

Os web sites relacionados (ou quase!) com a mais bela das ci�ncias.


 Centros de Pesquisa/Observat�rios

Instituto de Astronomia, Geof�sica e Ci�ncias Atmosf�ricas da USP (USP/IAG)

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (MCT/INPE)

Observat�rio Nacional (MCT/ON)
Laborat�rio Nacional de Astrof�sica (MCT/LNA)

European Southern Observatory (ESO - La Silla, Chile)

Observat�rio do Valongo (UFRJ/Departamento de Astronomia)

NASA Orbital Debris Observatory



 Astronomia Estelar, Gal�ctica e Extragal�ctica

Universe's end frozen in time

The ABC's of Distances

A new way to find distance of gamma-ray bursts

Sun is mostly iron, not hydrogen, professor says

The Resurgent Sun


Instrumenta��o profissional e amadora

Homenagem a Leonel Vianello

Telesc�pio Rob�tico UC Santa Barbara (EUA)
C�mera Infravermelho do LNA
Large Telescopes

Constru��o de uma C�mera de Schmidt

Where no Telescope Has Gone Before

Giant 'eyeball' brings mega-telescope closer to reality

Collimating Newtonian Optics

World's largest telescope creates a virtual star

Advanced camera will give Hubble new view of Universe


Sistema Solar

The Nine Planets (Em Portugu�s - Desatualizado)
NASA Captures News Images of the face on Mars
Comet Borrelly Revealed
Meteorites Don't Pop Corn

What Lurks in the Outer Solar System?

Comet Observation Home Page
Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Moon

The Perfect Dust Storm Strikes Mars

Ancient drainage basin became aquifer on Mars

Dashing through the Snows of Io

Halley's Comet Bits and Pieces

Bright Asteroid

Tool for first comet orbiter will examine escaping gases

Sunlight may nudge asteroids toward Earth

Scientists apply knowledge of Earth to study Europa

The Real Lord of the Rings

Moon's heart melted, say lunarLove numbers

Team plots a faster path to Pluto for robotic probe


Planetas Extrasolares e Cia

Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia
Wandering Mystery Planets?
Getting a close-up view of planetary birth
Astr�nomos procuram Machos

Astronomers discover extrasolar planet 'cousins' 

Atmosphere detected around planet orbiting nearby star

Alien Atmospheres

Planet around the star Vega suggested in dust swirl

First steps in terrestrial planet formation observed?

New discoveries raise hopes for exoplanet searches

Looking for life's imprint -- light years away



ORION Nuclear Pulse Vehicle - Project Orion: Its Life, Death, and Possible Rebirth (Encyclopedia Astronautica)
Antimatter and Fusion for rocket propulsion

Flying saucer model use laser as energy source

Soviet Manned Lunar Projects Part 1 - parte da Encyclopedia Astronautica

Go Taikonauts! - An Unofficial Chinese Space Website
Previsor de Visibilidade de Sat�lites Artificiais (Heavens Above)

NASA prepares to launch space tether experiment

Buzz Aldrin, Purdue engineers plan Mars hotels

Tractors, Satellites, and Pickup Trucks

Richard Nakka�s Experimental Rocketry Web Site 


O dedo de Galileu
Albergue Lua Cheia, Natal (RN), Brasil
Portrait of Sir William Herschel
Bad Astronomy
IKONOS view of Manhattan
Energia At�mica (Excelente!)
Portal Militar
Navios de Guerra Brasileiros