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Ottawa Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club

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17 June 2008

Update on the Dispersion of the OHPC Funds

In my letter dated 23 Apr 08, I informed you that a decision was made at the last AGM to disperse $8,000 of the funds of the OHPC to promote hang gliding and paragliding activities of our members. To be fair, it was decided that each of the twenty 2007 members would receive a voucher equal to $400 that could be applied against one of a number of candidate initiatives approved by the BoD. At that time, we asked members to submit candidate activities for consideration by the BoD. The BoD has compiled a list of the approved activities. Thank you for the members that did submit proposals.

In reviewing the proposals, it was clear that there was quite a bit of overlap between some of them. We have therefore consolidated those many proposals into five options.
Here they are:

1. Return the money to the OHPC treasury. In this option, the money simply returns to the OHPC bank account i.e. it does not go towards any of the other four proposals. If a member does not indicate otherwise by the deadline of 31 July 08, the BoD will assume that this is the option that the member has chosen.

2. Support Nik WellsteinÕs Towing Operation. Nik has gone to considerable effort to improve his land at BurrittÕs Rapid to give pilots a place to fly. Under this option, memberÕs voucher can be applied toward NikÕs operation whether it be site improvement, equipment procurement or support or any other associated initiative.

3. Support Jim ScoleÕs Aerotowing Operation. Jim purchased a tug last year to give some pilot a mean to get in the air without the need for a long tow field. Under this option, memberÕs voucher can be applied toward JimÕs operation whether it be site improvement, equipment procurement or support or any other associated initiative.

4. Support Siamak MardaniÕs Towing Operation. Siamak is continuing his tow operation this year. Under this option, memberÕs voucher can be applied toward SiamakÕs operation whether it be site improvement, equipment procurement or support or any other associated initiative.

5. Upgrade to Antoine ChabotÕs Winch. Antoine built a stationary winch in the past. This winch is in need of some upgrade to be fully operational. Under this option, memberÕs voucher can be applied towards the upgrade of this winch.

The BoD has decided to allow members to apply their voucher towards more than one option at their discretion. So you can break out you $400 towards any number of options. Note that Nik, Jim, Siamak and Antoine will have to provide some evidence to the BoD that the money is being used towards their operations.

You can send me your preferred option at andre.nadeau@rogers.com. Remember, the deadline is 31 July 2008.

Thank you and have a safe flying summer.

Andre Nadeau
President OHPC

Club History

Our past president, Mr. Shannon Suzuki, has written an article about the history of our club, and free flight in the Ottawa area. It is hoped that this will be a living document that will continue to chronicle our activities going forward. Thanks very much Shannon for putting this together.

Paul Morris 2008/06/17