Film Images

Hale Bopp thumbnail

Comet Hale-Bopp. Taken with Fuji SG400+ Exposure 2 min. 15 sec. March 11th around 5:30 AM
© S. R. Rackley IV - Mar. 1997
All Rights Reserved

Hale Bopp thumbnail

Comet Hale-Bopp. Taken with Fuji SG400+ Exposure 2 min. March 12th around 5:00 AM
© S. R. Rackley IV - Mar. 1997
All Rights Reserved

Perigee Moon thumbnail

Moon at Perigee 3/8/1993
© S. R. Rackley IV - Mar. 3, 1993
All Rights Reserved

Hyakutake thumbnail

Hyakutake 3/23/1996
© S. R. Rackley IV - Mar. 23, 1996
All Rights Reserved

Lunar eclipse thumbnail

Lunar eclipse 11/28/1993
© S. R. Rackley IV - Nov. 28, 1993
All Rights Reserved

Lunar eclipse thumbnail

Lunar eclipse between the Pleiades and the Hyades star clusters 11/28/1993
© S. R. Rackley IV - Nov. 28, 1993
All Rights Reserved

Orion thumbnail

Orion area 11/18/1998 Taken with a 28 mm lens
© S. R. Rackley IV - Nov. 18, 1998
All Rights Reserved

Orion thumbnail

Orion area 11/18/1998 Taken at F/5 with an 11.7 mm fish eye
© S. R. Rackley IV - Nov. 18, 1998
All Rights Reserved

Orion thumbnail

Orion area 11/18/1998 Taken at F/5 with an 11.7 mm fish eye
There was a slight haze in the sky when this shot was taken
© S. R. Rackley IV - Nov. 18, 1998
All Rights Reserved

© S. R. Rackley IV

All Rights Reserved

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