
Definition: A binary googol. 1 with 1000000002 (256) zeros after it, base 2.

Formal Definition: 228 = 2256 = 115 792 089 237 316 195 423 570 985 008 687 907 853 269 984 665 640 564 039 457 584 007 913 129 639 936 ≈ 1077.

See also goobi.

Note: Pronounced "boo-g'l". The alternative name, bigol ("bee-g'l"), is less likely to be pronounced right from the spelling. 256 is the power of 2 that, when an exponent of 2, is closest to a googol.

Author: Paul E. Black

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Historical Note
I made this up for fun on 17 March 2004, while riding the number 58 bus to work.

Entry modified Thu Jun 24 12:33:03 2004.
HTML page formatted Mon Jun 6 09:29:10 2005.

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Paul E. Black, "boogol",