Rikard Erlandsson
Published papers & Typescripts.

Made 1997-09-17. Latest change 98-10-20.

Published papers:

14. Wilson JF, Erlandsson R (1998): Sexing of human and other primate DNA. Biol Chem. 379:1287-1288.

13. Erlandsson R (1998): Molecular genetics of renal cell carcinoma [REVIEW]. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 104:1-18.

12. Zabarovsky ER, Kashuba VI, Gizatullin RZ, Winberg G, Zabarovska VI, Erlandsson R, Domninsky DA, Bannikov VM, Pokrovskaja E, Kholodnyuk I, Petrov N, Zakharyev VM, Kisselev LL, Klein G (1996): NotI jumping and linking clones as a tool for genome mapping and analysis of chromosome rearrangements in different tumors [REVIEW]. Cancer Detect Prevent, 20:1-10.

11. Zabarovsky ER, Kashuba VI, Pettersson B, Petrov N, Zachariev V, Gizatullin R, Lebedeva T, Bannikov V, Pokrovskaja E, Zabarovska V, Allikmets R, Erlandsson R, Domninsky D, Sumegi J, Stanbridge EJ, Winberg G, Uhlén M, Kisselev LL, Klein G (1994): Shot-gun sequencing strategy for long-range genome mapping: a pilot study. Genonics, 21:495-500.

10. Zabarovsky ER, Kashuba VI, Marcsek Z, Pokrovskaja ES, Zabarovska V, Kholodnyuk I, Erlandsson R, Sümegi J, Winberg G, Kisselev LL, Klein G: Molecular mapping of the human 3p region. In Contemporary research on renal cell carcinoma. Basic and clinical developments. Ed(s): Staehler G, Pomer S. (1994) pp 69-79. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

9. Boldog F, Arheden K, Imreh S, Strömbeck B, Szekely L, Erlandsson R, Marcsek Z, Sumegi J, Mitelman F, Klein G (1991): Involvement of 3p deletions in sporadic and hereditary forms of renal cell carcinoma. Genes Chromosom Cancer 3:403-406.

8. Zabarovsky ER, Boldog F, Erlandsson R, Kashuba VI, Allikmets RL, Marcsek Z, Stanbridge E, Sümegi G, Klein G, Winberg G (1991): New strategy for mapping of the human genome based on a novel procedure for constructing jumping libraries. Genomics 11:1030-1039.

7. Erlandsson R, Szpirer J, Islam MQ, Boldog F, Klein G, Ingvarsson S (1991): The most frequently lost allelic site in human renal cell carcinoma (D3F15S2) on the short arm chromosome 3 has homologous sequences on rat chromosome 8. Cytogenet Cell Genet 57:149-150.

6. Erlandsson R, Boldog F, Persson B, Zabarovsky ER, Allikmets RL, Sümegi J, Klein G, Jörnvall H (1991): The gene from the short arm of chromosome 3, at D3F15S2, frequently deleted in renal cell carcinoma, encodes acylpeptide hydrolase. Oncogene 6:1293-1295.

5. Zabarovsky ER, Boldog F, Thompson T, Scanlon D, Winberg G, Marcsek Z, Erlandsson R, Stanbridge EJ, Klein G, Sümegi J (1990): Construction of a human chromosome 3 specific NotI linking library using a novel cloning procedure. Nucleic Acids Res 18:6319-6324.

4. Erlandsson R, Bergerheim US, Boldog F, Marcsek Z, Kunimi K, Lin BY, Ingvarsson S, Castresana JS, Lee WH, Lee E, Klein G, Sümegi J (1990): A gene near the D3F15S2 site on 3p is expressed in normal human kidney but not or only at a severely reduced level in 11 of 15 primary renal cell carcinomas (RCC). Oncogene 5:1207-1211.

3. Boldog F, Erlandsson R, Klein G, Sumegi J (1989): Long-range restriction enzyme maps of DNF15S2, D3S2, and c-raf1 loci on the short arm of human chromosome 3. Cancer Genet Cytogenet 15:295-306.

2. Erlandsson R, Boldog F, Sümegi J, Klein G (1988): Do human renal cell carcinoma arise by a double loss mechanism? Cancer Genet Cytogenet 36:197-202.

1. Kovacs G, Erlandsson R, Boldog F, Ingvarsson S, Müller-Breclin R, Klein G, Sümegi J (1988): Consistent chromosome 3p deletion and loss of heterozygosity in renal cell carcinoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 85:1571-1575.


Bergerheim USR, Erlandsson R, Wang N, Klein G, Collins VP (1995): 5q allelic imbalance is an indipendent prognostic factor in RCC. Typescript 1996.

Engkvist H, Erlandsson R, Gyllensten U: Lack of MHC class II DQB variation in harbour seal (Phoca vitulina vitulina): A species highly susceptible to viral infections. Typescript 1997

Erlandsson R, Åkerblom Å, Smedby T, Ritter B, Gyllensten U, Olsson KS: Prevalence of the HFE C282Y mutation in hemochromatosis patients from the central of Sweden. Typescript 1997

Westerlund B, Erlandsson R, Svärd S, Joelsson T, Kirsebom L, Eaker D: The cloning and expression of a synthetic gene for notexin fused to thioredoxin. Typescript 1997