Charlie's Blog #133: Zen?


Once again I will commit the error of thinking I understand something about Zen. This time at least I know I'm probably in error, or at the very least lacking in my understanding. I'm reading "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" by Shunryu Suzuki. Enough said? ;-)

It seems that true Zen practice is anything done sincerely and without pretense. Anything you do purely just to do it, for itself, with no thought of doing it for the benefit of anyone, or so that anyone else can see you doing it -- the secret hope being that they will then think more highly of you. Completely without pretense. Completely sincerely. A few examples I can think of off the top of my head of things I think most people do with complete sincerity and completely without pretense:

So I think the idea with Zen is to try to do everything with this spirit, this degree of sincerity and lack of pretense. To try to live life this way. It sounds like wu wei: to act without acting. To take action without being an actor. Sounds like a good way to live.

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