Fossil Collections of the World

The Rail

Minor revision started December 1997: see what's happening at this site

Contents - latest news and links

History of Fossil Collecting

Expanding section please email any sites for consideration

Geology and the Fossil Record Joseph's Geology Page: fossilisation JDP

Cambrian UCSB Adam Sedgwick 1830's
Ordovician UCSB Charles Lapworth 1879
Silurian UCSB Sir Roderick Impey Murchison 1835
Devonian UCSB Sedgwick and Murchison 1839
Carboniferous UCSB
(Mississippian and Pennsylvanian)
Wm. Conybeare and Wm. Phillips
Ayer Company Publishers
Permian UCSB Sir Roderick Impey Murchison 1840
Triassic UCSB Frederich von Alberti 1834
Jurassic UCSB Alex. von Humboldt ??? 1795
Cretaceous UCSB Omalius d'Halloy 1822
Tertiary UCSB from Arduino. Used by Sir Charles Lyell 1832
Quaternary ??? Jules Desnoyers 1829

Many of these sites are considered Lagerstätten or motherlode areas of fossils

any submissions/suggestions/corrections email me

Pre-Cambrian 700 Ediacara Hills South Australia
Pre-Cambrian Sirius Passer Northern Greenland
Cambrian 530 Burgess Shale British Columbia, Canada
Cambrian 525 Chengjiang Yunnan Province, China
Silurian - Ordovician Silurian-Ordovician Wales and the Marches
Devonian 386 Falls of the Ohio State Park Indiana, USA
Devonian 370 Hunsrückschiefer Germany
Pennsylvanian 300 Mazon Creek Illinois, USA
Jurassic 190 Holzmaden Württemberg, Germany
Jurassic 150 Solnhofen Limestone Bavaria, Germany
Jurassic Morrison Formation Colarado, USA
Jurassic 213 Jurassic Coastline Dorset, England
Cretaceous Badlands
N. and S. Dakota, USA
Alberta, Canada
Cretaceous Judith River Group South-Eastern Alberta, Canada
Upper Cretaceous 65 Hell Creek Formation N. and S. Dakota, Montana, USA
Cretaceous Pierre Shale
Eocene Barton Clay Hampshire, England
Eocene 50 Green River Formation Western USA
Eocene 49 Messel Oil Shale Hessen, Germany
Miocene 10 Ashfall Fossil Beds Nebraska, USA
Riversleigh and Naracoorte E. Australia
Holocene 0.02 Rancho La Brea California, USA

more classic UK sites

Famous Fossils

Famous Fossil Collections

Important People in Fossil Collecting

any submissions email me


I am looking for more collectors with images on their web pages.
Submit your page, submit a friend's page or a page you just happen to like.
Any submissions/suggestions email me
Greg's Fossil Page Little Stave Creek dig, Alabama; Mesosaur dig, Selma Alabama; Triceratops, Red Bird and Mule Creek Junction Wyoming from Greg Livaudais
Itano Family Fossil Collection Wayne Itano's fossils from Maryland and Colorado
Prem's fossil gallery Beneath the Calamites Tree
Prem Subrahmanyam's Trilobites, Graptolites, Plants, etc.
Fossil Hunter Collecting sites, links and good info for fossil hounds and other rock geeks from Mike Perona
Per Hansson's Trilobite Gallery Per Hansson's trilobites from Sweden
Kevin's Trilobite Page Trilobite images, links, references and more from Kevin Brett
The Semi-Compleat Trilobite
Trilobite images by A. Macrae's page
Paleontology Page
Geology Page
Useful links from Joseph Hall at Geocities
Fossils from Eduardo Jawerbaum Collection Eduardo Jawerbaum's fossils from Argentina
Fossil Freak's Guide to the Universe Fossil freak's page at GeoCities with more links
British Fossil Flora and Fauna
Tom Levinson's page
Oyvind Hammer's Fossil Collection (Norway)
Norwegian fossils from Oyvind Hammer
Bosco's Rockpile Gallery
Six fossil images: by Bosco
Gateway Country Fossils
Fossils of the late Cretaceous formations of Gateway County, SE Alberta by Shane Leuck
Kato's Mineral Fossil Collection Kato, a collector in Japan. Extensive collection (and it's getting bigger) of mineral and fossil images
Johnathan Campbell fossil preparator Johnathan Campbell: fossil preparator at N. Dakota Geological Survey
Dimitri Komatitsch's fossil page
Trilobite from Ontario, Mastodon teeth, cephalopod from Iowa by Dimitri Komatitsch
Sally May's Fossil Page links
Ammonites and fossils Jurassic fossils from Whitby, N. Yorkshire by fosshunt
Chris Saetti's Fossil Gallery Chris Saetti's fossil images from the Columbus Ohio and Caesar Creek areas

Fossil Taxa

This section has grown and is now a seperate page - Fossil Taxa

Links to Links


Fossil and Mineral Shops



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last updated 27 December 1997