
New Items are in Yellow but it's kinda dumb to make a few words here and a few words there coloured. So I'll just highlight important stuff.

My URL: http://welcome.to/araneus

Legend: White is foreground
Yellow is recent addition
Anything else is title or link of some kind.

Last updated (manual attempt) Nov 12, 2001Little moving spider

If you're looking for the ISP page, click here.

If you're stuck in a frame, click here.

Like many towns, this one is under construction. Also, this one is quite feeble and could crash your computer any second now...just kidding. But it is fragile, so handle with care. It is also a very quickly loaded page, (no intrusive javascript or excessive giffing here!) making it Lynx (text browser) friendly. In fact, this site is best viewed with Any Browser

You've come a long way to find out about me so here is some awesome info: I graduated from Computer Science at UBC. I now work at Crystal Decisions (formerly Seagate Software).

A couple of my pseudonyms are Araneus and Argiope. To answer the question before it's asked, go here to find out what I'm talking about. There are a lot of images here, so be prepared to wait for a bit. Clue (if you don't want to bother loading up the page on a modem)--you'll find a hint in this mystery in one of the animated gifs on this humble web page.

Stuff I like to do? Well, listening to computer music (in some form of MOD) is a hobby of mine. I'd like to compose, but haven't the time to learn how to track. My current choice of tracker is Impulse Tracker. Let me know if you want to walk me through it!

Recently, I got myself a midi keyboard that I play on...currently, it's more of a private piano to practice on, day or night, without worrying about waking people. Yamaha PSR 540 I have yet to connect it to my computer, but one day, when I can set aside the time for it, I will.

I like most types of music except for negative, headache music (ie. alternative and heavy metal). Generally, instrumental stuff is good. Words somewhat detract from the mood and ambience that a song can create. A few of my favourite pop groups of all time (at least the ones I can remember right now) are:

Here is a song that I taped from the radio around 1992, but I haven't heard it since. I was quite popular for a few months at the time. Send me an email if you've actually heard of it...

Real World - Throwing It All Away (name of song and group is kind of iffy)

lyrics and mp3

In the past year, I've gotten into progressive trance, with artists like Paul Oakenfold and Sasha/Digweed providing some good driving tunes.


Not everybody can handle large attachments in email, so this section is for them.

  • I Will Survive (funny alien singing it)--3 mb)
  • ShockwaveFlash animation of some pretty cool martial arts...by stick people.
  • Part 2 of the above animation, and with an interactive "shooting" game.
  • The next four might make some people squeemish. Basically movies of people who won't make the olympics.

  • Javelin event (590 kb)
  • Bronze medalist (640 kb)
  • Silver medalist (480 kb)
  • Gold medalist (850 kb)
  • FishTracker!

    One of my hobbies is keeping fish. At this point, I'm keeping fish that shouldn't be very fussy, namely angelfish, blue gouramis, and kribensis. They've all bred a few times, and I've had moderate success in raising the fry. If you want any babies, give me a shout :)


    MODs are a form of computer music. See the bookmark file above for links to MOD sites. Try Yahoo's MOD links to see what else out there. My favourite MODs are created by Elwood. See the MOD archive's Elwood links to find the module DeadLock.xm, one of the only MODs that I don't get tired of listening to.

    I wish I had the space for MODs, but my disk quota is limited. Email me if you have any exceptional ones that I should hear or if you want any recommendations.


    There aren't that many cartoons that can combine a great plot with a great soundtrack and contain a theme of morality like the ones below:

    Nausicaa is a wonderful film about a girl who tries to save the world. It involves a world whose most dominant inhabitants are insects (although the main characters are people).

    Laputa is another film vaguely familiar to Gulliver's Travels (although the stories don't really have anything to do with each other). Laputa is the city in the sky that a girl seeks, after hearing stories about it from her father.

    For a few more films that also directed by Hayao Miyazaki, go to here.

    People I know...

    Here's the mandatory Friends section.

    Some sites you might find interesting

    Sound file sources

    No, you won't find any mp3 sites here. These are sound archives, which means if you're looking for a dog barking, or a train whistle, you might find it here.
  • Index of /multimed/sounds/
  • Index of /pub/multimedia/sun-sounds/
  • SunSITE Home Page
  • Index of /multimedia/
  • Computer Music Sites

    Christian Links

    Music Sites

  • Technology news

    Internet Information

    Wanna find out about Vancouver?

    Hobby links

    Here's your chance to tell me how much this web page sucks: Mail me at tichu@my-deja.com

    It's interesting--I never mentioned my full name once in this entire document (well, unless you've looked at the source :) ). But really, it's unlikely that you'll even have this URL without knowing my name. I mean, how many net searches will turn up a personal home paage? But here it is, anyways. Introducing, the one and only (okay, I've disproven this with a net search, but for dramatic effect) Timothy Chu.

    A bunch of (webcounter doesn't work) people have visited my home since July 3, 1997. 1000 visitors happened some time between Feb and March 1999.

    Geocities web counter is the number of people since I joined Geocities (October, 1999) (but this counter resets itself once in a while)