Welcome to my professional site!

I'm very glad that you made it this far . . . I hope that in this very initial version I can give you a basic view of my activity.

You can also visit some aditional pages I have for specific matters as:

* Teaching and Divulgating Optics

* Some Aspects of my Daily Life (opinions, neighbourhood, artistic and non-professional activities, family etc.) In portughese.

. My Background
.....I was born in La Plata City, capital of Buenos Aires Province in Argentina in 1948.I studied and worked at La Plata University until reaching the Ph.D. in Physics, under orientation of Dr. Mario Garavaglia, who later created CIOP. I was invited in 1975 to join the staff of the Physics Institute, Campinas State University-UNICAMP, at Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. This was certainly because I started doing holography in 1969, which was a very exciting and new technique in Latin America.

After working in metrology by laser light since many years, I went back to work in imaging because I found a very interesting phenomena hidden within common white-light holograms: The encoding of depth by spectral diffraction.

It gave me the feeling that many things can be developed by just using white light. That holography was not so far from photography as we thought, and that diffraction under white light, a phenomena that happens in the color of butterflies, is not completely studied and understood in science.

A natural complement to this experiences was the diffractive screen, an already knowm element, but never before employed under white light. By projecting on it the diffraction encoded images, goggless viewing of images in continuous horizontal parallax was possible.

We obtained in 1988 all the fundamental results allowing high quality projection directly from an object, projection of diffraction encoded photographs, a TV goggless stereo projector and, two years later, the enlarging of a Leith-Upatnieks hologram from a 35mm frame of film. We employed screens 15cm wide and 30cm high, made of embossed material. This size could only be increased by working on AGFA film 30cm x 40cm and, in 1993, we reached the largest size, thanks to the collaboration of Dr. P.M. Boone   at Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Belgium.

* If you want more information, you can read (in Portughese) my résumé histórico resumido or its extended version histórico completo.

I will do my best to resume more than 26 years of professional activity. Now that no more large size (larger than 10 cm x 12 cm) holographic film is produced in the world (see the page of HoloNet if you did not visited yet) , I think  that  it is important to show first how we succeeded in enlarging holograms UNDER WHITE LIGHT from the very practical format of 35mm film to a 0.75m (H) x 1.14m (V) diffractive screen. This technique can provide HOLOGRAPHIC CINEMATOGRAPHYandECONOMY OF FILM..

Now please know about:

The enlarging of holograms (clik on this title)


Towards electronic holoimages

By cliking on the title you can know my work on electronic images, very close to holographic TV, which I develop with profesors Paulo Licio deGeus, Cândido Xavier de Mendonça Neto. You will find basic information on this  subject in "HOLOGRAPHIC TV PROTOTYPES", and in the thesis of 1998 of our former student Émerson.
As an introduction, read a thesis made in 1994  , another in 1998, and an article. published in 2.000, both are the starting point for this application.

You can also read our article presented at the meeting  "SIBGRAPI 96" .

Or you can get my article "The use of Diffractive Screens for Electronic Imaging"(hodic.pdf   357 kb), presented at a Holographic Displays Artists and Engineers Club-HODIC meeting, Japan, september 1997, published in their report V17 N1.  Or see our last article.

Holoprojection by a horizontal lens
A way of projecting objects which gives perfect "holo" appearence to the images was discovered by Prof. Lunazzi in 1989. The scene is bright, has movement, the projector is compact, and the screen 15 cm (H) x 30 cm  can be produced in industrial quantity.

Double diffraction white-light images
We invented a new kind of images which, without a lens or whitout it as a main element, white-light images are generated having new properties. One of this properties is the reversing of depth. Although not having direct application already, our work is useful to better understand holoimages and may also help to better develop the theory of the spaceship telescope, a project which is being developed in USA. It is remarkable that the experiences can be made with so common elements as digital disks (CDs, DVDs, SDVDs)

To make holography under white light

Should be the dream of any holographer. Since it was invented by Gabor, holography was conceived as a purely monochromatic technique and is only registered under laser light nowadays. The visualisation of holograms under white light was possible by techniques of monocromatisation:  wether by intrinsic filtering technique  (after Denisyuk, isolated inventor of holography), or by spatial vertical distribution of wavelentghts (Benton). Some attempts were made to register under white light, but no successful technique is known to be applied.  It seems now that the holographic community no longer thinks on that possibility. The diffracting encoding of depth allowed Dr. Lunazzi to make his own proposal, published already in 1990, which is based on that principle and on the addition of the interferencial registering of wavelength on photographic film, like in Lippmann photography.

Development of images with three-dimensional visualization by using classic techniques, until reaching the elimination of the need of special goggles or any visual aid, by means of the diffractive ("holographic") screen.  See a first sample by cliking on title.

Aplications in odontology

We made two kinds: holograms for storage of dental casts (year 1993), and holographic interferometry of skulls under deformation bt orthodontic appliances (1.999- ).


Some conexions to holography in the Web







Holography in Russia

Discussion list on holography in Italy (english and italian)

In Brazil:
VIDECOM Alto nivel em holografia artística

Na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerães
  • Mi electronic address: lunazzi @ ifi.unicamp.br  
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  • My telephone numbers are now (55) 19  3521-2451, secretary 3521-2452, 3521-4145 (also fax by solicitating or to the seven ring). If you want to know about our Optics Laboratory at UNICAMP, click here,  and in that site you could also know about most of the researcher in optics of the country. 

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