Shuttle trivial pursuit

Click here to see the shuttle's Feb 17 2000 picture of SFHS and JPL!
  1. What is NASA's web site?

  2. The current shuttle mission is STS-99. What does STS stand for?

  3. Who on the crew is not from the United States?

  4. What does SRTM stand for?

  5. What location is featured in the images of February 17?

  6. What does the "flycast maneuver" refer to?


  7. What day of the mission is today?

  8. What time did they blast off?

  9. Why is there a "blue team" and a "red team"?

  10. What is the orbital altitude?

  11. Do you think this is higher or lower than usual?

  12. What is the orbital inclination (the angle the shuttle crosses the equator)? (in degrees)

  13. What sort of Radar is used to make the 3D maps?

  14. When is the shuttle scheduled to return?