Why are all three deferent subject forming the same geometrical shapes? All three are form by the gluons. All three are formed by the gluons in it’s unrecorded state. All three is formed by the gluons that is smeared out over space and time. All three are formed by the gluon while in there state of uncertainty. All three are formed when the gluon has acquired the ability to curve. Do all gluons chose to express their self’s in the same manner? Are they all basically alike . Do they all do the same thing? Are gluon just like gluon? Now if this is a true statement. This is why we see these shapes through the Hubble telescope and the same shapes in optics. One only has to wonder about the shape that gluons chose to make when they form the bubbles of partials. What I’m talking about is the proxy waves formed by the photon,( carriers of the election ) . The particles that is responsible for the bubble like shape of matter. After you see all of the anatomy (all the body parts ) of a Einstein Rosen Bridge. You find out that they would be much more common place as building block of matter than a short cuts to the stars. But knowing this will probably be the way that we find out how to travel to the stars. What we need to go to the stars is a bubble. A baby Universe. Which is the same thing as a very large gluon. After you see all the parts of a worm hole and what they are like. It doesn’t take much more to see how you can make a bubble using there function and shape. All man needs to see this is just take one more step from where he is at right now. All he needs to do is bridge the information gap between what he knows now ,to get to where nature is. I’ve known this for a year now. Back in the early spring of 1999 is when I took the pictures that I’m about to posting. I nearly fail out of my set when I read the article on “ NEGATIVE ENERGY , WORM HOLES and WARP DRIVE “ January, 2000 issue of Scientific American by Lawrence H. Ford and Thomas A. Roman . What they got right about their story is that if you saw a worm hole you would not see the mouth of a vortex, what you would see is a spherical opening. And on page 49 they state “(This diagram is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional space. The mouths and throat of the wormhole are actually spheres.” ( mouths are two dimensional and spheres are three definitional, get the ideal?) But they fail to show just how that is so. They got the throat part right . They got the thin band in the middle of the throat part right. But they left out the disk in the center of the ring out and the tear drop shape that rest on the inside of the throat and mouth that grows on in to the shape of a sphere .

The hyper parabolic function of a vortex mouth to mouth is a sphere. They don’t have the physical proof that gluon that are extended in time and space have the ability to perform a hyper parabolic function of it’s self. I do. This is also the physical proof that Ed Witten needs to prove String theory and Kaku needs to prove Hyperspace theory. It all fits in together. I spent the rest of the year trying to find out how to take the complete shape ( all the parts and its function )of the Einstein Rosen bridge . And use them as building blocks of nature. Just like the little building blocks that kids use to build toys with. And build a gluon. It is fashioned after the globular singularity as seen in nature. The costic sheets of light that I ‘m studying. The hyper parabolic function of a double decker doughnut, or the shape of a gluon.

