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Name : Dilip Karunakaran Tekkedil
Age : 25
Education : M. S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Interests : Computers, Astronomy, Physics... In fact, anything technical.

SCARY, ISN'T IT….!!!!!???
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That's me!

That isn't me!


Hey…. Don’t run away…. Let me tell you more about myself!

Well… I come from a small town called Nileshwar in the Kasaragod District of Kerala, India. I completed my B. Tech from the Government College of Engineering, Kannur. I've done my schooling at the Indian School, Bahrain and my M. S. at the University of Toledo (Go Rockets!!!) ,. At present I am working for Santok Software Solutions Ltd. as a software engineer.

Quite calm by nature, I tend to lose control when I see someone having what I believe to be a DREAM system! Then again… speaking philosophically… a dream system is merely a concept generated by my mind that changes as frequently as Intel (Sorry you Mac lovers out there I'm a PC fan) loses a court battle!

Okay.. Okay.. Let me get serious… Now, for those interested in learning, check out the study…. I've tried to index the topics well so that you can access the right piece of information that you require (Something that's a mirage in today's Web World!). When completed, I hope to link the study to hundreds of web sites... But for the time being ( ..and that could be a long time...), please bear with me..!

Personally, my favourite topics include quantum physics, especially that stuff about the "time-space continuum"…. Not that I know much about it… just that it feels good to make new theories about things that I don't know.

Now that you've met me... step into my house and make yourself at home.
Kick off your shoes and off you go to...
To the Entrance

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Last updated on 3rd July, 2000
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