Alan's Patent Search Page
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If you're conducting a Patent Search yourself, I suggest
you first check out the Manual
of Classfication, or the Index
of Classification at STO's
Patent Search System or at your library to get a list of the possible
classes and subclasses under which your idea might be classified. After
you compile a list of class/subclass codes, then get
a list of patent titles using class/subclass codes. You can also search
by keywords at some places, but doing this may give you a list that misses
some patents. When you search lists by Class/Subclass, you should usually
start searchng with the most likely classfications.
Classifications change. If you have an old list of classifictations,
you might need to update it.
Once you have a list of patents in the most likely classificatons,
identify those which may have your idea(s) based on the names. Note: the
vague names may disquise a lot of ideas. I suggest you check those out
too, if in doubt. The IBM Patent
Server has great search capabilties. Here, you can search by word(s)*
or by patent number.
The CNIDR advanced
search page has search fields of nearly everything except the body
of the patents.
*You can isolate the search words to the following fields:
Inventor, Assignee, Title, Abstract, Claims, and/or Agent.
When searching by patent number, I prefer the IBM
patent number search since you can also get images of the patent and
expiration status.
Translation &;Optimization's (STO) Internet Patent Search System
by Greg Aharonian A great place for documents on patents and PTO info.
IBM Patent Server
U.S. Patent
Search Service (only abstracts)
United States Patent
and Trademark Office WWW Page & FTP
(including Manual of Patent Examining
Procedures and
Trademark Manual of Examining Procedures)
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