You know you have the right shape when this compound complex shape has every thing it takes to make all the pieces fit together like a glove to your hand. And what I mean by all the pieces of the puzzle is unite General Relativity with String theory and Ten Dimensional Hyperspace theory . That can use the same blue prints ( game plain or shape ), to predict the gluon and the glueballs , and still be able to find a way to use the info to build a UFO out of it. In the same way that every technical advanced civilizations has built theirs. The shape has to be right one. The only ones that know how this is done is the ones that are already doing it Nature and Little Green Men. Man is just not smart enough. The only way that he will be able to find out is if some one tells him the answer. Even I was not smart enough, I was given the answers in picture form by nature. Hubble telescope, and Costic sheets of light influenced by matter is the only two places know by man that he can turn to find physical evidence of wormholes. But costic sheets of light is the only place to turn to find the more complex shape of the gluon. The double Decker doughnut. Which in the end transforms in to a single bubble. But can also form the shape of a double bubble. The glueball. Knowing what the right geometrical shape is like winning half the battle. Knowing what is geometrically function able is also mathematically correct In order for thing to work the way that they do . The universe would have to be composed of three deferent parallel worlds in which they are events that are happing in each them But the only one of them is real to us, Only one of the three can be detected This is a very misleading statement . This has nothing to do with you having a twin sister in some parallel universe. I’m not talking about people or the towns they live in. I’m talking about a bubble, a three dimensional shape , a sphere. Two dimensional membrane expressing itself as a three dimensional sphere can not function as a periodical system. Sphere are like a singularity , a point. Points don’t have any moving parts. They are as if they are frozen in time . they can’t be related in time . They have no moving parts. There three worlds working as if it is one in which we live. (1) One is expressed as when you put two mouths of a vortex together . The hyper parabolic function is that of a bubble . But it is not related in time . It’s just there . It is not a periodical system. This is where the effects of gravity come from. We have six dimension of space that form the two three dimensional shapes, of the two deferent mouths of each vortex‘s. This is the six dimensions needed to form the negative energy that forms around matter, The positive energy of the bubble, the three dimension needed to form the world in which we live. If that was all there was to it we wouldn’t be here . (2) The other world in whish we live is related in time. For this to happen the positive energy of the bubble would have to have a structure on the in side. It would have to be built in a way or shape that could be related in time. Having six dimensions of negative energy of space as gravitational membranes on the inside of the three dimension of positive space , or energy . And it all would have to be related in one dimension of time The inside shape or structure of the sphere is that of two , three dimensional doughnut , giving it six dimension of negative energy to form gravitational membranes. One, on top of the other. Which the hyper parabolic function is that of a double bubble. It has two bubbles ,but they are connected together as one three dimensional shape, and the energy of the bubble on the inside would be backwards in time in relationship to us and would have a negative charge. Making it as if it did not exists. The world in which we live is that of a positive three dimensional bubble. But also ran but not seen is a world which is made of six dimensions of negative space not related in time on the outside . And a another world which is made of six dimensions of negative energy of space on the inside that is related in time . Points are singularity's. also are rings, doughnuts and bubbles. If they are all singularity's and it act like a hole then how can it be related in time? It should be acting like a point . Which is true. It in the way that it is built. The shape as a hole has to be looked at . Doughnuts are not shaped like a sphere. Two doughnuts don’t look like a sphere either. The doughnuts like inverse vortex’s have body parts on them in the form of ring singularity's. The bridge has a ring singularity at the lips of each mouth and one around the middle of the throat or neck. The ring singularities form at deferent palaces around it’s shape. If you look at where the rings are forming on the bridge( the vortex’s ) and where the vortex shapes are forming on the doughnut .You can find out where the ring singularity's are forming at on the doughnuts. Now, there is a vortex like shape that forms between the two matting sides of the two doughnuts, it is a like a ring shaped vortex. This ring shaped vortex also has ring type of singularity's connected to it. But they lay flat with the shape of the two doughnuts. Ring shaped type of doughnuts required that they rings form in a deferent way . But they are still rings, all the same. What would be a point forming in the middle of the disk in the throat of traditional, complete, vortex , in the ring shaped vortex it would be a ring On the doughnuts the singularity's always form as a rings, fixed to the sides of the doughnut in one way or the other. But in the hyper parabolic function of the doughnuts the singularity can be points or rings. When every there is a ring singularity that forms on the doughnut , there is a singularity that forms in it’s hyper parabolic function . Step for step, singularity for singularity the info moves around the system. The membranes do not move them self's. The info move down the membranes like a wave moves across a pond of water. the water in the point did not move it only transmitted the info from one point to the next. If you start at the ring in the top doughnut you will see what I’m talking about . The doughnut has a ring , the ring is forming a point on the inside of it. the if you move down you see that the ring moves on to form the shape, of part of the doughnut (doughnuts are singularity) , in turn the shape of the doughnut forms the shape of a sphere. ( which is also a singularity .) Singularity for singularity, inch for inch. Pound for pound. Then if you follow thing on around, the shape of the doughnut move on to form the shape of a ring , in turn the inside function forms a ring also .Then every thing moves to the out side .