon Luikart, and Sylvain Piry, at the INRA (National Institute for Agronomical Research), FR.
This is a "... data analysis program written to accompany Bruce Weir's book Genetic Data Analysis II. GDA can estimate hierarchical F-statistics and genetic distances, test for disequilibrium both within and among loci, and compute common descriptive statistics from discrete genetic (i.e., allelic) data." Executable available for Windows 3.1/95 & Windows NT. Only registration is required. Program by Paul O. Lewis and D. Zaykin at the U of New Mexico.
Software package for estimating Population Genetics parameters from DNA sequence data; by J. Rozas at the U of Barcelona, ES.
Package of programs for computing likelihoods for samples of data (DNA sequences and electrophoretic polymorphisms) from populations. Programs use coalescence theory, and estimate population parameters like effective population size, growth rate, and migration rate. Available in C source code, and as executables for Windows NT/95, Powermac. From the WWW-server in J. Felsenstein's Genetics lab at the U of Washington.
Software written by Kermit Ritland at the U of British Columbia, CA.
Includes "Relatedness 4.2", a program that estimates average genetic relatedness among groups and F-statistics, and "Kinship 1.2", a program that performs maximum likelihood tests of pedigree relationships between pairs of individuals in a population. Both distribution packages include the program, a manual in Microsoft Word 5.1 format, and a tutorial data set. Software by Keith F. Goodnight at the Keck Center for Computational Biology, TX.
Program "... designed... for the analysis of co-dominant and dominant markers using haploid and diploid data. POPGENE computes both comprehensive genetic statistics (e.g., allele frequency, gene diversity, genetic distance, G-statistics, F-statistics) and complex genetic statistics (e.g., gene flow, neutrality tests, linkage disequilibria, multi-locus structure)." Executable for Windows 3.11/95 and NT. Program by F. Yeh et al at the U of Alberta, CA.
"Windows program for the analysis of allozyme and molecular population genetic data. This program calculates descriptive statistics, genetic distances, and F-statistics. It also performs tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, exact tests for genetic differentiation, Mantel tests, and UPGMA cluster analyses." Executables available for Windows 3.1/95 and NT. By Mark P. Miller, at the Northern Arizona Univ.
Includes M. Slatkin's isolation by distance model (source code in C), R. Nielsen's program for analyzing microsatellite population samples (Power Mac executable), and B. Rannala's Maximum likelihood estimator of gene flow (source code in C and executable). E-mail registration solicited for some programs.
Course by J. Bell at California State Univ., Chico.
Lecture outline by D. Bogler at the U of Texas-Austin.
Course by P. J. Bottino, at the U of Maryland.
Course by Diane Mather at McGill Univ., CA.
Course by P. McClean, at North Dakota State Univ.
Course by B. Walsh, at the U of Arizona.
Chapter from the Biology Hypertextbook at the M.I.T.
By L. J. Waber at the U of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. From L. J. Waber's pages at the UT-SMC.
Includes links to courses and educational sites. List from ABCentral, by E. J. Inglis-Arkell.
Edition 97-1; February, 1997. Includes original version of G. Mendelīs 1865 paper, glossaries, notes, discussion questions, essays, and exercises. Site from the Brown University Netspace Project pages; created by R. B. Blumberg.
Educational project that provides teachers with genetic science activities and hands-on experiments to illustrate how DNA, genes, and chromosomes relate to disease, conservation, forensics and more.
On-line educational application for learning the principles of genetic inheritance. Part of the Electronic Desktop Project at the California State Univ., by R. A. Desharnais and G. Novak.
Robert J. Robbins' collection of papers related to the foundations of classical Genetics. Page from the Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project.
Related to the Human Genome project. Prepared by the Dpt. of Energy. From the Johns Hopkins Univ. Bionformatics Web Server.
Chapter from the Biology Hypertextbook at the M.I.T.
Educational project that illustrates many aspects of the Human Genome Project. Includes Hardy-Weinberg simulator.
Includes resources in DNA Science targeting several education levels.
Includes links to courses and educational sites for Molecular Genetics and Lab methods. List from ABCentral, by E. J. Inglis-Arkell.
Site compiled and maintained by:
Carlos Lara-Moreno ® 1997, 1998
Last modified: Jan. 17, 1998